A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (2024)

Mario Bossler
TH Nuremberg, IAB, IZA, LASER
TH Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm (TH Nuremberg), Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), and Labor and Socio-Economic Research Center of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (LASER). Address: TH Nuremberg, Kesslerplatz 12, 90489 Nuremberg, Germany, πŸ–‚mario.bossler@th-nuernberg.de.
  Lars Chittka
German Statistical Office (Destatis), Address:Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany,πŸ–‚Lars.Chittka@destatis.de.
  Thorsten Schank
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz (JGU Mainz), Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), and Labor and Socio-Economic Research Center of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (LASER). Address: JGU Mainz, Jakob-Welder-Weg 4, 55128 Mainz, πŸ–‚schank@uni-mainz.de.
We gratefully acknowledge comments from David Card that helped us to choose the title as as well as comments received at the 4th Scientific Workshop of the German Minimum Wage Commission in Berlin and from seminars at the IAB Nuremberg, JMU Wuerzburg, and JGU Mainz.

(May 2024)


We present the first empirical evidence on the 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage, implemented in 2022, raising it from €9.82 to €10.45 in July and to €12 in October. Leveraging the German Earnings Survey, a large and novel data source comprising around 8 million employee-level observations reported by employers each month, we apply a difference-in-difference-in-differences approach to analyze the policy’s impact on hourly wages, monthly earnings, employment, and working hours. Our findings reveal significant positive effects on wages, affirming the policy’s intended benefits for low-wage workers. Interestingly, we identify a negative effect on working hours, mainly driven by minijobbers. The hours effect results in an implied labor demand elasticity w.r.t. the employment volume of βˆ’0.170.17-0.17- 0.17 which only partially offsets the monthly wage gains. We neither observe a negative effect on the individual’s employment retention nor the regional employment levels.

JEL Classification: J38, J31, J21
Keywords: Minimum wage, labor market effects, empirical evaluation, Germany

1 Introduction

The German minimum wage has been a subject of significant interest and debate since its introduction in 2015 at a nominal rate of €8.50, see \citeABaumann2024 for a review. Over time, the minimum wage has undergone gradual increases, eventually reaching €9.82 at the beginning of 2022. However, these adjustments primarily kept pace with rising price levels and overall wage developments in the economy, resulting in the minimum wage remaining relatively constant in real terms. This tendency changed in the aftermath of the 2021 general election when a substantial 22 percent increase was implemented in 2022, raising the minimum wage to €10.45 in July and further to €12 in October. This rise to the highest PPP-adjusted minimum wage level within the European Union presents an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the effects of this substantial wage policy which affected about 4.4 million jobs (14 percent of the workforce in the public sector).

The interest in this research stems from the pivotal role of the minimum wage policy in addressing income disparities and enhancing the economic well-being of low-wage workers. Advocates believe that raising the minimum wage can significantly improve the standard of living for vulnerable segments of the workforce, reduce wage and income inequality, and boost worker productivity. Conversely, skeptics express concerns about potential negative repercussions, such as reduced employment opportunities due to increased personnel costs for employers. In this article, we present the first empirical evaluation of the 2022 German minimum wage increase, focusing on its implications for hourly wages, monthly earnings, employment, and working hours. Leveraging data from the newly designed Earnings Survey, which captures around 8 million employee-level observations from a representative sample of establishments each month in 2022, we employ a difference-in-difference-in-differences approach to isolate the causal effects of the minimum wage increase.

Our findings reveal significant positive impacts on both hourly and monthly wages following the implementation of the minimum wage hike. Low-wage workers experience tangible improvements in their earnings, affirming the intended positive impact of the policy on their economic well-being. Importantly, the employment retention rate shows no significant changes, suggesting that firms effectively adapted to the higher labor costs without resorting to employment reductions.

However, an interesting observation emerges concerning working hours, for which we identify a negative effect. We find a significant reduction in working hours in particular for the group of minijobbers, which are most severely affected by the minimum wage increase. This trade-off between wage gains and reduced hours partially offsets the overall positive wage effect when considering monthly earnings, unraveling a nuanced interplay between the minimum wage policy and the labor incomes of employees.

Our findings complement those of the literature on the 2015 minimum wage introduction. There is common consent in the existing literature regarding positive wage effects of the minimum wage Duetschetal. (2024), which has been contributing to the decline in wage inequality Bossler andSchank (2023). The most debated issue is a possible (causal) employment reaction after the introduction of the minimum wage. In fact, most studies did not detect any aggregate negative employment effects on the number of jobs Ahlfeldtetal. (2018); Bossler andSchank (2023); Dustmann etal. (2022); Garloff (2019). If anything, the effect was quantified to be relatively small Bossler andGerner (2020); Caliendo etal. (2018). However, when distinguishing between regular jobs and minijobs, the evidence suggests a small reduction in the number of minijobs Caliendo etal. (2018); Caliendoetal. (2023), which resulted in about 1 percent of all minijobs transitioning into non-employment Bossleretal. (2024). The literature is less clear regarding the intensive margin of working hours adjustments. Survey-based studies tend to find a negative effect in the first year but not beyond Bossler andGerner (2020); Burauel etal. (2020); Ohlert (2022). Based on the more comprehensive information of the Structure of Earnings Survey, the overall hours effect is negligible Biewenetal. (2022); Bossleretal. (2024). However, negative hours responses are observed among those minijobbers who initially worked relatively long hours Bossleretal. (2024). Overall, this evidence-based evaluation of the minimum wage contributed to the political debate and the decision to increase the real minimum wage substantially for the first time in 2022.

We add to the literature by presenting the first evaluation of the 2022 minimum wage increase, providing essential policy guidance to policymakers and the Minimum Wage Commission. By uncovering the effects of this substantial wage adjustment on various economic dimensions, our research informs evidence-based decision-making, facilitating the formulation of more targeted and effective labor market policies. While there are several studies on the impact of the €8.50 minimum wage introduction in 2015, their finding cannot necessarily be interpolated to the 2022 policy which lifted the minimum wage to a much higher level and also took place in a different economic environment.

The significance of our research lies in the novelty and richness of the utilized data. Unlike administrative social security data commonly used in prior studies, the Earnings Survey is a monthly panel, providing real-time insights into changes that occur month by month. Additionally, the Earnings Survey data remedies a significant shortcoming inherent in many studies analyzing German administrative employment data, such as \citeABossler2023,Card2013, and others, namely the absence of information on working hours. The inclusion of working hours data in our analysis provides a comprehensive view of the labor market and offers valuable insights into the interplay between minimum wages and working hours. Moreover, responses to the Earnings Survey are mandatory by German law, ensuring a high level of data completeness and accuracy. This further enhances the reliability of our findings, enabling us to draw robust conclusions from our empirical analysis.

As another contribution of our research, the data enables us to assign employees to narrowly defined treatment groups based on their hourly wages. This precise definition of treatment groups on the individual level allows us to estimate effect heterogeneities at the individual level, such as by gender, education, or employment status. This granular analysis provides valuable insights into how the minimum wage increase affects different subgroups of workers, offering a more nuanced understanding of the policy’s impact on wage disparities and income distribution.

The paper proceeds as follows: Section2 explains the institutional background. Section3 describes the Earnings Survey, the data source of this study. Section4 provides a description of the difference-in-difference-in-differences approach, the methodology used to uncover the effects of the 2022 minimum wage increase. Section5 presents and discusses the baseline results and several robustness checks, while Section6 provides further analysis. Section7 concludes.

2 Institutional background

In Germany, wages were traditionally set and regulated by collective bargaining between industry-specific employer associations and unions. Since employers’ voluntary participation in their respective associations’ collective bargaining declined over time, the workers’ collective bargaining coverage deteriorated Oberfichtner andSchnabel (2019). This trend has been regarded as one of the reasons for the increasing wage inequality and an increasing share of the working poor Bosch andWeinkopf (2008); Dustmann etal. (2014). These developments ultimately led to the introduction of the national minimum wage in 2015, after the 2013 election was decided in favor of political parties that supported the minimum wage Garloff (2019).

The initial level of the minimum wage was politically set at the nominal hourly wage rate of €8.50. At the same time, a commission was implemented to monitor and evaluate the minimum wage. The German Minimum Wage Commission consists of an equal representation of members from employer associations and unions and it has a mandate to propose adjustments of the minimum wage level every two years, which is then put into law by an ordinance of the government. Up to 2022, this procedure led to modest nominal increases, as depicted by Figure 1, which mostly followed the average development of collectively bargained wages and the price development BΓΆrschlein etal. (2023).

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (1)


Notes: Nominal and real minimum wage by month. The real minimum wage is CPI-deflated to €-values of January 2015. Labels on the x-axis denote the first month (m1) of each year.

In 2022, for the first time, the government decided to increase the minimum wage by a larger margin without confessing the expertise of the Minimum Wage Commission. This led to a politically motivated minimum wage increase of 22 percent in two steps. In the first step, which was still in accordance with the proposed adjustments of the Minimum Wage Commission, in July 2022, the minimum wage was raised from €9.82 to €10.45. In the second step, which will be the main focus of our analysis, in October 2022, the minimum wage was raised from €10.45 to €12. Figure 1 demonstrates that the second increase of 2022 implied the first meaningful hike in real terms, whereas the previous minimum wage adjustments mostly compensated for the devaluation of nominal wages.

While the 2015 minimum wage introduction has been evaluated in several studies, see for a review \citeABaumann2024, the subsequent smaller nominal increases did not provoke significant economic effects on labor market outcomes Duetschetal. (2024); BΓΆrschlein etal. (2022); Caliendoetal. (2023), which corresponds with their negligible relevance in real terms. The 2022 increases, which resulted in the German minimum wage being the highest among all European countries in terms of its PPP-adjusted value (see Appendix FigureA1), set the stage for the analyses in this article.

3 Data

The main data source of our empirical analysis is the monthly Earnings Survey (ES) collected and provided by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis). The ES was explicitly designed for accurate minimum wage research. In January 2022, the ES replaced the Quarterly Earnings Survey (QES), the four-year Structure of Earnings Survey (SES), and the yearly Voluntary Earnings Survey (VES), combining their characteristics, see \citeAfinke2023.

Participation in the ES is mandatory under the legal basis of the Earnings Statistics Act (VerdStatG). The ES covers approximately 58,000 establishments across all sectors, with selection criteria encompassing all establishments employing at least one individual subject to social insurance.111Establishments employing only minijobbers are not included in the ES. The monthly survey sample that we are using excludes the public sector.222For reporting purposes of Destatis, a sample of staff statistics (”Personalstandsstatistik”) is used to complement the SE with employment information from the public sector (i.e., sectors O and P) once a year in April. The staff statistics provide comprehensive data on all public sector employees but are collected by a different method and only once a year (in April).

While the establishments’ personnel departments are the respondents of the ES, the principal purpose of the survey is to collect information at the employee level, capturing information on earnings, working hours, gender, year and month of birth, nationality, level of education, employment group, company tenure, and a 5-digit occupation code ("Taetigkeitssschluessel"). Furthermore, establishment-specific data is collected on the establishment size, the sector of operation, the extent of collective bargaining coverage, and the location of the establishment. Starting from January 2022, the ES covers all employees from the participating establishments in each month. Unique panel identifiers (personnel numbers and establishment identifiers) allow for the tracking of individuals over time (if they remain at the same employer). These new and comprehensive data enable a detailed and highly frequent examination of the German labor market in the private sector, and it is perfectly suited to analyze employee-level wages, working hours, monthly labor earnings, and employment stability.

To ensure data representativeness, the ES provides a weight for each employee observation. Throughout the paper, we use these weights when computing descriptive statistics and least squares estimates. Our analysis sample covers January to December 2022. We restrict the sample to individuals eligible for the national minimum wage and, therefore, exclude apprentices, interns, and employees below the age of 18. The data include information on the number of paid working hours per month, excluding overtime, with a correction for the number of paid working days per month. We adjust gross monthly earnings following the definition of the Minimum Wage Commission and exclude bonus payments, overtime compensation, and additional remunerations. Gross hourly wages are obtained from adjusted gross monthly earnings and corrected paid working hours.

The data set includes nearly 100 million employee-level observations, which are evenly distributed across months, with each month accounting for approximately 7.9 percent to 8.6 percent of the observations. The upper panel of TableLABEL:tab:description shows the 2022 monthly weighted averages of employee-level labor market outcomes. Average hourly wages are initially at €21.8 and increase on average by about 9 percent from the beginning to the end of the year. Two-thirds of this increase takes place after the minimum wage hike in October. Average monthly wages are just below €3,000 in January 2022 and increase by 12 percent until December. Again, a significant increase (of 6 percent) is obtained in the last three months, i.e., after the minimum wage increase in October. Regarding paid working hours, there is no clear trend visible. Rather, hours fluctuate according to the working days in a particular month, e.g., they are larger in March (23 working days) and smaller in February (20 working days). About 1 out of 8 employment relationships in the private sector is a minijob. The probability of being employed in the same plant three months later varies between 85 and 88 percent. Hence, at the aggregate level, we do not observe reduced employment retention after the minimum wage increases, which would manifest, e.g., in a lower observed rate in July (to be employed in October). Of course, this may change once we compare narrowly defined treatment and control groups.

In further analyses presented in Section 6, we also analyze total employment at the region level. For the regional analysis, we exploit county-level administrative employment data from the Federal Employment Agency, where counties are administrative districts ("Kreise"), of which there are 400 in Germany. The data include the total number of all employees, allowing us to distinguish between regular jobs and minijobs. The county data on the number of jobs is monthly accurate as they are counted based on mandatory reports to the social insurance of all employers in Germany on each of their employees.

4 Method

The precise and high-frequency information on hourly wages at the employee level, which has not existed before but is now available in the new ES data, allows us to compare narrowly defined groups of employees based on their hourly wage before the minimum wage increases. This allows us to define two treatment groups of employees, which can be compared to various narrowly defined control groups.

Treatment group definition.

Our main focus is on employees who are only affected by the second minimum wage hike during 2022, namely by the increase to €12 in October 2022, while they are paid at or above the minimum wage of €10.45 coming into force in July. Hence, our treatment group of main interest is defined as follows:

  • β€’

    €12.00-MW-Treatment: €⁒10.45≀wi,m≀€⁒11.99€10.45subscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬11.99{\mbox{€}}10.45\leq w_{i,m}\leq{\mbox{€}}11.99€ 10.45 ≀ italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≀ € 11.99

where i𝑖iitalic_i indexes workers and mπ‘šmitalic_m months. The group composition may have changed in the course of the year due to inflows and outflows of the labor market and due to employees changing the wage groups. We address the latter by a time-varying group assignment. As can be seen from the lower panel of TableLABEL:tab:description, as of September 2022, the €12.00-MW-Treatment group comprises 11 percent of the employees. Further, the descriptions show that after the increase of the minimum wage to €12.00 in October, the size of the group drops to 3.6 percent and 2.7 percent until December, demonstrating the effectiveness of the minimum wage increase to lift these employees up along the hourly wage distribution.

In later analysis (reported in Section6), we also examine a second (smaller) treatment group, namely those paid below the July minimum wage level of €11.45 but above the minimum wage of €9.82 which was still effective at the beginning of the year. Hence, this second treatment group is defined as follows:

  • β€’

    €10.45-MW-Treatment: €⁒9.82≀wi,m≀€⁒10.44€9.82subscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬10.44{\mbox{€}}9.82\leq w_{i,m}\leq{\mbox{€}}10.44€ 9.82 ≀ italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≀ € 10.44

The €10.45-MW-treatment group captures 5 percent initially (see TableLABEL:tab:description), indicating that 5 percent of the workforce is directly affected by the first minimum wage increase. Correspondingly, the share of this group sharply drops to 2 percent in July. Moreover, its size further shrinks to 0.5 percent in October, indicating a lagged effect experienced by this group after the more prominent minimum wage increase to €12 in October.

Control group definition.

The data also allow us to distinguish between various control groups of employees. We can compare the treated employees with those paid only slightly above the €12-minimum wage. This control group allows for close comparison with the treated employees, but it bears the risk that the untreated are themselves affected by the minimum wage through wage spillovers. Therefore, we also compare the treated employees with groups of workers further up in the hourly wage distribution, which reduces the risk that the control group is itself affected. Altogether, we look at the following three control groups.

  • β€’

    Control group 1: €⁒12.00≀wi,m≀€⁒12.99€12.00subscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬12.99{\mbox{€}}12.00\leq w_{i,m}\leq{\mbox{€}}12.99€ 12.00 ≀ italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≀ € 12.99

  • β€’

    Control group 2: €⁒13.00≀wi,m≀€⁒14.99€13.00subscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬14.99{\mbox{€}}13.00\leq w_{i,m}\leq{\mbox{€}}14.99€ 13.00 ≀ italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≀ € 14.99

  • β€’

    Control group 3: €⁒15.00≀wi,m≀€⁒20.99€15.00subscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬20.99{\mbox{€}}15.00\leq w_{i,m}\leq{\mbox{€}}20.99€ 15.00 ≀ italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≀ € 20.99

It is evident from TableLABEL:tab:description that the size of the three control groups is relatively stable between January and September, i.e., before the minimum wage hike in October. This is a precondition to serve as appropriate counterfactuals.

Further groups.

Those worker-month observations which do not fall into either of the two treatment groups or the three control groups defined above are categorized into three further bins.These groups are less relevant for our research question, for which reason they will not be part of our graphical inspections throughout Sections5 and 6 (while still being included in the accompanying regressions). We define high-wage workers as those earning a wage of at least €21. While the median employee belongs to this group (see TableLABEL:tab:description), it is obviously not suitable as a control group in minimum wage analyses. Two additional groups capture workers with a wage that falls below the minimum wage level effective as of the beginning of 2022. Hence, irrespective of the month these observations imply that workers are paid non-compliant such that it is not clear whether these workers would benefit from a further increase of the minimum wage (i.e., they are not an interesting treatment group). We distinguish between workers paid just below the minimum wage being in force at the beginning of the year (i.e, who are paid between €7.50 and €9.81) and those workers that are paid much below the initial minimum wage (i.e., who are paid below €7.50). According to TableLABEL:tab:description, in January 2022, these two groups at the very bottom of the wage distribution comprise only 3.3 percent and the fraction continuously decreases throughout the year.

Regression specification.

In our main empirical analysis, we estimate effects on four individual-level labor market outcomes: hourly wages, monthly wages, working hours, and employment retention. We specify the first three of these outcomes as the difference in the logarithm between month mπ‘šmitalic_m and month m+3π‘š3m+3italic_m + 3, such that they measure (approximately) the respective percentage change over three months. Since our panel data consists of twelve monthly waves in 2022, we have nine months (January to September) for which we can calculate the individual growth rates over three months. We apply a flexible difference-in-differences specification, which is fully saturated in nine months Mk,msubscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šM_{k,m}italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and eight worker groups Gg⁒(i⁒m),msubscriptπΊπ‘”π‘–π‘šπ‘šG_{g(im),m}italic_G start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g ( italic_i italic_m ) , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT:

ln⁑yi,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yi,m=Ξ±1+βˆ‘k=29Ξ±k⁒Mk,m+βˆ‘g=1,gβ‰ 58βˆ‘k=19Ξ²g,k⁒Gg⁒(i⁒m),m⁒Mk,m+ui,msubscriptπ‘¦π‘–π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘–π‘šsubscript𝛼1superscriptsubscriptπ‘˜29subscriptπ›Όπ‘˜subscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šsuperscriptsubscriptformulae-sequence𝑔1𝑔58superscriptsubscriptπ‘˜19subscriptπ›½π‘”π‘˜subscriptπΊπ‘”π‘–π‘šπ‘šsubscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šsubscriptπ‘’π‘–π‘š\displaystyle\ln y_{i,m+3}-\ln y_{i,m}=\alpha_{1}+\sum_{k=2}^{9}\alpha_{k}M_{k%,m}+\sum_{g=1,g\neq 5}^{8}\,\,\sum_{k=1}^{9}\beta_{g,k}G_{g(im),m}M_{k,m}+u_{i%,m}roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_Ξ± start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 9 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_Ξ± start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g = 1 , italic_g β‰  5 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 8 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 9 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_Ξ² start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_G start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g ( italic_i italic_m ) , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_u start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT(1)
m=1,…,9⁒monthsπ‘š1…9months\displaystyle\qquad\qquad m=1,\ldots,9\text{ months}italic_m = 1 , … , 9 months

where yi,msubscriptπ‘¦π‘–π‘šy_{i,m}italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT denotes either hourly wages, monthly wages, or working hours of workeri𝑖iitalic_i at monthmπ‘šmitalic_m.333Obviously, various reparameterizations of the fully interacted model are possible, each containing 72 parameters. Estimating equation(1) yields the treatment effect as follows. Group 4 is the 12.00-MW-Treatment Group (10.45βˆ’11.9910.4511.9910.45-11.9910.45 - 11.99), and group 5 is the first control group beyond the minimum wage (12βˆ’12.991212.9912-12.9912 - 12.99). Hence, Ξ²4,7subscript𝛽47\beta_{4,7}italic_Ξ² start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 4 , 7 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT (respectively Ξ²4,8subscript𝛽48\beta_{4,8}italic_Ξ² start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 4 , 8 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT or Ξ²4,9subscript𝛽49\beta_{4,9}italic_Ξ² start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 4 , 9 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) minus Ξ²4,6subscript𝛽46\beta_{4,6}italic_Ξ² start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 4 , 6 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT produces the treatment effect. Predictions of the dependent variables by group and month can be obtained from linear combinations of the estimates of Ξ±msubscriptπ›Όπ‘š\alpha_{m}italic_Ξ± start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and Ξ²g,msubscriptπ›½π‘”π‘š\beta_{g,m}italic_Ξ² start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. By construction, growth rates can only be calculated if individuals are observed in mπ‘šmitalic_m and m+3π‘š3m+3italic_m + 3, ruling out compositional changes influencing the growth rates.

In fact, our estimation yields a difference-in-difference-in-difference specification since another difference is added through the construction of the dependent variable. The specification has a substantial advantage over a naive difference-in-difference estimation as it cancels out differences in wage growth between wage groups which occur irrespective of the minimum wage. This is important since the prevalence of differential wage growth is well documented and often referred to as mean-reversion, i.e., low-wage workers’ wages would have grown stronger even in the absence of a minimum wage.444See, e.g., \citeADerenoncourt2022 for an example in which mean-reversion has been influential for the effects of minimum wages. But mean-reversion is prevalent in many other settings, such as in the catch-up of earnings after job loss Jacobsonetal. (1993). Note, however, that this formulation of the model also causes a crucial change to the identifying assumption, which requires parallel trends in the three-month growth rates instead of parallel trends in the levels.

To examine whether the minimum wage increase has affected employment stability, we estimate the following linear probability model:

Ei,m+3=Ξ³1+βˆ‘k=29Ξ³k⁒Mk,m+βˆ‘g=1,gβ‰ 58βˆ‘k=19Ξ΄g,k⁒Gg⁒(i⁒m),m⁒Mm,k+Ξ½i,msubscriptπΈπ‘–π‘š3subscript𝛾1superscriptsubscriptπ‘˜29subscriptπ›Ύπ‘˜subscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šsuperscriptsubscriptformulae-sequence𝑔1𝑔58superscriptsubscriptπ‘˜19subscriptπ›Ώπ‘”π‘˜subscriptπΊπ‘”π‘–π‘šπ‘šsubscriptπ‘€π‘šπ‘˜subscriptπœˆπ‘–π‘š\displaystyle E_{i,m+3}=\gamma_{1}+\sum_{k=2}^{9}\gamma_{k}M_{k,m}+\sum_{g=1,g%\neq 5}^{8}\,\,\sum_{k=1}^{9}\delta_{g,k}G_{g(im),m}M_{m,k}+\nu_{i,m}italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_Ξ³ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 9 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_Ξ³ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g = 1 , italic_g β‰  5 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 8 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 9 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_Ξ΄ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_G start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g ( italic_i italic_m ) , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_m , italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_Ξ½ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT(2)
m=1,…,9⁒monthsπ‘š1…9months\displaystyle\qquad\qquad m=1,\ldots,9\text{ months}italic_m = 1 , … , 9 months

where Ei,m+3subscriptπΈπ‘–π‘š3E_{i,m+3}italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is a dummy variable equal to one if a workeri𝑖iitalic_i is observed to be employed in the same establishment also three months (m+3π‘š3m+3italic_m + 3) afterwards. We estimate Equations(1) and(2) by weighted least squares using the supplied sampling weight to ensure the representativeness of our results. Standard errors are clustered at the individual level.555We were restricted to using the software package SAS. Since an option for clustered standard errors is unavailable, we computed them ourselves. We will inspect the estimated effect patterns graphically by plotting the four predicted outcome variables for each month-group combination of the treatment group and the control groups.

5 Results

Effects of the €12 minimum wage.

We start by analyzing the wage effects of the major minimum wage increase from €10.45 to €12 taking place in October 2022. Using estimates of equation1, Figure2 illustrates predictions of hourly wage growth (in the upper part) and of monthly wage growth (in the lower part). The groups included in the graph are the €12-treatment group (€⁒10.45≀wi,m≀€⁒11.99€10.45subscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬11.99{\mbox{€}}10.45\leq w_{i,m}\leq{\mbox{€}}11.99€ 10.45 ≀ italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≀ € 11.99), which is affected because these workers’ wages needed to be lifted to the new minimum wage level, and three control groups of workers which are all located above the new minimum wage of €12. The full table of regression estimates, including all groups of workers, is presented in Appendix TableB1.


Notes: The upper part presents the development of hourly wage growth and the lower part presents the development of monthly wage growth. Each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. Shaded areas show the 95%-confidence intervals with standard errors clustered at the individual level.
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

The comparison of the treatment group (blue line) with the three control groups shows the treatment effect.666More precisely, the treatment effect is the change in the gap between the blue line and the other lines before and after the treatment takes place. Since the treatment (i.e., the minimum wage hike) takes place in October, the first growth rate after treatment is Oct-Jul while the last growth rate before treatment is Sep-Jun. For hourly wages, the treatment group’s wages rose sharply in October, exactly when the minimum wage was raised. Compared with the control groups, the hourly wage effect can be quantified as 6 percent on average, and the effect remains stable over the three post-treatment months. Similarly, the lower part of Figure2 also shows a meaningful treatment effect in monthly wage growth since a gap of about 5 percent opens up between the treatment and the control groups in October. The effect size for monthly wages is slightly smaller than for hourly wages, which suggests a small negative hours effect of the €12-minimum wage hike.

In addition, Figure2 shows that the three-month growth rates evolved parallel for the four groups before the treatment came into force in October, giving credence to the parallel trends assumption. Moreover, Figure2 also depicts (time-constant) differences in wage growth between the four groups of interest. This difference in growth rates suggests that the parallel trends-assumption in wage levels would likely be violated. The higher growth rates of the lower-paid groups indicate that they catch up in levels, likely due to mean-reversion. In sum, the assessment of trends favors our specification in growth rates over an estimation in levels.

Concerning the remaining groups of workers included in specification(1), note that we analyze and interpret the group that is affected by the €10.45-minimum wage increase separately in Section6. Further, Appendix TableB1) documents that workers who were even paid below the initial minimum wage of €9.82, i.e., who were paid non-compliant, do not benefit from the minimum wage hikes if paid far below the minimum wage (wi,m≀€⁒7.49subscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬7.49w_{i,m}\leq{\mbox{€}}7.49italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≀ € 7.49), but they tend to also benefit if paid only slightly below minimum wage (€⁒7.50≀wi,m≀€⁒9.81€7.50subscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬9.81{\mbox{€}}7.50\leq w_{i,m}\leq{\mbox{€}}9.81€ 7.50 ≀ italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≀ € 9.81).

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (4)A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (5)


Notes: The upper part presents the development of monthly working hours growth and the lower part presents the development of employment retention. For monthly working hours, each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. For employment retention, each point is a prediction using estimates of equation(2) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑Eg,m+3]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπΈπ‘”π‘š3E[\ln E_{g,m+3}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. Shaded areas show the 95%-confidence intervals with standard errors clustered at the individual level.
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

Figure3 illustrates the effects of the €12 minimum wage hike on the intensive and the extensive margins of employment, i.e., the figure displays adjustments in monthly working hours (upper part) and in employment retention (lower part). While working hours follow a somewhat peculiar pattern in the first half of the year, this development is explained by a changing number of working days across these months. Most importantly, this change in working hours affects the development of all groups in parallel. However, in October, the €12-treatment group starts to slightly deviate from the control groups, opening up a negative monthly working hours effect of 1 percent, which persists over time. This effect mirrors the difference between the effects on monthly wages and hourly wages, where the former is observed to be one percent smaller than the latter.The lower part of Figure3 displays the job retention effect and it seems that a small gap between treatment and control groups again opens up in October. However, this development solely occurs due to changes in the control groups rather than reduced hours in the treatment group. Moreover, the gap closes back in the two following months. Hence, we argue that the minimum wage increase has no robust impact on the job retention of affected workers.

In sum, we have documented an hourly wage effect of +6%percent6+6\%+ 6 %, a monthly wage effect of +5%percent5+5\%+ 5 %, a working hours effect of βˆ’1%percent1-1\%- 1 %, and a job retention effect that is small and not robust. From these effects of the €12 minimum wage hike, we can calculate a labor demand elasticity, which relates the employment effects to the minimum wage-induced hourly wage increase. The calculation of labor demand elasticities (as implied by the empirically realized employment changes) allows for a comparison of estimates across countries and with different settings and sizes of the minimum wage Dube (2019). Given our empirical effects on wages as well as on job retention and working hours from the same exogenous minimum wage increase, we arrive at a negative employment elasticity of βˆ’0.170.17-0.17- 0.17:

Ξ·L,wβ‰ƒβˆ‚ln⁑Lβˆ‚ln⁑wsimilar-to-or-equalssubscriptπœ‚πΏπ‘€πΏπ‘€\displaystyle\eta_{L,w}\simeq\frac{\partial\ln L}{\partial\ln w}italic_Ξ· start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_L , italic_w end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≃ divide start_ARG βˆ‚ roman_ln italic_L end_ARG start_ARG βˆ‚ roman_ln italic_w end_ARG=βˆ‚ln⁑(Jobsβˆ—Hours worked)βˆ‚ln⁑wabsentβˆ—JobsHours worked𝑀\displaystyle=\frac{\partial\ln(\textit{Jobs}\ast\textit{Hours worked})}{%\partial\ln w}= divide start_ARG βˆ‚ roman_ln ( Jobs βˆ— Hours worked ) end_ARG start_ARG βˆ‚ roman_ln italic_w end_ARG
=βˆ‚ln⁑Jobsβˆ‚M⁒W+βˆ‚ln⁑Hours workedβˆ‚M⁒Wβˆ‚ln⁑wβˆ‚M⁒W=0+(βˆ’1)6=βˆ’0.17absentJobsπ‘€π‘ŠHours workedπ‘€π‘Šwπ‘€π‘Š0160.17\displaystyle=\dfrac{\frac{\partial\ln\textit{Jobs}}{\partial MW}+\frac{%\partial\ln\textit{Hours worked}}{\partial MW}}{\frac{\partial\ln\textit{w}}{%\partial MW}}=\frac{0+(-1)}{6}=-0.17= divide start_ARG divide start_ARG βˆ‚ roman_ln Jobs end_ARG start_ARG βˆ‚ italic_M italic_W end_ARG + divide start_ARG βˆ‚ roman_ln Hours worked end_ARG start_ARG βˆ‚ italic_M italic_W end_ARG end_ARG start_ARG divide start_ARG βˆ‚ roman_ln w end_ARG start_ARG βˆ‚ italic_M italic_W end_ARG end_ARG = divide start_ARG 0 + ( - 1 ) end_ARG start_ARG 6 end_ARG = - 0.17(3)

This elasticity estimate corresponds exactly with own-wage elasticities across U.S. minimum wage studies reported and analyzed in a meta-study by \citeADube2019. Regardless of the group of study (e.g., teenagers or all employees), the measurement of employment (e.g., volume or heads), and the minimum wage variation of analysis, the median elasticity is reported to be βˆ’0.170.17-0.17- 0.17 across various studies and states. Given that elasticities that are less negative than βˆ’0.40.4-0.4- 0.4 are interpreted to be rather small Dube (2019), we would also interpret our observed hours effect as rather small.777Note that an adverse hours effect may be interpreted as less detrimental than an employment effect in heads because people may prefer lower working time (which we do not observe information on) and are compensated by leisure. In addition, according to our results the reduction in working hours is more than compensated by the rise in hourly wages.

Referring to the literature on the German minimum wage introduction, our obtained elasticity is again in the ballpark of reported estimates. While some studies do not find any significant employment effect Ahlfeldtetal. (2018); Dustmann etal. (2022); Garloff (2019), the employment response is only slightly negative in other studies Caliendo etal. (2018) and points to elasticities between βˆ’0.10.1-0.1- 0.1 (\citeABossler2024 for the group of minijobbers) and βˆ’0.30.3-0.3- 0.3 Bossler andGerner (2020), where the latter estimate is identified for firm-level variation which may be overestimated due to reallocation of minimum wage workers across firms Dustmann etal. (2022). While information on working hours was scarce at the time of the minimum wage introduction, the existing studies point to none Biewenetal. (2022) or (for specific groups) only slightly negative estimates Bossleretal. (2024). With the minimum wage increase to €12, for the first time we are able to combine effects from various margins of employment adjustment and combine it with a precise estimate of the wage effect, arriving at an employment elasticity of βˆ’0.170.17-0.17- 0.17.

Robustness checks.

We conduct various checks to test the robustness of the results. First, we add control variables for gender, age, education, foreign, job task, part-time, minijobber, job tenure, industry, bargaining agreement, company size, and federal state. Since the treatment effect estimates are identified from changes over the months of 2022, they should not be driven by rather time-constant covariates. For this reason, we have not included covariates in our baseline regressions. Nevertheless, the treatment effect could be influenced by a changing employee composition of groups over time. Regarding the working hours effect, changing gender and part-time composition could be a particular concern. Note that all control variables are defined and included in the initial month mπ‘šmitalic_m so that we can rule out that the control variables are endogenously affected by the minimum wage itself. Compared with our baseline, the respective results presented in AppendixC.1 are virtually unchanged.

Second, we examine whether the effects are heterogeneous across observable characteristics and conduct separate analyses by education (3 groups), tenure (4 groups), and establishment size (4 groups). The results are presented in AppendixC.2β€”C.4. However, we do not find meaningful differences, suggesting that the baseline effects are fairly stable even across subgroups of minimum wage workers.

Third, we add worker-level fixed effects to our regression specifications. Again, we aim to control for a potentially changing composition of the groups of interest over time. In this respect, the fixed effects estimation ensures that the effects are only identified from changes in the growth rates over time within individuals. The results are very similar to our baseline (see AppendixC.5).

Fourth, we alter the definition of our outcome variables from three-month differences to one-month differences. This leaves us with only one difference overlapping with the minimum wage increase on October 1st, which is the O⁒c⁒t⁒o⁒b⁒e⁒rβˆ’S⁒e⁒p⁒t⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘‚π‘π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘†π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸOctober-Septemberitalic_O italic_c italic_t italic_o italic_b italic_e italic_r - italic_S italic_e italic_p italic_t italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r difference. However, the alternative definition of the outcome variable narrows down the treatment effect to a group defined to be treated in September, i.e., closely before the minimum wage was increased. While this alternative specification bears the risk that the treatment effect attenuates due to anticipation effects, we still observe a robust negative impact on the one-month growth rates of monthly working hours while noting that the hourly and monthly wage effects only slightly attenuate (see Appendix C.6).

6 Additional results

Effects on minijobs vs. regular social security jobs.

In the literature on the German minimum wage, an important distinction has emerged concerning the difference between regular jobs and minijobs. Regular jobs are characterized by regular contributions to social insurance, which are equally shared between employers and employees. By contrast, minijobs’ social security contributions are subsidized, as the respective employees receive the gross wage also as their net wage, while employers pay a small unbureaucratic lump sum payment. Most importantly, the distinction between regular employees and minijobs is purely based on the monthly salary. Up to the threshold of €450, the job is a minijob, and above €450, the respective job is a regular social security job.

While most of the literature on minimum wages in the U.S. is concentrated on teenage employment (e.g., \citeAAllegretto2011 or \citeANeumark2022), as these are heavily affected by the minimum wage, teenagers in Germany rarely drop out of the educational system to take up a job for a living, and moreover, in Germany teenagers are exempted from the minimum wage. Instead, minijobs have been identified as a particularly relevant group for the minimum wage. For the latest minimum wage increase to €12, according to our data, about 40 percent of the minijobs are directly affected.888Among the treated workers, 50 percent are in a minijob, while minijobs make up only 13 percent of all jobs. In the studies that evaluated the German minimum wage introduction, it was debated from the beginning whether it destructed minijobs Caliendo etal. (2018); Caliendoetal. (2023). Despite their severe affectedness, minijobbers’ gains in monthly wages were smaller if their monthly salary was already right at the €450-threshold, plausibly because employers or employees wanted to preserve the advantages of the minijobs Bossler andSchank (2023). Consequently, some of these minijobs experienced decreasing hours if they were already paid exactly €450 Bossleretal. (2024). Moreover, \citeABossler2024 show that about one percent of all minijobbers transitioned into non-employment, notwithstanding that one percent was also upgraded to regular jobs.

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (6)A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (7)


Notes: Separate estimations and predictions for regular social security employees (on the left) and minijobbers (on the right). The upper part presents the development of hourly wage growth and the lower part presents the development of monthly wage growth. Each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

Note that one important institutional change was implemented together with the minimum wage increase to €12, which is that the minijob threshold of originally €450 was harmonized with the minimum wage increase. Hence, with the minimum wage hike in October, the threshold increased to €520. This expansion of minijobs has been heavily criticized as minijobs are often regarded for offering only precarious job security with few amenities. In addition, it can create an incentive to take on a subsidized minijob instead of looking for a regular job so that the respective individuals end up in the so-called part-time trap BlΓΆmer andConsiglio (2022). However, it addresses the shortcoming highlighted in \citeABossler2023 that the fixed minijob threshold did not allow minijobbers to benefit from a minimum wage increase (while staying in a minijob). Hence, there is no longer an institutional specificity inhibiting the wage effect of the minimum wage.

Figure 4 shows hourly and monthly wage effects for regular employees on the left and for minijobbers on the right. For visual clarity of effect sizes, the illustration is restricted to the treatment group and the closest control group because the control groups of minijobbers further up the wage distribution fluctuate a lot.999AppendixE contains the full graphical illustration including all control groups. The hourly wage effect is similar for both groups, which is unsurprising as the workers have been in the same wage group and face the same minimum wage increase. Hence, the similarity of the hourly wage effect does not point to differential non-compliance or varying spillovers (i.e., wage increases beyond the minimum wage). Both groups also experience a monthly wage effect which is slightly smaller in size than the hourly wage increase.

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (8)A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (9)


Notes: Separate estimations and predictions for regular social security employees (on the left) and minijobbers (on the right). The upper part presents the development of monthly working hours growth and the lower part presents the development of employment retention. For monthly working hours, each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. For employment retention, each point is a prediction using estimates of equation(2) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑Eg,m+3]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπΈπ‘”π‘š3E[\ln E_{g,m+3}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

Figure 5 displays the working hours and job retention effect for regular employees and minijobbers. While the hours effect is very small (but negative) for regular employees, it is much more emphasized for minijobbers, illustrating a 2 percent decrease. This stronger hours effect of minijobs, although there is no longer the institutional incentive to reduce hours to preserve the minijob, points to a genuine labor demand effect at this vulnerable group of jobs. However, for job retention, there is no such effect heterogeneity. Minijobs have not been destructed in the course of the €12-minimum wage.

Employment effects at the aggregate.

So far, we analyzed job retention from the employees’ perspective. Examining the individual-level restricts the analysis of an employment effect to job stability since the treatment and control groups can only be defined among workers already employed before the minimum wage was increased. This neglects potential employment effects that operate through the take-up of jobs. Moving the analysis to a more aggregated level, such as regions, allows us to incorporate employment entries. We can identify an overall employment effect if changes in employment vary between regions that are differentially exposed to the minimum wage hike.

We exploit variation in the regional bite, defined by the fraction of workers paid below the new minimum wage before it came into force. This approach was first proposed by \citeACard1992 and used in most previous studies on the German minimum wage introduction, e.g., \citeACaliendo2018,Bossler2023. We use the bite as a treatment variable in a region-level difference-in-differences regression:

yr,m=Ξ±+βˆ‘k=212Ξ³k⁒Mk,m+βˆ‘k=212Ξ΄k⁒B⁒i⁒t⁒erβˆ—Mk,m+ϕ⁒B⁒i⁒t⁒er+er,msubscriptπ‘¦π‘Ÿπ‘šπ›Όsuperscriptsubscriptπ‘˜212subscriptπ›Ύπ‘˜subscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šsuperscriptsubscriptπ‘˜212subscriptπ›Ώπ‘˜π΅π‘–π‘‘subscriptπ‘’π‘Ÿsubscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šitalic-ϕ𝐡𝑖𝑑subscriptπ‘’π‘Ÿsubscriptπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘š\displaystyle y_{r,m}=\alpha+\sum_{k=2}^{12}\gamma_{k}M_{k,m}+\sum_{k=2}^{12}%\delta_{k}Bite_{r}*M_{k,m}+\phi Bite_{r}+e_{r,m}italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_Ξ± + βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 12 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_Ξ³ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 12 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_Ξ΄ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r end_POSTSUBSCRIPT βˆ— italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_Ο• italic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT(4)
m=1,…,12⁒monthsπ‘š1…12months\displaystyle\qquad m=1,\ldots,12\text{ months}italic_m = 1 , … , 12 months

where yr,msubscriptπ‘¦π‘Ÿπ‘šy_{r,m}italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT denotes log employment in region rπ‘Ÿritalic_r in month mπ‘šmitalic_m of the year 2022 and region defines a county (Kreis). The coefficients of interest are the interaction effects of the month dummies Mk,msubscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šM_{k,m}italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and the bite variable b⁒i⁒t⁒er𝑏𝑖𝑑subscriptπ‘’π‘Ÿbite_{r}italic_b italic_i italic_t italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, of which the treatment effects of the minimum wage hike in October 2022 are given by the coefficients Ξ΄10,Ξ΄11subscript𝛿10subscript𝛿11\delta_{10},\delta_{11}italic_Ξ΄ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 10 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_Ξ΄ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 11 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, andΞ΄12subscript𝛿12\delta_{12}italic_Ξ΄ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 12 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. The bite variable is measured in April 2022 using the ES data. See Appendix FigureD1 for the distribution of the bite across counties.

The dependent variable yr,msubscriptπ‘¦π‘Ÿπ‘šy_{r,m}italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is adjusted for a bite-specific trend, as in \citeABossler2023 or in \citeADustmann2022.101010Regression results without adjusting for a bite-specific trend are presented in Appendix TableD2. However, it is evident that a bite-specific trend is present already before the minimum wage hike. The bite-specific trend is identified from the following auxiliary regression:

yr,m=Ξ±+βˆ‘k=212Ξ³k⁒Mk,m+τ⁒B⁒i⁒t⁒erβˆ—t⁒r⁒e⁒n⁒dm+βˆ‘k=1012Ξ΄k⁒B⁒i⁒t⁒erβˆ—Mk,m+ϕ⁒B⁒i⁒t⁒er+er,msubscriptπ‘¦π‘Ÿπ‘šπ›Όsuperscriptsubscriptπ‘˜212subscriptπ›Ύπ‘˜subscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šπœπ΅π‘–π‘‘subscriptπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘›subscriptπ‘‘π‘šsuperscriptsubscriptπ‘˜1012subscriptπ›Ώπ‘˜π΅π‘–π‘‘subscriptπ‘’π‘Ÿsubscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šitalic-ϕ𝐡𝑖𝑑subscriptπ‘’π‘Ÿsubscriptπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘š\displaystyle y_{r,m}=\alpha+\sum_{k=2}^{12}\gamma_{k}M_{k,m}+\tau Bite_{r}*%trend_{m}+\sum_{k=10}^{12}\delta_{k}Bite_{r}*M_{k,m}+\phi Bite_{r}+e_{r,m}italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_Ξ± + βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 12 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_Ξ³ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_Ο„ italic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r end_POSTSUBSCRIPT βˆ— italic_t italic_r italic_e italic_n italic_d start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 10 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 12 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_Ξ΄ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r end_POSTSUBSCRIPT βˆ— italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_Ο• italic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT(5)

The trend-adjusted dependent variable is then defined as yr,mβˆ’Ο„β’B⁒i⁒t⁒erβˆ—t⁒r⁒e⁒n⁒dmsubscriptπ‘¦π‘Ÿπ‘šπœπ΅π‘–π‘‘subscriptπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘›subscriptπ‘‘π‘šy_{r,m}-\tau Bite_{r}*trend_{m}italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - italic_Ο„ italic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r end_POSTSUBSCRIPT βˆ— italic_t italic_r italic_e italic_n italic_d start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT.111111Our analysis window lies in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic (see AppendixA). Therefore, an employment trend during the year 2022 may arise due to adjustments in the post-Covid period. While regular employment was (due to a generous short-time work policy) barely affected by the pandemic, this was not the case for minijobs, which were indeed rebuilt in 2022. The overall positive (unconditional) development of minijobs is documented in Appendix TableD3. Standard errors are cluster-robust at the level of counties.

Total employmentMinijobsRegular employment
log 12 monthslogdifference log 12 monthslogdifference log 12 monthslogdifference
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—J⁒a⁒n⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π½π‘Žπ‘›π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Bite\times Januaryitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_J italic_a italic_n italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_ybasebasebasebasebasebase
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—F⁒e⁒b⁒r⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’πΉπ‘’π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Bite\times Februaryitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_F italic_e italic_b italic_r italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_y-0.009***0.005-0.025***-0.009-0.010***0.009*
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—M⁒a⁒r⁒c⁒hπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘€π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘β„ŽBite\times Marchitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_M italic_a italic_r italic_c italic_h-0.0080.004-0.053***-0.040**-0.0010.020*
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—A⁒p⁒r⁒i⁒lπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π΄π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘™Bite\times Aprilitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_A italic_p italic_r italic_i italic_l0.0040.023-0.032*0.0020.0120.031**
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—M⁒a⁒yπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘€π‘Žπ‘¦Bite\times Mayitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_M italic_a italic_y-0.0010.026-0.045*0.0140.0080.030**
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—J⁒u⁒n⁒e𝐡𝑖𝑑𝑒𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑒Bite\times Juneitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_J italic_u italic_n italic_e-0.0040.018-0.0330.0090.0110.023*
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—J⁒u⁒l⁒y𝐡𝑖𝑑𝑒𝐽𝑒𝑙𝑦Bite\times Julyitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_J italic_u italic_l italic_y0.0020.009-0.022-0.0280.0030.013
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—A⁒u⁒g⁒u⁒s⁒t𝐡𝑖𝑑𝑒𝐴𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑑Bite\times Augustitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_A italic_u italic_g italic_u italic_s italic_t0.0130.004-0.008-0.0240.0010.010
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—S⁒e⁒p⁒t⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘†π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Septemberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_S italic_e italic_p italic_t italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.020-0.000-0.0280.003-0.0110.005
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—O⁒c⁒t⁒o⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘‚π‘π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Octoberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_O italic_c italic_t italic_o italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.033-0.007-0.083*0.008-0.0300.001
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—N⁒o⁒v⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘π‘œπ‘£π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Novemberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_N italic_o italic_v italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.052**-0.007-0.128***0.004-0.043*0.006
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—D⁒e⁒c⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π·π‘’π‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Decemberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_D italic_e italic_c italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.074***-0.012-0.170***0.004-0.064***0.003
  • β€’

    Notes: Treatment interactions from region-level difference-in-difference regressions as specified in equation (4). Outcome variables are the trend-adjusted logarithm and, respectively, the trend-adjusted 12-month difference of the logarithm of total employment, minijobs, and regular social security employees. Standard errors in parentheses are clustered at the county level. Asterisks indicate significance levels *p<0.05𝑝0.05p<0.05italic_p < 0.05, **p<0.01𝑝0.01p<0.01italic_p < 0.01, ***p<0.001𝑝0.001p<0.001italic_p < 0.001.
    Source: County-level administrative employment data of the Federal Employment Agency, and Earnings Survey of April 2022 for the regionally aggregated bite.

In a second employment specification, we not only correct for a bite-specific trend but also adjust for seasonality in employment by taking the 12-month log-difference, i.e., we compare log employment to the respective value in the year 2021: yr,mβˆ’yr,mβˆ’12subscriptπ‘¦π‘Ÿπ‘šsubscriptπ‘¦π‘Ÿπ‘š12y_{r,m}-y_{r,m-12}italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r , italic_m - 12 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. This approach is based on the understanding that employment follows a particular seasonality and it is feasible since the administrative county-level data allow us to go further back in time than the year 2022.

Table1 reports the parameter estimates of the interaction terms in the employment regressions.121212A full table including all regression coefficients in addition to the interaction effects is presented in Appendix TableD1. The results on total employment are displayed in the first two columns, according to which any employment changes until September are irrespective of the regional bite, i.e., the respective coefficients are close to zero until September. In the final months (after the minimum wage hike), the estimates turn negative in column (1), pointing to a small negative region-level employment effect of the minimum wage. However, when accounting for seasonality in column (2), the respective treatment effects turn insignificant and, moreover, shrink towards zero. We observe similar effect patterns when analyzing minijobs in columns (3) and (4), as well as regular employment in columns (5) and (6). While estimations for both employment groups point to a negative treatment effect when using log employment as the dependent variable (columns (3) and (5)), they are virtually zero in the regressions that account for seasonality (columns (4) and (6)). To summarize, incorporating employment entries into the analysis has not changed the findings from the individual-level job retention regressions, and we conclude that the 2022 minimum wage hike has neither reduced job stability nor the aggregate employment level.

Effects using the wage gap.

Instead of classifying individuals into distinct wage groups defining their treatment status, we now use an alternative treatment definition, the so-called bite gap, defining each individual’s wage gap to the forthcoming minimum wage level of €12. I.e., the bite gap measures the percentage wage increase of employee i𝑖iitalic_i that is required by the October minimum wage hike:

Bite gapi,m={(€⁒12βˆ’wi,m)/wi,mif⁒wi,m<€⁒120if⁒wi,mβ‰₯€⁒12subscriptBite gapπ‘–π‘šcases€12subscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šsubscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šifsubscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬120ifsubscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬12\displaystyle\textit{Bite gap}_{i,m}=\begin{cases}(\textit{€}{12}-w_{i,m})/w_{%i,m}&\text{if }w_{i,m}<\textit{€}12\\0&\text{if}w_{i,m}\geq\textit{€}12\end{cases}Bite gap start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = { start_ROW start_CELL ( € 12 - italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) / italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_CELL start_CELL if italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT < € 12 end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL 0 end_CELL start_CELL if italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT β‰₯ € 12 end_CELL end_ROW(6)

Table 2 reports the bite gap for each month of 2022. Overall, the minimum wage required a wage increase of about 1.5 percent (as of January) across all employees in the workforce, while it required an effective wage increase of 10 percent for the groups of treated employees (as defined in Section 4).131313We define the bite gap only among the groups of employees who are defined to be treated but not among employees who are already paid non-compliant before the minimum wage increases in 2022, i.e., workers paid below €9.82 (the minimum wage being in force at the beginning of 2022). Since these non-compliant workers did partly not experience a pay rise (see Table B1), they would be assigned a fairly high bite without a corresponding wage effect. Consequently, the respective workers are excluded from the bite gap analysis. Note that the bite gap fell in October when the minimum wage increased, indicating its effectiveness in lifting wages. The first minimum wage increase in July also led to a narrowing of the wage gap but to a smaller degree. Among treated employees, the bite gap remains fairly constant up to September, indicating that the treatment group was relatively stable before the €12 minimum wage hike.

Bite gap
 All employees0.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0120.0120.0110.0020.0020.001
  Employees with wages between 9.82βˆ’11.999.8211.999.82-11.999.82 - 11.990.0990.1000.0990.1000.1000.1000.0920.0900.0890.0550.0470.045
  • β€’

    Notes: Figures are based on weighted data using the simple inverse probability weighting factor.
    Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector and employees with an hourly wage of less than €9.82 are excluded.

The regression specification identifies treatment effects from an interaction of the bite gap with months dummies:

ln⁑yi,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yi,m=Ξ±+βˆ‘k=29Ξ΄k⁒Mk,mβˆ—Bite Gapi,m+βˆ‘k=29Ξ³k⁒Mk,m+ϕ⁒Bite Gapi,m+vi,msubscriptπ‘¦π‘–π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘–π‘šπ›Όsuperscriptsubscriptπ‘˜29subscriptπ›Ώπ‘˜subscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šsubscriptBite Gapπ‘–π‘šsuperscriptsubscriptπ‘˜29subscriptπ›Ύπ‘˜subscriptπ‘€π‘˜π‘šitalic-Ο•subscriptBite Gapπ‘–π‘šsubscriptπ‘£π‘–π‘š\displaystyle\ln y_{i,m+3}-\ln y_{i,m}=\alpha+\sum_{k=2}^{9}\delta_{k}M_{k,m}*%\textit{Bite Gap}_{i,m}+\sum_{k=2}^{9}\gamma_{k}M_{k,m}+\phi\textit{Bite Gap}_%{i,m}+v_{i,m}roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_Ξ± + βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 9 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_Ξ΄ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT βˆ— Bite Gap start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + βˆ‘ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 9 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_Ξ³ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_Ο• Bite Gap start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT(7)
m=1,…,9⁒monthsπ‘š1…9months\displaystyle\qquad\qquad m=1,\ldots,9\text{ months}italic_m = 1 , … , 9 months

The use of the bite gap has the crucial advantage that it captures treatment heterogeneity within the treatment group, as we expect a larger wage effect for workers with a large gap. In fact, the increase in hourly wages should –by and large– correspond with the bite gap, such that we would expect a treatment effect of 1 if the wage gap is fully closed by the minimum wage.141414In fact, the bite gap may not only be closed by the minimum wage. It may also be closed by the monthly time effects Ξ±+Ξ³k𝛼subscriptπ›Ύπ‘˜\alpha+\gamma_{k}italic_Ξ± + italic_Ξ³ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, which capture wage growth that occurs irrespective of the bite gap as well as by a time-constant bite gap effect Ο•italic-Ο•\phiitalic_Ο• that occurs irrespective of the minimum wage hikes and captures mean-reversion effects.

three-month forward-looking growth rate of…
log hourly wagelog working hourslog monthly wage
Bite Gap0.210***(0.008)0.077***(0.026)0.287***(0.026)
Γ—J⁒a⁒n⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yabsentπ½π‘Žπ‘›π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦\times JanuaryΓ— italic_J italic_a italic_n italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_ybasebasebase
Γ—F⁒e⁒b⁒r⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yabsentπΉπ‘’π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦\times FebruaryΓ— italic_F italic_e italic_b italic_r italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_y0.132***(0.009)-0.060**(0.029)0.072**(0.029)
Γ—M⁒a⁒r⁒c⁒habsentπ‘€π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘β„Ž\times MarchΓ— italic_M italic_a italic_r italic_c italic_h-0.024**(0.011)-0.045***(0.033)-0.069**(0.034)
Γ—A⁒p⁒r⁒i⁒labsentπ΄π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘™\times AprilΓ— italic_A italic_p italic_r italic_i italic_l0.218***(0.011)-0.194***(0.036)0.024***(0.037)
Γ—M⁒a⁒yabsentπ‘€π‘Žπ‘¦\times MayΓ— italic_M italic_a italic_y0.267***(0.011)-0.384***(0.036)-0.117***(0.036)
Γ—J⁒u⁒n⁒eabsent𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑒\times JuneΓ— italic_J italic_u italic_n italic_e0.254***(0.012)-0.222***(0.036)0.033***(0.037)
Γ—J⁒u⁒l⁒yabsent𝐽𝑒𝑙𝑦\times JulyΓ— italic_J italic_u italic_l italic_y0.860***(0.013)-0.343***(0.034)0.517***(0.035)
Γ—A⁒u⁒g⁒u⁒s⁒tabsent𝐴𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑑\times AugustΓ— italic_A italic_u italic_g italic_u italic_s italic_t0.929***(0.017)-0.275***(0.036)0.654***(0.039)
Γ—S⁒e⁒p⁒t⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rabsentπ‘†π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘Ÿ\times SeptemberΓ— italic_S italic_e italic_p italic_t italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.910***(0.019)-0.310***(0.038)0.600***(0.041)
J⁒a⁒n⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ½π‘Žπ‘›π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Januaryitalic_J italic_a italic_n italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_ybasebasebase
F⁒e⁒b⁒r⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπΉπ‘’π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Februaryitalic_F italic_e italic_b italic_r italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_y-0.022***(0.0004)0.031***(0.0006)0.010***(0.0006)
M⁒a⁒r⁒c⁒hπ‘€π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘β„ŽMarchitalic_M italic_a italic_r italic_c italic_h0.006***(0.0004)-0.018***(0.0007)-0.012***(0.0006)
A⁒p⁒r⁒i⁒lπ΄π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘™Aprilitalic_A italic_p italic_r italic_i italic_l-0.002***(0.0004)-0.004***(0.0007)-0.006***(0.0006)
M⁒a⁒yπ‘€π‘Žπ‘¦Mayitalic_M italic_a italic_y-0.008***(0.0004)0.004***(0.0007)-0.004***(0.0006)
J⁒u⁒n⁒e𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑒Juneitalic_J italic_u italic_n italic_e0.004***(0.0004)-0.007***(0.0007)-0.004***(0.0006)
J⁒u⁒l⁒y𝐽𝑒𝑙𝑦Julyitalic_J italic_u italic_l italic_y0.011***(0.0004)-0.007***(0.0006)0.004***(0.0006)
A⁒u⁒g⁒u⁒s⁒t𝐴𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑑Augustitalic_A italic_u italic_g italic_u italic_s italic_t0.037***(0.0005)-0.018***(0.0007)0.019***(0.0007)
S⁒e⁒p⁒t⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘†π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸSeptemberitalic_S italic_e italic_p italic_t italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.038***(0.0005)-0.015***(0.0007)0.023***(0.0007)
  • β€’

    Notes: Individual-level difference-in-difference regressions as specified in equation (7). Outcome variables are the natural logarithm of hourly wages, working hours, and monthly wages.All regressions are weighted. Standard errors in parentheses are clustered at the individual level. Asterisks indicate significance levels. *p<0.05𝑝0.05p<0.05italic_p < 0.05, **p<0.01𝑝0.01p<0.01italic_p < 0.01, ***p<0.001𝑝0.001p<0.001italic_p < 0.001.
    Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

The results of column (1) in Table 3 show an hourly wage effect of the minimum adjustment in October. In the months that capture the 3-month-wage growth across the minimum wage increase (July, August, and September), the effect is large in size and in the range between 0.86 and 0.93. Together with the baseline monthly wage development and with the time-constant bite effect, the effect size indicates that the initial gap more than closed (e.g., for December, 0.910+0.038+0.210=1.1580.9100.0380.2101.1580.910+0.038+0.210=1.1580.910 + 0.038 + 0.210 = 1.158), leaving little scope for non-compliance. The estimates also show that the wage gap was already partly closed when the minimum wage was raised to €10.45, as indicated by the wage growth effects of the months April, May, and June, indicating that 22-27% of the wage gap was closed by this initial policy change.

Looking at the working hours effect in column (2), the effect is significantly negative, supporting our initial result of a negative working hours effect of the minimum wage. Even more emphasized in this case, the hours response emerges earlier in the year of analysis, again indicating that the initial minimum wage increase plays a crucial role. For this earlier minimum wage increase to €10.45, the working hours effect is about the size of the hourly wage effect, indicating that no effect remains with regard to monthly wages, as corroborated in column (3). To check the robustness of this result, we analyze separately the respective minimum wage hike to €10.45 in the next paragraph.

Effects of the €10.45 minimum wage.

To analyze the group of workers that have already been affected by the €10.45 minimum wage increase, we illustrate the results for the respective group (€⁒9.82≀wi,m≀€⁒10.44€9.82subscriptπ‘€π‘–π‘šβ‚¬10.44{\mbox{€}}9.82\leq w_{i,m}\leq{\mbox{€}}10.44€ 9.82 ≀ italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≀ € 10.44), as specified in equations(1) and(2). Figure6 presents the treatment effects for hourly and monthly wage growth for the treated (green line) along with the same control groups as in Figure2. The first three data points reflect pre-treatment periods. Since the hourly and monthly wage growth evolved very similarly between the treatment and the control groups, we can be confident about the identifying parallel trends-assumption. The following three data points (July-April, August-May, September-June) cover the minimum wage increase of July 1st, thereby capturing the treatment effect of the €10.45-minimum wage hike. All three data points clearly indicate that there is a positive wage effect of about 5 percent. Interestingly, the monthly wage effect is less clear. If anything, it is small, and it definitely falls short of the hourly wage response, suggesting a negative working hours adjustment. The last three data points of the green line reflect a lagged effect of a relatively small group of workers that was already affected by the minimum wage increase in July but remained in the respective group (because of non-compliance). However, the visual inspection makes it obvious that the respective workers received, on average, a pronounced lagged wage rise when the €12-minimum wage came into force. This latter result suggests that the €12-minimum wage was much more prominent (and publicly debated) and therefore more effective than the smaller increase in July.

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (10)A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (11)


Notes: The left part presents the development of hourly wage growth and the right part presents the development of monthly wage growth. Each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. Shaded areas show the 95%-confidence intervals with standard errors clustered at the individual level.
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

Figure 7 shows the negative hours response when the €10.45-minimum wage hike took place, in size corresponding with the difference between the hourly and monthly wage effect. However, there is no increase or decrease in employment retention before October. The last three data points, though, demonstrate a strong positive effect on employment retention, indicating that employees who were initially paid non-compliant but experienced a significantly positive lagged increase in hourly and monthly wages also observed a lagged increase in their likelihood of job retention. This emphasizes the positive lagged effect for a group of workers who were initially paid non-compliant. Note, however, that the initial hourly wage effect was almost completely crowded out by the negative hours effect.

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (12)A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (13)


Notes: The left part presents the development of monthly working hours growth and the right part presents the development of employment retention. For monthly working hours, each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. For employment retention, each point is a prediction using estimates of equation(2) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑Eg,m+3]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπΈπ‘”π‘š3E[\ln E_{g,m+3}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. Shaded areas show the 95%-confidence intervals with standard errors clustered at the individual level.
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

7 Conclusion

We are the first to analyze the labor market effects of the minimum wage increase to €12 in October 2022, which made the German minimum wage the highest PPP-adjusted minimum wage across the European Union. We exploit novel data on a large number of employees, which is collected monthly by the German Statistical Office, allowing us to classify individuals into narrowly defined treatment and control groups. We estimate individual-level difference-in-differences-in-differences specifications that allow us to control for mean-reversion in wages.

The results demonstrate unambiguous positive effects on hourly wages. The effect size suggests that the affected employees’ wage gap to the new minimum wage is fully closed, leaving only little room for non-compliance. However, we observe a small downward adjustment in working hours among treated employees. This hours response partially offsets the effect in terms of monthly wages, which is still positive when looking at the minimum wage increase to €12.

Regarding employment effects in heads, we neither identify an effect on the workers’ job retention nor on the region-level employment of total jobs, regular jobs, or minijobs. Hence, all the employment responses come from the intensive margin of working hours. The final minimum wage increase to €12 implies a labor demand elasticity of βˆ’0.170.17-0.17- 0.17, which is relatively modest in size.


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Online Appendix for

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage:
nothing crazy!


Mario Bossler, Lars Chittka, and Thorsten Schank




Appendix A Institutional background

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (14)


Source: Eurostat, first half of 2023.

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (15)


Source: Google Trends, data retrieved on April 2nd 2024.

Appendix B Baseline regression results

Δ⁒lnΞ”\Delta\lnroman_Ξ” roman_ln hourly wageΔ⁒lnΞ”\Delta\lnroman_Ξ” roman_ln monthly wageΔ⁒lnΞ”\Delta\lnroman_Ξ” roman_ln monthlyEmployed in same
contractual hoursplant in t+3𝑑3t+3italic_t + 3 (Dummy)
Constant0.0289βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0289absent0.0289^{***}0.0289 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0012)0.0444βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0444absent0.0444^{***}0.0444 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0032)0.0155βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0155absent0.0155^{***}0.0155 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0033)0.8191βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.8191absent0.8191^{***}0.8191 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0035)
May – Februaryβˆ’0.0077βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0077absent-0.0077^{***}- 0.0077 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0013)0.0185βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0185absent0.0185^{***}0.0185 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0036)0.0262βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0262absent0.0262^{***}0.0262 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0036)0.0095βˆ—superscript0.00950.0095^{*}0.0095 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0037)
June – March0.00240.00240.00240.0024(0.0016)βˆ’0.0202βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0202absent-0.0202^{***}- 0.0202 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0042)βˆ’0.0227βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0227absent-0.0227^{***}- 0.0227 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0041)0.0089βˆ—superscript0.00890.0089^{*}0.0089 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0043)
July – Aprilβˆ’0.0042βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0042absent-0.0042^{**}- 0.0042 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0015)βˆ’0.0146βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0146absent-0.0146^{**}- 0.0146 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0046)βˆ’0.0104βˆ—superscript0.0104-0.0104^{*}- 0.0104 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0047)0.0210βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0210absent0.0210^{***}0.0210 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0047)
August – Mayβˆ’0.0045βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0045absent-0.0045^{**}- 0.0045 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0017)βˆ’0.0133βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0133absent-0.0133^{**}- 0.0133 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0046)βˆ’0.00890.0089-0.0089- 0.0089(0.0046)0.00880.00880.00880.0088(0.0048)
September – June0.0084βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0084absent0.0084^{***}0.0084 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0019)βˆ’0.00540.0054-0.0054- 0.0054(0.0047)βˆ’0.0138βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0138absent-0.0138^{**}- 0.0138 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0047)βˆ’0.0100βˆ—superscript0.0100-0.0100^{*}- 0.0100 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0049)
October – July0.0277βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0277absent0.0277^{***}0.0277 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0015)0.0101βˆ—superscript0.01010.0101^{*}0.0101 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0042)βˆ’0.0176βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0176absent-0.0176^{***}- 0.0176 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0043)0.00900.00900.00900.0090(0.0046)
November – August0.0599βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0599absent0.0599^{***}0.0599 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0021)0.0351βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0351absent0.0351^{***}0.0351 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0045)βˆ’0.0247βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0247absent-0.0247^{***}- 0.0247 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0043)βˆ’0.0096βˆ—superscript0.0096-0.0096^{*}- 0.0096 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0048)
December – September0.0565βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0565absent0.0565^{***}0.0565 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0030)0.0314βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0314absent0.0314^{***}0.0314 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0056)βˆ’0.0251βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0251absent-0.0251^{***}- 0.0251 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0050)βˆ’0.0099βˆ—superscript0.0099-0.0099^{*}- 0.0099 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0049)
Gross hourly wage <<< €7.50
Γ—\timesΓ— April – January0.5956βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.5956absent0.5956^{***}0.5956 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0091)0.3226βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.3226absent0.3226^{***}0.3226 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0125)βˆ’0.2730βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.2730absent-0.2730^{***}- 0.2730 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0134)βˆ’0.1328βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1328absent-0.1328^{***}- 0.1328 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0087)
Γ—\timesΓ— May – February0.5821βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.5821absent0.5821^{***}0.5821 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0107)0.3057βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.3057absent0.3057^{***}0.3057 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0181)βˆ’0.2766βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.2766absent-0.2766^{***}- 0.2766 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0176)βˆ’0.1337βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1337absent-0.1337^{***}- 0.1337 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0088)
Γ—\timesΓ— June – March0.5620βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.5620absent0.5620^{***}0.5620 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0106)0.2799βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.2799absent0.2799^{***}0.2799 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0141)βˆ’0.2821βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.2821absent-0.2821^{***}- 0.2821 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0153)βˆ’0.1386βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1386absent-0.1386^{***}- 0.1386 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0088)
Γ—\timesΓ— July – April0.3407βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.3407absent0.3407^{***}0.3407 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0109)0.2327βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.2327absent0.2327^{***}0.2327 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0233)βˆ’0.1079βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1079absent-0.1079^{***}- 0.1079 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0223)βˆ’0.1353βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1353absent-0.1353^{***}- 0.1353 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0126)
Γ—\timesΓ— August – May0.3538βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.3538absent0.3538^{***}0.3538 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0145)0.2380βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.2380absent0.2380^{***}0.2380 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0223)βˆ’0.1158βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1158absent-0.1158^{***}- 0.1158 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0186)βˆ’0.1529βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1529absent-0.1529^{***}- 0.1529 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0125)
Γ—\timesΓ— September – June0.3641βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.3641absent0.3641^{***}0.3641 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0135)0.2405βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.2405absent0.2405^{***}0.2405 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0161)βˆ’0.1236βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1236absent-0.1236^{***}- 0.1236 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0137)βˆ’0.1201βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1201absent-0.1201^{***}- 0.1201 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0118)
Γ—\timesΓ— October – July0.3411βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.3411absent0.3411^{***}0.3411 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0129)0.2338βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.2338absent0.2338^{***}0.2338 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0171)βˆ’0.1073βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1073absent-0.1073^{***}- 0.1073 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0159)βˆ’0.1399βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1399absent-0.1399^{***}- 0.1399 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0123)
Γ—\timesΓ— November – August0.3529βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.3529absent0.3529^{***}0.3529 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0124)0.2384βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.2384absent0.2384^{***}0.2384 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0166)βˆ’0.1144βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1144absent-0.1144^{***}- 0.1144 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0154)βˆ’0.1223βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1223absent-0.1223^{***}- 0.1223 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0126)
Γ—\timesΓ— December – September0.3539βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.3539absent0.3539^{***}0.3539 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0181)0.2247βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.2247absent0.2247^{***}0.2247 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0212)βˆ’0.1292βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1292absent-0.1292^{***}- 0.1292 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0215)βˆ’0.1354βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1354absent-0.1354^{***}- 0.1354 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0146)
Gross hourly wage €7.50 –9.81
Γ—\timesΓ— April – January0.1337βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1337absent0.1337^{***}0.1337 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0057)0.0893βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0893absent0.0893^{***}0.0893 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0094)βˆ’0.0444βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0444absent-0.0444^{***}- 0.0444 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0086)βˆ’0.1867βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1867absent-0.1867^{***}- 0.1867 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0081)
Γ—\timesΓ— May – February0.1129βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1129absent0.1129^{***}0.1129 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0042)0.0698βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0698absent0.0698^{***}0.0698 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0069)βˆ’0.0432βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0432absent-0.0432^{***}- 0.0432 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0074)βˆ’0.1083βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1083absent-0.1083^{***}- 0.1083 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0084)
Γ—\timesΓ— June – March0.0966βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0966absent0.0966^{***}0.0966 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0036)0.0567βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0567absent0.0567^{***}0.0567 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0057)βˆ’0.0399βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0399absent-0.0399^{***}- 0.0399 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0061)βˆ’0.0384βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0384absent-0.0384^{***}- 0.0384 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0072)
Γ—\timesΓ— July – April0.1346βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1346absent0.1346^{***}0.1346 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0045)0.0858βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0858absent0.0858^{***}0.0858 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0066)βˆ’0.0488βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0488absent-0.0488^{***}- 0.0488 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0066)βˆ’0.0856βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0856absent-0.0856^{***}- 0.0856 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0078)
Γ—\timesΓ— August – May0.1305βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1305absent0.1305^{***}0.1305 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0046)0.0815βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0815absent0.0815^{***}0.0815 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0085)βˆ’0.0490βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0490absent-0.0490^{***}- 0.0490 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0080)βˆ’0.0470βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0470absent-0.0470^{***}- 0.0470 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0073)
Γ—\timesΓ— September – June0.1412βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1412absent0.1412^{***}0.1412 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0053)0.0996βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0996absent0.0996^{***}0.0996 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0077)βˆ’0.0415βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0415absent-0.0415^{***}- 0.0415 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0072)βˆ’0.0593βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0593absent-0.0593^{***}- 0.0593 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0082)
Γ—\timesΓ— October – July0.1863βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1863absent0.1863^{***}0.1863 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0065)0.1232βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1232absent0.1232^{***}0.1232 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0107)βˆ’0.0631βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0631absent-0.0631^{***}- 0.0631 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0108)βˆ’0.0836βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0836absent-0.0836^{***}- 0.0836 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0092)
Γ—\timesΓ— November – August0.1891βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1891absent0.1891^{***}0.1891 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0072)0.1486βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1486absent0.1486^{***}0.1486 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0092)βˆ’0.0405βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0405absent-0.0405^{***}- 0.0405 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0082)βˆ’0.0486βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0486absent-0.0486^{***}- 0.0486 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0089)
Γ—\timesΓ— December – September0.1890βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1890absent0.1890^{***}0.1890 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0097)0.1216βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1216absent0.1216^{***}0.1216 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0127)βˆ’0.0673βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0673absent-0.0673^{***}- 0.0673 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0087)βˆ’0.0963βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0963absent-0.0963^{***}- 0.0963 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0106)
Gross hourly wage: €9.82 –10.45
Γ—\timesΓ— April – January0.00070.00070.00070.0007(0.0018)0.01020.01020.01020.0102(0.0060)0.00950.00950.00950.0095(0.0060)βˆ’0.0130βˆ—superscript0.0130-0.0130^{*}- 0.0130 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0058)
Γ—\timesΓ— May – February0.0053βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0053absent0.0053^{**}0.0053 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0017)0.00880.00880.00880.0088(0.0055)0.00350.00350.00350.0035(0.0055)βˆ’0.0355βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0355absent-0.0355^{***}- 0.0355 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0060)
Γ—\timesΓ— June – March0.00200.00200.00200.0020(0.0019)0.0128βˆ—superscript0.01280.0128^{*}0.0128 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0062)0.01080.01080.01080.0108(0.0059)βˆ’0.0418βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0418absent-0.0418^{***}- 0.0418 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0062)
Γ—\timesΓ— July – April0.0452βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0452absent0.0452^{***}0.0452 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0017)0.0248βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0248absent0.0248^{***}0.0248 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0052)βˆ’0.0205βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0205absent-0.0205^{***}- 0.0205 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0051)βˆ’0.0219βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0219absent-0.0219^{***}- 0.0219 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0053)
Γ—\timesΓ— August – May0.0482βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0482absent0.0482^{***}0.0482 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0018)0.00190.00190.00190.0019(0.0055)βˆ’0.0464βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0464absent-0.0464^{***}- 0.0464 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0052)βˆ’0.0410βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0410absent-0.0410^{***}- 0.0410 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0056)
Γ—\timesΓ— September – June0.0468βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0468absent0.0468^{***}0.0468 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0024)0.0226βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0226absent0.0226^{***}0.0226 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0057)βˆ’0.0242βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0242absent-0.0242^{***}- 0.0242 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0055)βˆ’0.0416βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0416absent-0.0416^{***}- 0.0416 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0060)
Γ—\timesΓ— October – July0.0994βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0994absent0.0994^{***}0.0994 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0035)0.0656βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0656absent0.0656^{***}0.0656 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0057)βˆ’0.0338βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0338absent-0.0338^{***}- 0.0338 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0057)βˆ’0.0350βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0350absent-0.0350^{***}- 0.0350 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0071)
Γ—\timesΓ— November – August0.1243βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1243absent0.1243^{***}0.1243 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0060)0.0968βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0968absent0.0968^{***}0.0968 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0075)βˆ’0.0275βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0275absent-0.0275^{***}- 0.0275 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0057)βˆ’0.00310.0031-0.0031- 0.0031(0.0077)
Γ—\timesΓ— December – September0.1068βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1068absent0.1068^{***}0.1068 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0056)0.0723βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0723absent0.0723^{***}0.0723 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0082)βˆ’0.0345βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0345absent-0.0345^{***}- 0.0345 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0070)0.01010.01010.01010.0101(0.0080)

Continued overleaf

Δ⁒lnΞ”\Delta\lnroman_Ξ” roman_ln hourly wageΔ⁒lnΞ”\Delta\lnroman_Ξ” roman_ln monthly wageΔ⁒lnΞ”\Delta\lnroman_Ξ” roman_ln monthlyWorking in same
contractual hoursplant in t+3𝑑3t+3italic_t + 3 (dummy)
Gross hourly wage € 10.45 – 11.99
Γ—\timesΓ— April – January0.0085βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0085absent0.0085^{***}0.0085 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0017)0.00520.00520.00520.0052(0.0040)βˆ’0.00330.0033-0.0033- 0.0033(0.0041)βˆ’0.0233βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0233absent-0.0233^{***}- 0.0233 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0045)
Γ—\timesΓ— May – February0.0080βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0080absent0.0080^{***}0.0080 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0015)0.0088βˆ—superscript0.00880.0088^{*}0.0088 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0041)0.00090.00090.00090.0009(0.0041)βˆ’0.0206βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0206absent-0.0206^{***}- 0.0206 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0045)
Γ—\timesΓ— June – March0.0064βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0064absent0.0064^{***}0.0064 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0015)βˆ’0.00280.0028-0.0028- 0.0028(0.0041)βˆ’0.0092βˆ—superscript0.0092-0.0092^{*}- 0.0092 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0039)βˆ’0.0204βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0204absent-0.0204^{***}- 0.0204 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0045)
Γ—\timesΓ— July – April0.0118βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0118absent0.0118^{***}0.0118 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0014)0.0121βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0121absent0.0121^{**}0.0121 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0038)0.00030.00030.00030.0003(0.0038)βˆ’0.0168βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0168absent-0.0168^{***}- 0.0168 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0042)
Γ—\timesΓ— August – May0.0118βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0118absent0.0118^{***}0.0118 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0017)0.00570.00570.00570.0057(0.0039)βˆ’0.00610.0061-0.0061- 0.0061(0.0039)βˆ’0.0130βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0130absent-0.0130^{**}- 0.0130 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0043)
Γ—\timesΓ— September – June0.0068βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0068absent0.0068^{***}0.0068 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0019)0.00350.00350.00350.0035(0.0042)βˆ’0.00330.0033-0.0033- 0.0033(0.0041)βˆ’0.0148βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0148absent-0.0148^{**}- 0.0148 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0045)
Γ—\timesΓ— October – July0.0633βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0633absent0.0633^{***}0.0633 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0014)0.0489βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0489absent0.0489^{***}0.0489 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0038)βˆ’0.0144βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0144absent-0.0144^{***}- 0.0144 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0037)βˆ’0.0281βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0281absent-0.0281^{***}- 0.0281 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0040)
Γ—\timesΓ— November – August0.0589βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0589absent0.0589^{***}0.0589 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0022)0.0448βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0448absent0.0448^{***}0.0448 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0041)βˆ’0.0141βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0141absent-0.0141^{***}- 0.0141 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0037)βˆ’0.0112βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0112absent-0.0112^{**}- 0.0112 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0043)
Γ—\timesΓ— December – September0.0617βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0617absent0.0617^{***}0.0617 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0031)0.0503βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0503absent0.0503^{***}0.0503 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0054)βˆ’0.0114βˆ—superscript0.0114-0.0114^{*}- 0.0114 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0045)βˆ’0.0235βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0235absent-0.0235^{***}- 0.0235 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0045)
Gross hourly wage € 12.00 – 12.99base
Gross hourly wage € 13.00 – 14.99
Γ—\timesΓ— April–Januaryβˆ’0.0041βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0041absent-0.0041^{**}- 0.0041 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0014)βˆ’0.0090βˆ—superscript0.0090-0.0090^{*}- 0.0090 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0035)βˆ’0.00490.0049-0.0049- 0.0049(0.0036)0.0187βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0187absent0.0187^{***}0.0187 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0042)
Γ—\timesΓ— May–Februaryβˆ’0.0069βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0069absent-0.0069^{***}- 0.0069 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0014)βˆ’0.0093βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0093absent-0.0093^{**}- 0.0093 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0033)βˆ’0.00240.0024-0.0024- 0.0024(0.0032)0.0161βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0161absent0.0161^{***}0.0161 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0043)
Γ—\timesΓ— June–Marchβˆ’0.00280.0028-0.0028- 0.0028(0.0015)0.00020.00020.00020.0002(0.0037)0.00310.00310.00310.0031(0.0036)0.0197βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0197absent0.0197^{***}0.0197 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0042)
Γ—\timesΓ— July-Aprilβˆ’0.00230.0023-0.0023- 0.0023(0.0013)βˆ’0.00480.0048-0.0048- 0.0048(0.0032)βˆ’0.00240.0024-0.0024- 0.0024(0.0032)0.0182βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0182absent0.0182^{***}0.0182 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0039)
Γ—\timesΓ— August–Mayβˆ’0.0082βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0082absent-0.0082^{***}- 0.0082 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0015)βˆ’0.00440.0044-0.0044- 0.0044(0.0035)0.00380.00380.00380.0038(0.0033)0.0297βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0297absent0.0297^{***}0.0297 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0039)
Γ—\timesΓ— September–Juneβˆ’0.0120βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0120absent-0.0120^{***}- 0.0120 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0017)βˆ’0.0107βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0107absent-0.0107^{**}- 0.0107 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0039)0.00130.00130.00130.0013(0.0037)0.0255βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0255absent0.0255^{***}0.0255 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0042)
Γ—\timesΓ— October–Julyβˆ’0.0169βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0169absent-0.0169^{***}- 0.0169 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0013)βˆ’0.0139βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0139absent-0.0139^{***}- 0.0139 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0034)0.00310.00310.00310.0031(0.0033)0.0221βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0221absent0.0221^{***}0.0221 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0038)
Γ—\timesΓ— November–Augustβˆ’0.0165βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0165absent-0.0165^{***}- 0.0165 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0021)βˆ’0.0155βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0155absent-0.0155^{***}- 0.0155 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0036)0.00110.00110.00110.0011(0.0030)0.0391βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0391absent0.0391^{***}0.0391 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0041)
Γ—\timesΓ— December–Septemberβˆ’0.0204βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0204absent-0.0204^{***}- 0.0204 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0030)βˆ’0.0235βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0235absent-0.0235^{***}- 0.0235 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0053)βˆ’0.00310.0031-0.0031- 0.0031(0.0045)0.0312βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0312absent0.0312^{***}0.0312 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0043)
Gross hourly wage € 15.00 – 20.99
Γ—\timesΓ— April – Januaryβˆ’0.0176βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0176absent-0.0176^{***}- 0.0176 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0013)βˆ’0.0212βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0212absent-0.0212^{***}- 0.0212 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0033)βˆ’0.00360.0036-0.0036- 0.0036(0.0034)0.0438βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0438absent0.0438^{***}0.0438 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0037)
Γ—\timesΓ— May – Februaryβˆ’0.0267βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0267absent-0.0267^{***}- 0.0267 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0013)βˆ’0.0220βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0220absent-0.0220^{***}- 0.0220 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0031)0.00480.00480.00480.0048(0.0031)0.0454βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0454absent0.0454^{***}0.0454 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0037)
Γ—\timesΓ— June – Marchβˆ’0.0137βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0137absent-0.0137^{***}- 0.0137 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0012)βˆ’0.0131βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0131absent-0.0131^{***}- 0.0131 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0034)0.00060.00060.00060.0006(0.0032)0.0531βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0531absent0.0531^{***}0.0531 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0037)
Γ—\timesΓ— July – Aprilβˆ’0.0152βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0152absent-0.0152^{***}- 0.0152 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0010)βˆ’0.0138βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0138absent-0.0138^{***}- 0.0138 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0031)0.00140.00140.00140.0014(0.0030)0.0559βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0559absent0.0559^{***}0.0559 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0034)
Γ—\timesΓ— August – Mayβˆ’0.0200βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0200absent-0.0200^{***}- 0.0200 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0013)βˆ’0.0116βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0116absent-0.0116^{***}- 0.0116 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0033)0.0083βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0083absent0.0083^{**}0.0083 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0031)0.0663βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0663absent0.0663^{***}0.0663 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0035)
Γ—\timesΓ— September – Juneβˆ’0.0230βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0230absent-0.0230^{***}- 0.0230 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0016)βˆ’0.0216βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0216absent-0.0216^{***}- 0.0216 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0035)0.00140.00140.00140.0014(0.0034)0.0645βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0645absent0.0645^{***}0.0645 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0036)
Γ—\timesΓ— October – Julyβˆ’0.0352βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0352absent-0.0352^{***}- 0.0352 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0012)βˆ’0.0289βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0289absent-0.0289^{***}- 0.0289 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0031)0.0064βˆ—superscript0.00640.0064^{*}0.0064 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0030)0.0624βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0624absent0.0624^{***}0.0624 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0033)
Γ—\timesΓ— November – Augustβˆ’0.0361βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0361absent-0.0361^{***}- 0.0361 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0019)βˆ’0.0351βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0351absent-0.0351^{***}- 0.0351 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0032)0.00100.00100.00100.0010(0.0027)0.0758βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0758absent0.0758^{***}0.0758 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0036)
Γ—\timesΓ— December – Septemberβˆ’0.0349βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0349absent-0.0349^{***}- 0.0349 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0028)βˆ’0.0312βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0312absent-0.0312^{***}- 0.0312 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0046)0.00370.00370.00370.0037(0.0038)0.0711βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0711absent0.0711^{***}0.0711 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0037)
Gross hourly wage β©Ύ\mathbf{\geqslant}β©Ύ €21
Γ—\timesΓ— April – Januaryβˆ’0.0434βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0434absent-0.0434^{***}- 0.0434 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0013)βˆ’0.0403βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0403absent-0.0403^{***}- 0.0403 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0032)0.00310.00310.00310.0031(0.0034)0.0777βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0777absent0.0777^{***}0.0777 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0036)
Γ—\timesΓ— May – Februaryβˆ’0.0734βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0734absent-0.0734^{***}- 0.0734 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0013)βˆ’0.0556βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0556absent-0.0556^{***}- 0.0556 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0030)0.0178βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0178absent0.0178^{***}0.0178 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0030)0.0814βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0814absent0.0814^{***}0.0814 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0036)
Γ—\timesΓ— June – Marchβˆ’0.0358βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0358absent-0.0358^{***}- 0.0358 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0012)βˆ’0.0354βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0354absent-0.0354^{***}- 0.0354 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0033)0.00040.00040.00040.0004(0.0032)0.0765βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0765absent0.0765^{***}0.0765 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0036)
Γ—\timesΓ— July – Aprilβˆ’0.0383βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0383absent-0.0383^{***}- 0.0383 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0011)βˆ’0.0285βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0285absent-0.0285^{***}- 0.0285 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0030)0.0098βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0098absent0.0098^{***}0.0098 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0030)0.0823βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0823absent0.0823^{***}0.0823 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0033)
Γ—\timesΓ— August – Mayβˆ’0.0471βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0471absent-0.0471^{***}- 0.0471 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0013)βˆ’0.0273βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0273absent-0.0273^{***}- 0.0273 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0032)0.0199βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0199absent0.0199^{***}0.0199 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0030)0.0915βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0915absent0.0915^{***}0.0915 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0034)
Γ—\timesΓ— September – Juneβˆ’0.0428βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0428absent-0.0428^{***}- 0.0428 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0016)βˆ’0.0354βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0354absent-0.0354^{***}- 0.0354 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0034)0.0074βˆ—superscript0.00740.0074^{*}0.0074 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0033)0.0965βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0965absent0.0965^{***}0.0965 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0035)
Γ—\timesΓ— October – Julyβˆ’0.0595βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0595absent-0.0595^{***}- 0.0595 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0012)βˆ’0.0454βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0454absent-0.0454^{***}- 0.0454 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0030)0.0141βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0141absent0.0141^{***}0.0141 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0029)0.0965βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0965absent0.0965^{***}0.0965 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0032)
Γ—\timesΓ— November – Augustβˆ’0.0617βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0617absent-0.0617^{***}- 0.0617 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0019)βˆ’0.0570βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0570absent-0.0570^{***}- 0.0570 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0031)0.00480.00480.00480.0048(0.0027)0.1062βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1062absent0.1062^{***}0.1062 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0035)
Γ—\timesΓ— December – Septemberβˆ’0.0567βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0567absent-0.0567^{***}- 0.0567 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0028)βˆ’0.0435βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0435absent-0.0435^{***}- 0.0435 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0046)0.0133βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.0133absent0.0133^{***}0.0133 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0037)0.1024βˆ—β£βˆ—βˆ—superscript0.1024absent0.1024^{***}0.1024 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT βˆ— βˆ— βˆ— end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT(0.0036)
  • β€’

    Notes: Columns (1)–(3) report regression coefficients from OLS estimations of equation (1). Column (4) reports regression coefficients from OLS estimation of equation (2). In specification (4), the dependent variable is equal to 1 if employee works in the same plant in t+3𝑑3t+3italic_t + 3 as in t𝑑titalic_t. All regressions are weighted. Standard errors in parentheses are clustered at the individual level. Asterisks indicate significance levels. *p<0.05𝑝0.05p<0.05italic_p < 0.05, **p<0.01𝑝0.01p<0.01italic_p < 0.01, ***p<0.001𝑝0.001p<0.001italic_p < 0.001. Sample size is larger for specification (4) since observations are only included in specifications (1)–(3) if employee works in the same establishment in t𝑑titalic_t and t+3𝑑3t+3italic_t + 3.
    Data: SE, 2022, monthly data, public sector excluded.

Appendix C Robustness

C.1 Inclusion of covariates

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (16){justify}

Notes:While covariates are included in the regressions, they are set equal to zero when obtaining the predictions.Regarding hourly wage growth, monthly wage growth and contractual hours growth, each point is a prediction using the estimates of a covariate-amended version of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. Regarding employment retention each point is a prediction using the estimates of a covariate-amended version of equation(2) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3E[\ln y_{g,m+3}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].The respective regressions include the following covariates:gender, age, education (7 categories), foreign, job task (4 categories), part-time, minijobber, job tenure (9 categories), sector (2 digit), bargaining agreement, company size (7 categories), and federal state.
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

C.2 Heterogeneous effects by educational attainment

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (17)
A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (18)


Notes: Separate estimations and predictions by educational attainment.The upper part presents the development of hourly wage growth and the lower part presents the development of monthly wage growth. Each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (19)
A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (20)


Notes: Separate estimations and predictions by educational attainment.The upper part presents the development of monthly working hours growth and the lower part presents the development of employment retention. For monthly working hours, each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. For employment retention, each point is a prediction using estimates of equation(2) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑Eg,m+3]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπΈπ‘”π‘š3E[\ln E_{g,m+3}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

C.3 Heterogeneous effects by tenure

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (21)
A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (22)


Notes: Separate estimations and predictions by tenure group.The upper part presents the development of hourly wage growth and the lower part presents the development of monthly wage growth. Each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (23)
A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (24)


Notes: Separate estimations and predictions by tenure group.The upper part presents the development of monthly working hours growth and the lower part presents the development of employment retention. For monthly working hours, each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. For employment retention, each point is a prediction using estimates of equation(2) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑Eg,m+3]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπΈπ‘”π‘š3E[\ln E_{g,m+3}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

C.4 Heterogeneous effects by establishment size

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (25)
A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (26)


Notes: Separate estimations and predictions by establishment size.The upper part presents the development of hourly wage growth and the lower part presents the development of monthly wage growth. Each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (27)
A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (28)


Notes: Separate estimations and predictions by establishment size.The upper part presents the development of monthly working hours growth and the lower part presents the development of employment retention. For monthly working hours, each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. For employment retention, each point is a prediction using estimates of equation(2) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑Eg,m+3]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπΈπ‘”π‘š3E[\ln E_{g,m+3}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

C.5 Worker fixed effects regressions

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (29){justify}

Notes:For each of the three outcome variables, each point is a prediction using the estimates for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m of a worker fixed effects amended version of equation(1), i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].Note that in FE regressions, the level of the four lines is identified by employees moving into and out of the groups. Therefore, in all three graphs, each of the four lines have been shifted parallel by the respective January value obtained from the baseline regressions (displayed in Figures2 and 3). Since this has no impact on the development of the four lines, it does not affect the difference-in-differences treatment effect.
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

C.6 Growth rates over one month

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (30){justify}

Notes:For each of the three outcome variables, each point is a prediction using the estimates for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m of an adjusted one-month version of equation(1), i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+1βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š1subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+1}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-October 2022, public sector excluded.

Appendix D Alternative specifications regarding aggregate employment effects

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (31)


Source: Earnings Survey, April 2022, public sector excluded.

Total EmploymentMinijobsRegular Employment
log 12 monthslogdifference log 12 monthslogdifference log 12 monthslogdifference
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—J⁒a⁒n⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π½π‘Žπ‘›π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Bite\times Januaryitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_J italic_a italic_n italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_ybasebasebasebasebasebase
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—F⁒e⁒b⁒r⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’πΉπ‘’π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Bite\times Februaryitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_F italic_e italic_b italic_r italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_y-0.009***0.005-0.025***-0.009-0.010***0.009*
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—M⁒a⁒r⁒c⁒hπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘€π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘β„ŽBite\times Marchitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_M italic_a italic_r italic_c italic_h-0.0080.004-0.053***-0.040**-0.0010.020*
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—A⁒p⁒r⁒i⁒lπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π΄π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘™Bite\times Aprilitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_A italic_p italic_r italic_i italic_l0.0040.023-0.032*0.0020.0120.031**
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—M⁒a⁒yπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘€π‘Žπ‘¦Bite\times Mayitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_M italic_a italic_y-0.0010.026-0.045*0.0140.0080.030**
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—J⁒u⁒n⁒e𝐡𝑖𝑑𝑒𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑒Bite\times Juneitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_J italic_u italic_n italic_e-0.0040.018-0.0330.0090.0110.023*
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—J⁒u⁒l⁒y𝐡𝑖𝑑𝑒𝐽𝑒𝑙𝑦Bite\times Julyitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_J italic_u italic_l italic_y0.0020.009-0.022-0.0280.0030.013
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—A⁒u⁒g⁒u⁒s⁒t𝐡𝑖𝑑𝑒𝐴𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑑Bite\times Augustitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_A italic_u italic_g italic_u italic_s italic_t0.0130.004-0.008-0.0240.0010.010
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—S⁒e⁒p⁒t⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘†π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Septemberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_S italic_e italic_p italic_t italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.020-0.000-0.0280.003-0.0110.005
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—O⁒c⁒t⁒o⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘‚π‘π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Octoberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_O italic_c italic_t italic_o italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.033-0.007-0.083*0.008-0.0300.001
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—N⁒o⁒v⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘π‘œπ‘£π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Novemberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_N italic_o italic_v italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.052**-0.007-0.128***0.004-0.043*0.006
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—D⁒e⁒c⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π·π‘’π‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Decemberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_D italic_e italic_c italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.074***-0.012-0.170***0.004-0.064***0.003
B⁒i⁒t⁒e𝐡𝑖𝑑𝑒Biteitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e-2.153**-0.098***-4.698***-0.438***-1.648*-0.045**

Continued overleaf

Total EmploymentMinijobsRegular Employment
log 12 monthslogdifference log 12 monthslogdifference log 12 monthslogdifference
J⁒a⁒n⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ½π‘Žπ‘›π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Januaryitalic_J italic_a italic_n italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_ybasebasebasebasebasebase
F⁒e⁒b⁒r⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπΉπ‘’π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Februaryitalic_F italic_e italic_b italic_r italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_y0.003***0.002***0.003***0.004***0.005***0.001***
M⁒a⁒r⁒c⁒hπ‘€π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘β„ŽMarchitalic_M italic_a italic_r italic_c italic_h0.007***0.0010.009***0.006***0.008***-0.000
A⁒p⁒r⁒i⁒lπ΄π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘™Aprilitalic_A italic_p italic_r italic_i italic_l0.009***-0.0010.013***0.004*0.008***-0.002
M⁒a⁒yπ‘€π‘Žπ‘¦Mayitalic_M italic_a italic_y0.014***-0.0010.023***0.0010.011***-0.001
J⁒u⁒n⁒e𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑒Juneitalic_J italic_u italic_n italic_e0.015***-0.005***0.026***-0.015***0.013***-0.002**
J⁒u⁒l⁒y𝐽𝑒𝑙𝑦Julyitalic_J italic_u italic_l italic_y0.012***-0.007***0.024***-0.022***0.014***-0.003***
A⁒u⁒g⁒u⁒s⁒t𝐴𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑑Augustitalic_A italic_u italic_g italic_u italic_s italic_t0.016***-0.008***0.022***-0.024***0.015***-0.004**
S⁒e⁒p⁒t⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘†π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸSeptemberitalic_S italic_e italic_p italic_t italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.026***-0.008***0.025***-0.025***0.020***-0.004**
O⁒c⁒t⁒o⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘‚π‘π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘’π‘ŸOctoberitalic_O italic_c italic_t italic_o italic_b italic_e italic_r0.026***-0.008***0.031***-0.024***0.021***-0.005***
N⁒o⁒v⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘π‘œπ‘£π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸNovemberitalic_N italic_o italic_v italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.026***-0.009***0.036***-0.022***0.021***-0.007***
D⁒e⁒c⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ·π‘’π‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸDecemberitalic_D italic_e italic_c italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.021***-0.009***0.033***-0.020***0.016***-0.008***
  • β€’

    Notes: Full table of coefficients from region-level difference-in-difference regressions as specified in equation (4). Outcome variables are the (unadjusted) logarithm and, respectively, the 12-month difference of the (adjusted) logarithm of total employment, minijobs, and regular social security employees. Standard errors in parentheses are clustered at the county level. Asterisks indicate significance levels *p<0.05𝑝0.05p<0.05italic_p < 0.05, **p<0.01𝑝0.01p<0.01italic_p < 0.01, ***p<0.001𝑝0.001p<0.001italic_p < 0.001. Source: County-level administrative employment data of the Federal Employment Agency, and Earnings Survey of April 2022 for the regionally aggregated bite.

Total EmploymentMinijobsRegular Employment
log 12 monthslogdifference log 12 monthslogdifference log 12 monthslogdifference
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—J⁒a⁒n⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π½π‘Žπ‘›π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Bite\times Januaryitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_J italic_a italic_n italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_ybasebasebasebasebasebase
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—F⁒e⁒b⁒r⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’πΉπ‘’π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Bite\times Februaryitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_F italic_e italic_b italic_r italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_y-0.006*0.0070.0050.014-0.010***0.007
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—M⁒a⁒r⁒c⁒hπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘€π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘β„ŽBite\times Marchitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_M italic_a italic_r italic_c italic_h-0.0010.0090.0070.0060.0000.017
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—A⁒p⁒r⁒i⁒lπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π΄π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘™Bite\times Aprilitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_A italic_p italic_r italic_i italic_l0.0150.030*0.057***0.071**0.0130.026*
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—M⁒a⁒yπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘€π‘Žπ‘¦Bite\times Mayitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_M italic_a italic_y0.0130.034**0.074***0.106***0.0100.024
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—J⁒u⁒n⁒e𝐡𝑖𝑑𝑒𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑒Bite\times Juneitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_J italic_u italic_n italic_e0.0140.029**0.115***0.123***0.0140.014
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—J⁒u⁒l⁒y𝐡𝑖𝑑𝑒𝐽𝑒𝑙𝑦Bite\times Julyitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_J italic_u italic_l italic_y0.0230.0220.155***0.110***0.0060.003
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—A⁒u⁒g⁒u⁒s⁒t𝐡𝑖𝑑𝑒𝐴𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑑Bite\times Augustitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_A italic_u italic_g italic_u italic_s italic_t0.0380.0190.199***0.137***0.005-0.002
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—S⁒e⁒p⁒t⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘†π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Septemberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_S italic_e italic_p italic_t italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.0090.0170.209***0.186***-0.007-0.009
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—O⁒c⁒t⁒o⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘‚π‘π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Octoberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_O italic_c italic_t italic_o italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.0010.0120.183***0.214***-0.025-0.014
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—N⁒o⁒v⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘π‘œπ‘£π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Novemberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_N italic_o italic_v italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.0160.0150.168***0.233***-0.038-0.011
B⁒i⁒t⁒eΓ—D⁒e⁒c⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ΅π‘–π‘‘π‘’π·π‘’π‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸBite\times Decemberitalic_B italic_i italic_t italic_e Γ— italic_D italic_e italic_c italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r-0.0350.0120.155***0.256***-0.059**-0.016
  • β€’

    Notes: Treatment interactions from region-level difference-in-difference regressions as specified in equation (4). Outcome variables are the (unadjusted) logarithm and, respectively, the 12-month difference of the (adjusted) logarithm of total employment, minijobs, and regular social security employees. Standard errors in parentheses are clustered at the county level. Asterisks indicate significance levels *p<0.05𝑝0.05p<0.05italic_p < 0.05, **p<0.01𝑝0.01p<0.01italic_p < 0.01, ***p<0.001𝑝0.001p<0.001italic_p < 0.001. Source: County-level administrative employment data of the Federal Employment Agency, and Earnings Survey of April 2022 for the regionally aggregated bite.

log Minijobs
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—J⁒a⁒n⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021π½π‘Žπ‘›π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Year_{2021}\times Januaryitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_J italic_a italic_n italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_y-0.028***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—F⁒e⁒b⁒r⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021πΉπ‘’π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Year_{2021}\times Februaryitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_F italic_e italic_b italic_r italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_y-0.030***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—M⁒a⁒r⁒c⁒hπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021π‘€π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘β„ŽYear_{2021}\times Marchitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_M italic_a italic_r italic_c italic_h-0.025***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—A⁒p⁒r⁒i⁒lπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021π΄π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘™Year_{2021}\times Aprilitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_A italic_p italic_r italic_i italic_l-0.020***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—M⁒a⁒yπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021π‘€π‘Žπ‘¦Year_{2021}\times Mayitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_M italic_a italic_y-0.010***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—J⁒u⁒n⁒eπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑒Year_{2021}\times Juneitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_J italic_u italic_n italic_e0.012***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—J⁒u⁒l⁒yπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021𝐽𝑒𝑙𝑦Year_{2021}\times Julyitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_J italic_u italic_l italic_y0.022***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—A⁒u⁒g⁒u⁒s⁒tπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021𝐴𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑑Year_{2021}\times Augustitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_A italic_u italic_g italic_u italic_s italic_t0.023***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—S⁒e⁒p⁒t⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021π‘†π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸYear_{2021}\times Septemberitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_S italic_e italic_p italic_t italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.024***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—O⁒c⁒t⁒o⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021π‘‚π‘π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘’π‘ŸYear_{2021}\times Octoberitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_O italic_c italic_t italic_o italic_b italic_e italic_r0.024***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—N⁒o⁒v⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021π‘π‘œπ‘£π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸYear_{2021}\times Novemberitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_N italic_o italic_v italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.025***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2021Γ—D⁒e⁒c⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2021π·π‘’π‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸYear_{2021}\times Decemberitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_D italic_e italic_c italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.016***(0.000)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—J⁒a⁒n⁒u⁒a⁒rπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022π½π‘Žπ‘›π‘’π‘Žπ‘ŸYear_{2022}\times Januaritalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_J italic_a italic_n italic_u italic_a italic_rbase
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—F⁒e⁒b⁒r⁒u⁒a⁒r⁒yπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022πΉπ‘’π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘¦Year_{2022}\times Februaryitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_F italic_e italic_b italic_r italic_u italic_a italic_r italic_y0.003***(0.000)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—M⁒a⁒r⁒c⁒hπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022π‘€π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘β„ŽYear_{2022}\times Marchitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_M italic_a italic_r italic_c italic_h0.010***(0.000)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—A⁒p⁒r⁒i⁒lπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022π΄π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘™Year_{2022}\times Aprilitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_A italic_p italic_r italic_i italic_l0.018***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—M⁒a⁒yπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022π‘€π‘Žπ‘¦Year_{2022}\times Mayitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_M italic_a italic_y0.029***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—J⁒u⁒n⁒eπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑒Year_{2022}\times Juneitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_J italic_u italic_n italic_e0.036***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—J⁒u⁒l⁒yπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022𝐽𝑒𝑙𝑦Year_{2022}\times Julyitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_J italic_u italic_l italic_y0.037***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—A⁒u⁒g⁒u⁒s⁒tπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022𝐴𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑑Year_{2022}\times Augustitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_A italic_u italic_g italic_u italic_s italic_t0.039***(0.002)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—S⁒e⁒p⁒t⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022π‘†π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸYear_{2022}\times Septemberitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_S italic_e italic_p italic_t italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.043***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—O⁒c⁒t⁒o⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022π‘‚π‘π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘’π‘ŸYear_{2022}\times Octoberitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_O italic_c italic_t italic_o italic_b italic_e italic_r0.047***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—N⁒o⁒v⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022π‘π‘œπ‘£π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸYear_{2022}\times Novemberitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_N italic_o italic_v italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.050***(0.001)
Y⁒e⁒a⁒r2022Γ—D⁒e⁒c⁒e⁒m⁒b⁒e⁒rπ‘Œπ‘’π‘Žsubscriptπ‘Ÿ2022π·π‘’π‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘ŸYear_{2022}\times Decemberitalic_Y italic_e italic_a italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2022 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Γ— italic_D italic_e italic_c italic_e italic_m italic_b italic_e italic_r0.047***(0.001)
  • β€’

    Notes: Region-level regression estimates of the natural logarithm of the number of minijobs on year times month dummies. Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors in parentheses: * = p<<<0.10. ** = p<<<0.05. *** = p<<<0.01.
    Source: County-level administrative employment data of the Federal Employment Agency.

Appendix E Heterogeneity by job type, full graphical illustration

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (32)A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (33)


Notes: Separate estimations and predictions for regular social security employees (on the left) and minijobbers (on the right). The upper part presents the development of hourly wage growth and the lower part presents the development of monthly wage growth. Each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (34)A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (35)


Notes: Separate estimations and predictions for regular social security employees (on the left) and minijobbers (on the right). The upper part presents the development of monthly working hours growth and the lower part presents the development of employment retention. For monthly working hours, each point is a prediction using the estimates of equation(1) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑yg,m+3βˆ’ln⁑yg,m]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘š3subscriptπ‘¦π‘”π‘šE[\ln y_{g,m+3}-\ln y_{g,m}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - roman_ln italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ]. For employment retention, each point is a prediction using estimates of equation(2) for the respective group g𝑔gitalic_g and month mπ‘šmitalic_m, i.e., each point is an estimate of E⁒[ln⁑Eg,m+3]𝐸delimited-[]subscriptπΈπ‘”π‘š3E[\ln E_{g,m+3}]italic_E [ roman_ln italic_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g , italic_m + 3 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ].
Source: Earnings Survey, monthly panel January-December 2022, public sector excluded.

A 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage: nothing crazy! (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.