Ace in the Hole - Chapter 100 - TaeFansick (2024)

Chapter Text

“He sounds dreamy, Luci-Lu~”

Lucifer couldn’t help the sappy grin that played across his face. “It’s all still new but…I dunno…” He ran a finger over the rim of his mug, still bashful about gushing over Alastor. “He’s just been…” Lucifer looked to Bee, nervous. “Is it awful of me that sometimes I find myself forgetting about Lilith? Well-” He sighed. “No, not forgetting, exactly. Just…”

“Feels like an entirely different life, yeah?” Bee reached over to squeeze Lucifer’s shoulder. “Hey, it doesn’t make you a bad person. That’s what moving on is. And who knows? Maybe Lily will do the same someday,”

“Maybe.” Lucifer pondered over the idea. “Huh. Maybe that’s who Charlie should be focused on setting up,” he joked. “I dunno…I want her to find happiness, I do. But I also don’t want her to put anyone else what she put me through,”

“She could benefit from some therapy for sure.” Bee smacked her tongue against her teeth in distaste, as though she could taste Lilith at that very moment. “She would shift flavors so often it was f*cking nuts,” the Sin complained. “Like, one moment she’d be smiling and talking and she’d have this delicious f*cking bubblegum flavor, all sugary and sweet and then no f*cking warning she’d go from that to tasting like-” Bee groaned, trying to find the words. “Okay, so you know like when you walk past a trash can when it’s hot out and it’s like, you’re not tasting it but you are? That.”

“Really?” Lucifer blinked. “I…You never told me that,”

“Course not, that’s rude as Hell. No pun intended.” Bee shrugged. “I kinda hoped she’d come out of it,”

“When did her flavors change? Like when she was angry or…?”

“There wasn’t a pattern, exactly,” Bee admitted. “That’s why I didn’t know what to say. Sometimes it would be like she looked jealous or annoyed but most of the time it changed randomly and she’d go right back to tasting like herself,”

“Nothing else happened?”

“I mean she’d talk a little weird when it happened. Like she’d gush about how smart Mammon was or brag about how loyal you were to her. Stuff like that,”

“Huh.” Lucifer filed the information away for later. “...If I were to have you interact with her again, would you be willing to signal me when she has those shifts?”

“For you, Luci-Lu? Yes. I will taste hot summer garbage. But only if I get to meet this man of yours~!” She gasped excitedly. “Omigod! Let’s all go out! You and Al, me and Tex, and Ozzy and Fizz! Triple date!”

“I’ll run the idea past him, but to be honest a one-on-one might be easier for him to start meeting everyone.” Alastor was quite charismatic, but he also enjoyed tucking himself away when things got too loud for his tastes.

“Alright, that’s fair. So I can plan a visit then?”

“I’ll get something set up for some time in the next few weeks. I want to get your input on the competition for Greed’s replacement while you’re there,”

“Speaking of, any other Sins gunna pop in for that?”

“Maybe Ozzy? I’m going to ask Fizzarolli to help Alastor with hosting seeing as he worked so close with Mammon. Get an idea of what would be good contests to have,”

“What about Satan~?”

Lucifer flushed. “No, probably not Satan.”

“Aww come on! I haven’t seen him in ages!” She playfully shoved at the king, careful not to make him spill his drink while she harassed him. “I wanna see him~!”

“So go to the Wrath Ring,” Lucifer snickered. “I don’t think he’d have a good time watching all that nonsense. You know he’s not wild about the whole clown and jester thing,”

“But he hated Mammon as much as you!”

“Probably more,” Lucifer conceded.

“Exactly! Plus he’s total eye candy~” Bee gushed, fanning herself. “And I wanna get it so Tex can sneak a little peak~ He hasn’t seen Satan before, ya know!”

Lucifer shrugged. “I’ll think about it.” He wasn’t sure about inviting Satan to anything. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the Sin but… Satan was a little different from the rest of the Sins. He was the only one that Lucifer had no recollection of how they came into existence. He had the main idea for Wrath, sure, but it felt like Satan just came from nowhere. While the others Lucifer was able to see form and come into being…he didn’t with the leader of the Wrath Ring. At first he had been suspicious that the Sin was a product of Heaven but there was no questioning his magickal signature on the Sin or Satan’s loyalty. After a few hundred years of being paranoid, Lucifer eventually conceded Satan had no desire to do anything to make Hell off balance. In fact, Satan had been the one to insist his Ring be used for farmland to help provide food and work, something Lucifer hadn’t considered.

“You want to…farm?”

“I want the Hellborn to be able to farm, yes,”

“Oh…” Lucifer’s brow furrowed. “I don’t think that’s a bad idea but may I ask why?”

“I find it admirable,”

“Admirable?” Lucifer perked at the fond tone in the Sin’s voice.

“For humans and Hellborns to have the ability to…make something flourish from nothing. To shape the land and work with it to make homes, food…Creating beauty and prosperity from what could have been nothing.” A charming smile graced Satan’s features. “Actually I think it’s a fitting way to honor you, Your Majesty,”

Lucifer’s face flushed and he gave a nervous laugh. “I’m sorry? You’ve got the wrong guy-”

“I don’t,” Satan cut in gently. “When you arrived in Hell, it was nothing. And now it’s a flourishing world,”

“Flourish is definitely the wrong word!” Lucifer snickered. “But um…thank you? I appreciate the delusion,”

“Hm…So I have your permission then?”

“Yeah, I think that would be amazing!” Lucifer beamed. “Go for it!”

When was the last time he saw Satan…? He had spoken through the phone recently, but… Oh wait, maybe that wasn’t so recent. When did he last talk to Satan? Oh dear. He should fix that. He didn’t want the Sin to feel ignored. Poor guy was pretty sweet and sensitive considering his position. Not that Lucifer could judge…

Lucifer sighed, checking his phone for the time. “Damn. I still have to go see Stolas about his end of the contracts. Thank you again for doing all this, Bee,”

“Of course! Reading is such a great break,” Bee assured. “I love the loud music and parties but sometimes I do just need something quiet, ya know? It’s actually been nice~ I lay there and read and Tex rubs my feet and watches tv~”

Lucifer smiled. “That sounds sweet!” He gushed. Foot rubs, huh? Would Alastor like something like that? He stood and set his mug down, stretching. “I better get going. I’ll call to set up plans, okay?”

“I’m holding you to it, Luci-Lu!”


Alastor grumbled, his radio frequencies cutting in and out while his eye twitched.

“Oh stop being so pissy!” Velvette teased. “Don’t you think your little piece of arm candy will be just a little bit pleased with you if he knew you spent a day doing something that would make him happy and less worried about you?” At Alastor’s annoyed grunt, Velvette rolled her eyes. “Look, we don’t even have to buy anything today. You can just take a look around for now and get an idea of what’s on the market,”

Alastor’s shoulders slumped and a dramatic exhale left his nose. “I don’t appreciate being tricked,”

“It wasn’t a trick. I really do have to pick up some stuff at home and check to see if Vox is okay,”

“He’s like a roach. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“I’m not gunna make you two play nice, don’t worry,” Velvette dismissed. “I don’t even wanna hang around too long. But I want some of my clothes and stuff and you’re gunna help me carry it, right~?” She gave her best puppy eyes, managing to make Alastor laugh.

“Of course, dear. I’d never hear the end of it letting you wander on your own in your vulnerable state.” At this point, everyone had heard about Lucifer’s visit to the V’s. There were more than a few murmurs about their loss in territory and power, even though their positions as Overlords were technically in tact. When Velvette had asked Alastor to accompany here to use what she called “scary dog privilege” he felt inclined to say yes. “...I don’t have to talk to him?”

“Nah, I wouldn’t make you. I know you two have…something going on.” Her eyes scanned over Alastor’s expression. “...Could I ask what exactly? All I heard was that you were a prude, but that’s not quite right. Did Vox not know you’re ace?”

“To be fair, I wasn’t even aware until fairly recently,”

“Right…” Velvette’s brow furrowed in concern. “Did he…try something?”

“A love declaration. Well, supposed love anyway. And I didn’t return his affections.” Alastor frowned. “Actually no, it wasn’t just that…I didn’t only not return it. I…left.”

“Oh…Yeah, that woulda pissed Vox off alright. He hates being ignored,”


“Will this be too weird for you?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t avoid Vox forever. If I’m going to be trusted helping Lucifer, I can’t just refuse to interact with Sinners just because I don’t like them,”

“He really does mean a lot to you, doesn’t he?”

“An embarrassing amount,”

“I can relate. Vox is f*cking moron but…hard not to care about him. Even love him, though I know it’s not in the way he wants to be,”

“Because you two aren’t intimate?”

“Because Vox wants to worship someone and be worshipped by them. He wants someone he can both bully but will also toss his ass across the room if needed. He acts all tough, but…he liked Val because Val was jealous whenever someone gave Vox too much attention,”

“So they were a good match then?”

“...Not at the end,” Velvette admitted quietly. She was grateful the Sinners they passed gave them plenty of space, having no desire to run into the Radio Demon and become a casualty. “Once Val became focused on Angel, Vox isolated a lot. Val just became more focused on any attention Angel got and Vox…I think he knew it was over when Val was more jealous over Angel than anything going on with Vox. I mean, there was one night someone plopped right in Vox’s lap hitting on him and I thought for sure Val would have one of his temper tantrums, but then Val just laughed it off no big deal and went back to texting Angel!”

“I see…” Oddly enough, Alastor did feel a bit of sympathy for his former friend. If he had someone flirting with him and Lucifer didn’t show a little bit of envy or something he would be rather miffed… Anything but laughing and brushing it off, really. “Well… then it’s a blessing that he has to move on from Valentino then,”

“I’m pretty sure he had been moving on for years now,”



The bird squawked on fear as he jumped from his desk. He rushed from his desk, a nervous smile on his face. “Your Majesty!” He gave a low bow. “I’ve been expecting you!” Stolas wrung his hands, his nerves shot. “Can I offer you something to drink? Something to eat?”

“No, no, thank you. I ate plenty at Bee’s,” Lucifer replied, trying to appear friendly. “Stolas, come on, relax. It’s me! I know we don’t hang out much these days, but I’m not that scary, am I?”

“No!” Stolas rushed to reply. “Well, no, yes! A fearsome and formidable king, indeed. But not-! That is, I’m not afraid exactly-” Stolas groaned. “I’m sorry, I’m rather frazzled today…”

“Are you alright?” Lucifer’s smile slipped and he reached out to try and offer a comforting hand, resting it on Stolas’s arm. “I heard about the divorce…Do you wanna talk?”

“Oh, no!” Stolas relaxed a little at Lucifer’s kindness. “No, it isn’t Stella. I’m quite used to her abrasiveness,”

“Then what is it? I know you were hurt recently…Do you need me to take you to the hospital? Are you hurt? Sick?”

“I…” Stolas’s throat constricted, wrung with guilt. He took a breath and clenched his eyes shut as he held out his hand, revealing the broach he had been holding. “I’m so sorry! I took it years ago and I just…I meant to give it back, truly! But it felt…” He rubbed at his eyes with his other hand. “It just…was nice having something of yours when things were bad,” he confessed miserably. “Forgive me…”

“Oh!” Lucifer’s eyes lit up once he recognized the item. “Hey, that’s-” He stilled, his blood running cold. Oh… He took a step back, his heart racing. Oh no…

Stolas misread Lucifer’s reaction. “Oh, dear! I’m so sorry, truly I am!” He tried stepping closer, panicking when Lucifer refused to be closer, the king’s eyes still locked on the broach. “I just…I found it among Lilith’s things and I was going to put it back with yours but then I thought you two would fight even more because she would think you snooped through her vanity so I held it and…I just got so attached, was all! But that’s no excuse…”

Lucifer swallowed, clinging to his cane. He could feel it. His magick was in that broach. My halo… He tried to control his racing heart, a hand to his chest as though that would keep it from beating so erratically. He attempted a measured breath, hating how shaky it came out. “H-..H-how long have you…?”

“I…” Stolas grimaced. “I took it that um…last evening I was training in your home,” he confessed softly. “I understand if you’re upset,”

“Oh, nonono!” Lucifer forced a laugh. “I’m not mad at you~” He made a show of pulling his hat with a bow, putting on his best showman’s smile. “If you could pop it in here for me~” Stolas’s face contorted in confusion as he hesitantly did so. “Thank you~” Lucifer cradled his hat to his chest, feeling sweat collect on his neck and forehead as he did his best not to shake. Can’t let it touch my skin yet, he fretted. This looks so weird! He’s for sure gunna ask what’s up! “Actually, ya know, I was at Bee’s waaay longer than planned so I should go~” He quickly opened a portal to his bedroom. “I’ll call you in a few days, okay? Don’t be a stranger! Bye!”

The moment he was back in the hotel, Lucifer rushed to shut the portal, his knees gving out as he collapsed to the floor. “Oh, sh*t…Oh, sh*t!” He sat with his back to the foot of the bed, his hat in between his legs and holding the broach that shimmered at him tauntingly.

Tears pricked his eyes. His halo…His memories! A tearful smile graced his trembling lips. Home. That’s what it felt like. Not Heaven, not Hell, not even his time with Lilith. It felt like him. The stolen pieces of his mind and heart were tucked in this small item that once meant nothing more than a pretty thing to wear. The thought actually made him laugh. That must have been why Lilith chose the broach…He had said that exact thing about his halo once…

“How does it stay on?”

“Oh…Um…” Lucifer waved a hand in between where the top of his head was and where his halo floated. “I’m not sure, actually,” he shrugged. “Just does I guess,”

“What does it mean? How come Adam and I don’t have one?” She was watching him thoughtfully from her spot on the grass.

“I don’t think it means much of anything, really,” Lucifer hummed, moving to lie down beside her. “Just a pretty thing to wear, I think,”

Lucifer extended his presence out in the hotel, disappointed when he couldn’t sense Alastor at all. He stood, pacing uncertainly as he held his hat to his chest. He should go get Niffty so she wasn’t searching…But he shouldn’t leave his broach here, just in case.

Oh, but he shouldn’t take it with him either. The longer he held off, the more he risked it touching him before he could brace himself.

He could ask Charlie to portal Niffty back…Yeah, that was a good idea! He pulled out his cell, taking a breath of relief as it rang. Only then did he recall that Charlie didn’t know Niffty was at the house, let alone what she was doing-!

“Hey, Dad~! What’s up?”

Lucifer’s breath caught and he coughed in shock. “S-sorry! Um…Hey, honey!” f*ck, I didn’t think this through!

“Dad, are you okay?”

“Y-yeah, I’m fine! Um, listen, can you do me a favor? Could you- When you see Alastor, ask him to bring Niffty back to the hotel, okay?”

“Did you need her for something?”

“No, no, just uh…” Breathe, you moron! “Just tell him to tell her that I found what I asked her to get for me, okay? And tell him I’ll be…I’ll meet him later, okay?”

“Um…okay? Sure, I’ll tell him,”

“Great~ I’ll see you, Applepie, okay?” He clung to the phone, the passing fear gripping him that maybe he would be indisposed for some time. “Charlie. I love you.”

She laughed. “I love you, too, Dad~ I’ll see you later!”

Once she hung up, Lucifer carefully set his phone on the desk. Hesitating, he placed his hat on the bed, still holding his broach inside of it. He moved to lock his bedroom door, knowing full well Alastor could get in using his shadows if needed. Okay. No more distractions. No more putting this off. With shaking hands, he slipped off everything but his white dress shirt and pants, not wanting to destroy his favorite clothes too much.

He grabbed a pad of paper and a pen as he made his way to the bed. He settled on his side and wrote out something for Alastor quick: “It’s the broach. Stolas had it. Make sure you get Niffty in case Charlie doesn’t tell you first. Not sure how long it’ll be.” He tapped his pen on the pad before continuing. “Couldn’t risk losing it again. I love you.”

Shaking, he set the note on Alastor’s side of the bed and took a breath. Now or never. Quickly, he grabbed the broach before he could talk himself out of it. He squeezed between his hands, craddling it to him as he slipped away.

When he opened his eyes, he was in Eden. His memory of Eden.

He looked to his hands, frowning when the broach didn’t follow him into his mind. When a light caught his eye he scowled and reached to shield his gaze, freezing when he felt it. His halo… He could see it in his shadow on the ground… Wow… A demon with a halo…Who would’ve thought…

He peered around, uncertain of what he was looking for but starting to walk anyway. When was the last time he felt grass…? Even if it was on his hooves rather than the feet he used to have…

“You’re finally here,”

Lucifer peered up, finding his angelic form patiently awaiting him, sitting among the roots of a tree. The Tree, he quickly corrected himself, recognizing it now that he was walking up to it. He wasn’t sure how to feel. “I guess that makes sense you’d be here…” He forced a chuckle. “Memories. Knowledge. That’s pretty funny,”

“We always did have a sense of humor,” his other half agreed. He strode up, twisting his hands to split the apple in his hands in half. He offered one half, an enouraging smile on his face. “On three?”

Lucifer nodded. It was only fair his repressed angelic nature follow him on this journey. Actually, it was a comfort to know he wasn’t entirely alone. “Let’s do it.” He took the apple half. “One…”


“Three.” A rush of flavor on his tonuge…and everything changed.

Ace in the Hole - Chapter 100 - TaeFansick (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.