Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (2024)

Atelier Resleriana is part of a well-established franchise of cozy RPGs that has found a new home on mobile platforms – and a version on Steam.

In a kind of team-up crossover, numerous protagonists from other Ateliers make appearances both in the main story and gameplay, making Atelier Resleriana a must-play for series fans.

If there's one thing the franchise excels at, it's in its crafting system, powered by the Alchemy theme that permeates all Atelier games.

To grasp how both the gameplay and crafting work, along with mechanics adapted for mobile, check out our Atelier Resleriana – Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes, and become the best among all alchemists.

Mastering the Battle

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The battle in Atelier Resleriana is turn-based but with a distinctive twist. In the bottom left, you can see the order of characters that will act next, from right to left.

Characters have three types of attacks:

  • Skill 1:Causes minor damage but allows the character to act more quickly in sequence.
  • Skill 2:More potent, both in damage and stun, but with a long wait time, delaying the character's turn the most.
  • Burst:This can only be used if a character's turn is in the Burst panel. It is the most powerful technique and has the potential to turn the game around.
Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (2)

Enemies have an HP and Stun gauge, represented by the blue and yellow bars, respectively. If the HP gauge reaches zero, the monster dies. If the stun bar is reduced, it remains unable to act for several turns.

You can and should manipulate turns to place enemies in debuff panels and allies in buff panels. More urgent than ever is consistently placing an ally in a Burst panel to unlock their best skill.

Using items also influences the turn sequence in Atelier Resleriana. The item pushes the actions of all characters one turn later, allowing you to adjust the order as you wish and planur strategy accordingly.

The Art of Synthesis

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The synthesis system is the crafting feature of Atelier Resleriana. You'll probably spend most of your time in the game here, creating new items and gear. You need to collect materials and recipes, usually as a reward after battles or quests, before attempting to do Synthesis.

To create a recipe, you need the corresponding material, as well as using Mana. Mana is like the stamina of Synthesis and recovers over time, albeit more scarce than other energies.

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After you choose a recipe, the game will take you to Prep Work. Here, you must select the alchemists who will assist in unlocking traits during the Synthesis.

It works as follows: the item to be synthesized has three colors. You must select a character whose color on the left tile matches any of the item.

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (5)

Next, a trait will appear above, indicating which additional attribute the equipment can receive – not guaranteed – and prompting you to add another alchemist.

The next alchemist must match the color of the right tile of the first alchemist, creating a Gift Color synergy and adding a new trait.

The third space will be filled with a material, ideally representing the last alchemist's right color. With this, your chances of successful synthesis increase.

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However, it's still worth paying attention to the trait, as some may not match the item or equipment being created and won't activate in the end.

Equipment can have up to two traits, while battle items can have three in Atelier Resleriana At the end of the Synthesis, you will see which traits and their rank were added to the item.

There are numerous variations of characters and traits to discover. Experiment and try until you achieve the desired creation. If you don't succeed at first, keep trying.

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Even if your trial and error don't provide the desired item, you can convert these duplicate creations into Shiny Coins, a currency needed to acquire numerous materials in the shop. Synthesis also yields Orbs, used in the characters' Growboard.

Tackling Quests

Eventually, you will unlock the quests of Atelier Resleriana, which are the main activity for depleting your in-game stamina.

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Quests are split between training quests and material quests. There are 5 training quests available:

  • EXP: Each quest provides the involved party a lot of experience.
  • Power Up Dew: Winning quests reward us with Power Up Dew, a material used to level up Memoria.
  • Cole: Quests to gather the game's primary currency.
  • Orbs: Orbs are used to evolve a character's Growboard.
  • Pieces: Pieces are character fragments necessary to increase their ranking. It is the only training quest with a limit of 3 daily attempts.
Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (9)

Each training quest is a battle, and each category provides up to 3 daily bonuses – except Pieces – increasing the drop rate of items and Cole by up to 200%. There are also Lodestone Gems as first-time rewards.

The material quest is also a battle but differentiated. In this section, we have the Score Battle and Dungeons.

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (10)
  • Score Battle: Back-to-back battles. The higher the score, the better the rewards.
  • Dungeons: Dungeons feature a new style of gameplay. Our character moves side-scrolling through the stage and can collect resources during exploration. We also encounter enemies while walking, triggering common battles. At the end of the dungeon, we collect all the rewards gathered. There is an auto mode where the character collects all available items in the dungeons and performs battles independently.
Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (11)

Atelier Resleriana is very generous with the player's time. After completing a quest and fulfilling its three additional missions, the game allows you to skip it by investing only stamina, hoarding all its rewards in a swoop.

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (12)

However, your stamina will drain instantly. If you want to keep playing, you'll need to use Hand-Wrapped Mini Cookies to recover 10 stamina, the free per day Lodestone Gem stamina recovery, or request an Order – found in the same interface as the quests – to eat a pie and recover 100 stamina.

Wish for New Characters

The gacha system of Atelier Resleriana is called Wish. It is the mechanic responsible for adding new characters to our roster or Memoria, a type of equipment. You can make a free daily Wish, but usually, each Wish costs 300 Lodestar Gems.

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (13)

Before using a Wish, check the Rates/Details of which characters and Memoria can be drawn. Occasionally, the game adds new Wishes with other featured characters.

If you are a free-to-play player, focusing only on Wishes with desirable characters is ideal because it is implausible that your luck will allow you to draw all the new characters with the Lodestar Gem available for free.

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (14)

Currently, 3-star is the highest rank for a character drawn in Atelier Resleriana, but if there's one thing years of gacha mobile games have taught us, it's that rarity will scale over time.

If you have a terrible luck streak, Atelier Resleriana tries to reverse it with the LEGEND FES system. These are medals obtained with each Wish and can be exchanged for characters of your choice.

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (15)

The LEGEND FES is carried over and permanently retained. However, we suppose they will release some campaigns with exclusive and temporary medals in the future. In that case, always be alert when making a new Wish.

Different Types of Characters

Among the various characters in Atelier Resleriana, each has an affinity, role, and rarity. As mentioned earlier, the draw currently only allows collecting characters of up to 3-star rank.

However, as we acquire repeated characters, we gain materials from them, which are used for Awakening. By Awakening, a character gains stats, skills, and gift bonuses.

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Regarding affinity, these are the elementals of Atelier Resleriana, separated into fire, ice, bolt, air, slash, strike, and stab. Enemies have weaknesses, so researching these before the battle is a sound strategy.

The roles are Attacker, Breaker, Defender, and Supporter.

  • Attackers: Possess skills that cause damage dedicated to the enemy's HP.
  • Breaker: Their abilities are focused on causing damage to the enemy's stun bar.
  • Defender: Have high defense, and their abilities are designed to protect other party members.
  • Supporter: Healers, buffers, and debuffers are in this category.

The idea is to assemble a well-balanced party with all the roles. There are five party members, and a suggested lineup is two attackers, one breaker, one defender, and one support.

Evolving Your Characters

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Eventually, you will unlock the Growboard of each character in Atelier Resleriana. This feature is like a skill tree that enhances attributes and unlocks the maximum level of each member.

For this, investing in Orbs, items obtained during Synthesis or by the corresponding training quest, is necessary. There are five orbs in total, distinct by color: red, blue, green, yellow, and purple. There is one quest for each, so expect to invest much of your stamina in them.

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (18)

Unfortunately, the daily bonus is shared among all Orbs quests, making this farm the most grind section of Atelier Resleriana.

As soon as you complete one rank of Growboard, the next one will be unlocked consecutively until the last stage. We suggest advancing a Growboard to unlock new maximum level limits instead of individually evolving attributes in the characters.

There is also the EX Board, which requires Sacred Orbs, items collected during the game's endgame.

Gear and Memoria

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (19)

Like any good RPG game, Atelier Resleriana presents various equipment to strengthen our characters. There are four types: weapon, armor, accessory, and Memoria.

Weapons, armor, and accessories are obtainable during Synthesis. Weapons increase attack/magic, armor increases your defense, and accessories have different attributes.

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (20)

Memoria is a special kind of equipment obtainable via the gacha system. They increase the character's attributes by a fixed percent, and the scaling system is easily the fastest and safest way to improve your characters.

However, obtaining a high-ranked one is as hard as drawing a 3-star hero, so don't fret if you don't get any. You must spend Power Up Dew to evolve Memoria and other pieces to increase their rank.

Dailies, Weeklies, and Achievements

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (21)

If there's something a free-to-play game likes to do, it is to continuously attract players to return to it, either by logging in to receive daily login rewards or by completing their daily and weekly missions.

And if you're enjoying the game, you should definitely log in daily and invest a few minutes to complete these missions. Many are straightforward and only require stamina consumption, such as making a synthesis and completing the usual quests.

Others are a bit grindy, like the weekly ones requiring clearing 10 Training Quests. Still, you have 7 days to complete them. Completing the dailies guarantees you 50 Lodestar Gems, while the weeklies net 100 Lodestar Gems. In total, it's 450 Lodestar Gems per week.

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (22)

Achievements also give great rewards according to your accolades. But our suggestion is not to focus on them. Just play the game as you usually would, and let the achievements come naturally.

Last but not least, we have the Guide Missions. These are simple tasks that serve as a guide to orient you on which activities to put your effort into. The rewards are extremely valuable.

For example, the Beginner Missions give us 3000 Lodestar Gems upon completion, while the Intermediate Mission rewards us with an SSR Memory.

Watch Ads for Free Rewards

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (23)

Every day, in the game's Lodestar Gems store, you can watch numerous ads to earn some exciting rewards, such as Lodestar Gems or Hand-Wrapped Mini Cookies. They are 30-second ads each, quite manageable, and in the long run, your gains are pretty robust.

To access the interface, tap on the + (plus) symbol in the upper right corner next to your total Lodestar Gems. The first two tiles present the rewards for watching ads, so watch to your heart’s content and collect the spoils.

Atelier Resleriana Codes

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (24)

Find the codes below for Atelier Resleriana:

  • AR666
  • whaqwr3l35gs
  • zggueggq3gvj
  • i4rgvtzxybjm
  • uegakjsatpmk
  • mafuwws64f7j
  • qnncqhjzbyka
  • zkc7eebkxsp3
  • k5srwatcm336
  • ju65wrrqe2pt
  • fw4wi5wzdoef
  • asnlts4g67r4
  • wzqz4uqnzoit
  • 6iqrrprx3xsh
  • iaokyg4utrym
  • el7v3lpntef6
  • mulb7q6r5luf
  • wzqz4uqnzoit
  • iw2ter35iir4
  • qsobfodxgt2d
  • bchajhqilrs4
  • wzqz4uqnzoit
  • jynul7txycza
  • ayxwsfpkshzb
  • xic4tcyehegk
  • zmkno2s3i2tk
  • who5c5q5spbm
  • 25f5oroxie4w
  • 24aj7m24prbe
  • cg2qplsbp5k6
  • evgyzfnweh7e
  • 3cyfqgo4onpj
  • 63wzkyfkyxa5
  • y2bjraw6zfu7
  • h7wt2wwx677w
  • lvnend4jja6i
  • sosvxvm23ltc
  • sgzlgsw63b6m
  • 5fw5cci426zs
  • motpferq3tdx
  • liv3zgdsleo7
  • ce75k22rt6bj
  • e7hfhqj5hfhw
  • kjldt47da3up
  • uao7fyqteosz
  • wzqz4uqnzoit
  • iqvjaiionn55
  • spri7ojgfzxl
  • v7nk43u7qcmf
  • nrrwgxuiomsh
  • cqpufvjhv2pu
  • kzpcwx6whq6a
  • qdgu2d2a3usm
  • ulzukrhh4mna
  • kjhhfyryvux5
  • j54yprhzurd3
  • 909839934358
  • rzlybwyd5z3c
  • 478107469541
  • obmytsp4oyks
  • zwnzhw45rdgm
  • dli2adnl5awh
  • att2awizpji*z
  • wzqz4uqnzoit
  • lepgteudico4
  • pcclbiy3q3vn
  • ou6pytgtpnhu
  • 6apd3keefn6u
  • 7infsji*z5w2u
  • gsrvwahbqmn4
  • 3jvq57hpc2vt
  • 3huus2fl67vq
  • wyfuplgvmeoa
  • qtziqbrwjes6
  • 4tfl56g7r7e
  • av4ssajly2th
  • k7opw7q5n263
  • kx4cq4wdhzzu
  • bywoxghh7uef
  • rwf3siuwfw75
  • hixgocgjaptk
  • ihiwaafraqrj
  • vzwk3ug77nnr
  • j54yprhzurd3
  • hbzpx7ku5lqv
  • v7nk43u7qcmf
  • uurkjac6luqd
  • lubfjwhefvzc
  • 5wmas6ibklqs
  • bdlcdrshzrci
  • obmytsp4oyks
  • o2sok6symkx6
  • ttsszcjbvv2m
  • tk4n76jotdsw
  • pjrzximmlnxx
  • s4q5dfevdo6n
  • zibj74mth5qt
  • mfdxgosy3ibc
  • lo7slm743i2m
  • ztjoh6o3jtb5
  • cpcmpkgv6sxm
  • s6qrycfbn3ex
  • wus3d6djbhvg
  • bhuvtndce4dx
  • 36vfki37mlvw
  • usomusomostx
  • mnfjmplf4fst
  • eceirwe5j5ah
  • 4nwem4t7u7yx
  • zik2rk35fb3j
  • att2awizpji*z
  • 7iftvoa43oy2

How To Redeem Atelier Resleriana Codes

The following method can be used to redeem Atelier Resleriana codes:

  • Tap the event button in the lower-right corner of the game screen[lobby/main screen].
  • On the events screen, tap the input invite code option.
  • Copy the invite code exactly as it appears above in this article.
  • Paste the code in the allocated space.
  • Tap Redeem.
  • You can collect rewards from the mailbox by tapping the mail icon in the top-left corner.


Atelier Resleriana successfully brings a console and PC series to mobile with finesse. The mechanics and gameplay have been adapted for our portable devices, yet the franchise's nature is still preserved.

We hope this Atelier Resleriana Ultimate Game Guide has helped you better understand the game's intricacies and set you on a path to mastering your alchemical abilities. Thanks once again for reading Playoholic!

Atelier Resleriana - Ultimate Game Guide, Tips & Codes - Talk Android (2024)


What are the different types of units in Atelier Resleriana? ›

There are four types of character roles in Atelier Resleriana: Attacker, Breaker, Defender, and Supporter. Each role has a different function, so it's important to change your party organization according to the quest. Attackers are good at dealing damage, so you'll want to have at least one in your party.

How to increase power in atelier resleriana? ›

Your party has a Power Rating. Power Rating is a rating of your party's overall strength. Increase total power by training characters and equipping better equipment.

What is the easiest Atelier game? ›

Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key. Atelier Ryza 3 is, by far, the easiest of the Atelier series. As usual, I start by playing on the hardest difficulty available. Got to the Atelier, looked at how the Alchemy Tree works.

What is the proper use of Atelier? ›

An atelier (French: [atəlje]) is the private workshop or studio of a professional artist in the fine or decorative arts or an architect, where a principal master and a number of assistants, students, and apprentices can work together producing fine art or visual art released under the master's name or supervision.

What is stun damage in Atelier Resleriana? ›

When the Stun Gauge reaches zero, enemies will enter a stunned state where their turns are delayed. They will also take more damage, so it's easier to perform high damage attacks. Take advantage of effects such as Stun Damage increase to get the upper hand in battle!

How many Atelier games are there? ›

There have been 25 main games in the Atelier franchise which are subdivided into seven sub-series.

What is the max tactics level in Atelier RYZA? ›

This is a super move that becomes available once your Tactics Level is at max (level 5). Each character can only use the move once per battle.

Where is the invite code in Atelier Resleriana? ›

Launch Atelier Resleriana. At the bottom of the screen, you will see a row of 6 buttons. Click on the rightmost Events button. A new window will open and at the bottom, you will see the Input Invite Code button.

Are all Atelier games connected? ›

Atelier games typically come in trilogies, and each trilogy is separate from the others. There may be some characters (as an example, much like Final Fantasy's Cid, Atelier games usually have a Pamela) or other things that are included in each game, but the trilogies themselves have nothing to do with one another.

How do I start playing Atelier? ›

If you're unsure where to start with the series, know that there's really no wrong answer. Outside of the sequels that follow a specific alchemist's journey, the series is broken up into different “arcs.” For example, if you're drawn to Ryza, start with the first Atelier Ryza game in the series for the best experience.

Do you need to play previous Atelier games? ›

So you're completely fine with not playing every Atelier game and spin-off before Atelier Ryza 3 before that game launches.

What are the attributes of Atelier Resleriana? ›

There is a total of 7 attributes, Fire, Ice, Bolt and Air which deal Magic Damage, and Slash, Strike and Stab which deal Physical Damage. The player's party can have at most 5 characters who can't share the same name, and also a certain number of Battle Items.

Who is the main character in Atelier Resleriana? ›

Resna Resna Sternenlicht

Her dream is to revive the neglected art of alchemy and use it to enrich people's lives.

What is the difference between Atelier Escha and logy story? ›

Atelier Escha & Logy allows players to choose between two protagonists. The main storyline remains the same regardless of who is chosen, but certain events and endings are only available using a particular protagonist. With the new synthesis system, the player can combine different items.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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