Guide for Fortnite - Plankerton (2024)

Table of Contents
Main Quests Side Quests

Plankerton introduces power level requirements. These power level (PL) requirements apply to everyone in the party for public matches. If you can change your privacy to Friends Only or Private, the PL requirement only takes the leader's PL into account. Here's a list of Plankerton PL Requirements:

Recommended RatingRequired Power LevelRequired Power Level (4 Player Missions)

Main Quests

You can unlock Skill Tree: Tier 2 if you have the correct path in the tier 1 skill tree.

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There are some quests, such as Storm Shield Defenses, that are self explanatory. For those mission, I will not be providing details as I would just be restating the description of the quest.

Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 1

  • Complete Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 1

Once you complete the defense, you will unlock:

  • Walk the Plank!

    Completed "Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 1"

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Important Rewards: Increase Building Resource Capacity, 2-Star Evolution, and Hero Tactical Operative

Your wood, stone, and metal capacity are increased by 1000.

You can now evolve your weapons, traps, heroes, survivors, and defenders to a 2-Star. Upgrading your traps and weapons will also change the crafting material requirements to 2-Star materials. These can be found in Plankerton. You can also still craft 1-Star versions of your traps and weapons.

This will also give you access to these achievements, once you complete their corresponding quests for evolving a survivor, a hero, a defender, and a trap/weapon, respectively:

  • Survivor Specialist

    Completed "Survivor Training - Stage 2"

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  • Become a Superhero

    Completed "Hero Training - Stage 2"

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  • Proven Defender

    Completed "Defender Training - Stage 2"

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  • Darwin Rewards

    Completed "Weapon/Trap Evolution"

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You will now have a Tactical Operative slot for your hero. Placing a hero in this slot will increase your health, shield, and give a special ability.

Two Swirls

  • Complete a Category 2 Fight the Storm mission in a 19+ zone

Head into a "Category 2 Fight the Storm" mission. This mission type is the similar to Fight the Storm, except there are 2 ATLASes. With more than one ATLAS, they sometimes spawn in the air. When this happens, you only need to build supports up to the ATLAS. The best supports is an arch which is a wall with the bottom and middle edited out. If the support is taken down, the ATLAS will be destroyed.

  • Two Swirls

    Completed "Two Swirls"

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No. Robot. Doctor.

  • Complete a Rescue the Survivors mission in a 19+ zone

Cork That Space Hole

  • Complete a Ride the Lightning mission in a 19+ zone

...While Screaming

  • Find 3 Pop parts in successful missions in a 19+ zone

This is a "Search and Collect" quest. In this quest, you will be collecting 3 robotic fragments.


  • Complete a Build the Radar Grid in a 19+ zone

Head into a 19+ zone mission. Look around until you see a radar icon on your mini-map. When you approach the radar, you will notice outlines of structures. You have to build that specific structure with the specific material. Once all structures are placed, you will be allowed to active the radar at the top.

  • Ray.README

    Completed "Ray.README"

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A Fresh Start

  • Fully explore a 19+ Zone in a successful mission

Open your map with Guide for Fortnite - Plankerton (32). Any grayed out section is a section that hasn't been explored. Simply walk to it to explore it. The map doesn't have to be 100% explored for the game to consider it so. You'll receive notification at the top of your map when you've fully explored the map. You will have to explore 1500 zones to unlock an achievement.

Deeply Disturbing Simulations

  • Search for clues to find the Weatherman in successful missions in a 19+ zone

This is a "Search and Collect" quest. In this quest, you will be collecting 3 clues.

Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 2

  • Complete Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 2

Six Minutes

  • Complete a Repair the Shelter missions in a 23+ zone

Head into a "Repair the Shelter" mission. In this mission type, you have to head to the shelter to start a vote. Once the vote is completed, 8 modules will spawn in, but their stealth mode is really effective, so you'll have to find them. They are transparent until you walk up to them, at which point you will be able to collect them. A bit after the mission starts, RAY will send a SEEBOT in. If you activate and defend it, it will reveal some modules.

If you do not find all the modules within the time limit that it gives you, the shelter will be attacked. Defeat the amount of enemies required to proceed the installation.

Once all the parts are installed, the last waves will spawn in and you'll have to defend the shelter.

  • Wow, I'm Inside!

    Completed "Six Minutes"

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Lightning Rich Environment

  • Complete a Destroy the Encampments mission in a 23+ zone

Head into a "Destroy the Encampments" mission. In this mission type, you will have to clear at least 6 encampments. The encampments get progressively more difficult as you clear them out. The mission ends when time runs out or all 10 encampments are cleared.

SEE Yourself Out

  • Gather Rift data and place the 3 scanning devices in successful missions in a 23+ zone

This is a "Search and Deploy" quest. In this quest, you will be deploying 3 scanning devices.


  • Complete 3 M*E*D*B*O*Ts in successful missions in a 23+ zone

Head into a mission and look around for a survivor on the ground. Run up to the survivor and call in a MEDBOT. The MEDBOT will require 2 BuGlo to heal the survivor. Save the Survivors missions are the best place to do this quest as they usually have at least 2 MEDBOTs.

Plankhattan Project

  • Fully complete 1 BlueGo Siphon in a successful mission a 23+ zone
  • Complete 2 missions in a 23+ zone

Head into a mission and look for a BluGlo Siphon. Build defenses around it, activate it with the lever, and defend it. You'll have to do this a total of 3 times, with each wave being harder than the last. You'll probably want to ask for help as the last wave can get tough. Once you're done defending, collect the BluGlo with the wheel on the opposite side of the lever.

Chopped and Screwed

  • Complete 2 Destroy the Encampments missions in a 23+ zone

Radio Free Plankerton

  • Find 5 pieces of broadcasting studio equipment in successful missions in a 23+ zone

Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 3

  • Complete Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 3

Air Quotes

  • Complete a Storm Chest in a successful mission in a 28+ zone

Head into a mission and look for a chest icon. This is a Storm Chest and you should let everyone know you found one by typing "sc" or "storm chest" in the chat. Storm Chests give great rewards, so everyone will usually come help. To complete a storm chest, you will need to kill 25 enemies that it spawns. You can kill an additional 25 and some Mist Monsters to earn more rewards.

Rifty Business

  • Complete a Deliver the Bomb mission in a 28+ zone

Head into a "Deliver the Bomb" mission. In this mission type, you will need to find the armory (point A) and the launcher (point B). First deposit 4 BluGlo into the armory. You'll then be given tracks and the ability to build tracks. Tracks cannot be placed on structures and must be placed on the ground. You'll want to find a path from A to B and create a track. Once the track is done, go back to A and start the vote to start the mission. The bomb will move to the track while waves of husk spawn. If the bomb is destroyed, another can be made. Once the bomb reaches B, build defenses around B, activate B, ad defend it.

  • Gotta Get Rifty

    Completed "Rifty Business"

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Plankies Go Home

  • Smash 3 Anomalies in successful missions in a 28+ zone

Head into a mission and look around for a pink star-like icon on the mini-map. Approach it and smash it with your pickaxe. It will create some shards. Approach the shards and interact with them. Collect all the shards and the anomaly will give you 4 BluGlo and a reward.

Wind of Change

  • Complete two Ride the Lightning missions in a 28+ zone

Pump Up the Volume

  • Complete 6 Relay Survivor missions in successful missions in a 28+ zone

Head into a mission and look around for a blue diamond with an exclamation mark* (they're smaller than most icons). If there is an antenna on the floor, interact with it. You'll then see a floor plan above the metal structure. Build up to it and place a floor. Place the antenna, active it, and then talk to the survivor down below.

This is best done in a Save the Survivors mission as there is usually 2 Relay Survivors that spawn.

*Not all of these are Relay Survivor

No Lost Causes

  • Save 15 Survivors in successful missions
  • Complete a Repair the Shelter missing in a 28+ zone

Head into a Repair the Shelter mission and complete it. Then go back to Stonewood and find a Save the Survivors mission. The "Save 15 Survivors..." doesn't have a power level (PL) requirement, so it can be done at any PL.


  • Complete 3 Play with Others missions in Plankerton

Head into any of the maps and choose the yellow question mark. Choose either Quick Play or Custom. There is an achievement to complete 1000 Play With Others mission.

Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 4

  • Complete Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 4

Shelter Skelter

  • Complete an Evacuate the Shelter mission in a 34+ zone

Head into an "Evacuate the Shelter" mission. In this mission type, immediately head to the shelter as it is getting attacked. When you get to the shelter, you will have to kill x amount of enemies. The shelter has a shield, so you can avoid damage to the shelter if you clear the enemies fast enough. Once you clear out the enemies, the shield will deactivate and you will have 10 minutes to build and explore. Once the 10 minutes are up, the husks will come in and try to attack the shelter.

  • Shelter Skelter

    Completed "Shelter Skelter"

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From Husk Till Gone

  • Kill 500 Husks in Successful missions in a 34+ zone

Destroy the Encampments is a good mission to get plenty of kills.


  • Gather 8 container of food in successful missions in a 34+ zone

This is a "Search and Collect" quest. In this quest, you will be collecting 8 food supplies.

Deep Blu Somethings

  • BluGlo Build Pylon activated in successful missions in a 34+ zone
  • BluGlo Health Pylon activated in successful missions in a 34+ zone
  • BluGlo Movement Pylon activated in successful missions in a 34+ zone
  • BluGlo Shield Pylon activated in successful missions in a 34+ zone
  • BluGlo Energy Pylon activated in successful missions in a 34+ zone

Pylons require to 2 BluGlo each to activate. Each pylon has an icon:

BuildVertical Hammer and Horizontal Wrench

What's in the Box

  • Loot 3 Treasure Chests in successful missions in a 34+ zone
  • Kill a Mimic in successful missions in a 34+ zone

Look around inside building for a glowing chest and open it. They can appear on roofs, in basem*nts, and outside as well. Safes will not count towards this. You will also want to keep on looking for chests since there is an achievement to open 300 of them, but don't worry too much as chests opened by your team count towards your total and this is one of the less grindy achievements.

While looking for a chest, you may see a tier 3 (blue) chest. When you search it, it may try to attack you. If it does, kill it. These are mimics. There is a side quest called Toxic Treasures. Complete 10 stages of it to unlock an achievement.

Plankerton Trail

  • Complete 2 Retrieve the Data missions in a 34+ zone

Sound Off!

  • Complete a Fight the Storm mission in a 34+ zone
  • Complete a Category 2 Fight the Storm mission in a 34+ zone

Slay Misties for Me

  • Kill 20 Mist Monsters in successful missions in a 34+ zone

Smooth Operator

  • Gather 4 crates of medical supplies in successful missions in a 34+ zone

This is a "Search and Collect" quest. In this quest, you will be collecting 4 medical supplies.


  • Complete a Deliver the Bomb mission in a 34+ zone

Smokey Eye

  • Complete 2 Repair the Shelter missions in a 34+ zone

Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 5

  • Complete Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 5

The Battle of Plank Harbor

  • Complete a Fight Category 3 Storm in a 40+ zone

Head into a "Fight Category 3 Storm" mission. This mission type is like Fight Category 3 Storm, except you have to defend three ATLASes.

  • Liberation!

    Completed "The Battle of Plank Harbor"

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Safe Harbor

  • Save 25 survivors in successful missions
  • Complete 2 Evacuate the Shelter missions in a 40+ zone

Remember that the 25 survivors can be saved at any PL mission.

Foo Floater

  • Complete Retrieve the Data in a 40+ zone

Rogue Balloon

  • Build 3 Radar Towers in 40+ zones


  • Complete a Ride the Lightning in a 40+ zone

I'm Probably Dead

  • Complete a Protect the Servers in a 40+ zone
  • ... Oops.

    Completed "I'm Probably Dead"

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Fight On

  • Complete 4 Relay the Survivors in a 40+ zone

Remains to be Seen?

  • Fully explore 2 40+ zones


  • Deploy 5 SeeBots in 40+ zones

This is a "Search and Deploy" quest. In this quest, you will be deploying 5 SEE Bots.

Linear Notes

  • Look for Steel Wool album records in a 40+ zone


  • Deploy speakers and blast Steel Wool's greatest hits to repel the storm in a 40+ zone

Steel Icarus

  • Launch Lars beyond the wall of clouds

Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 6

  • Complete Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 6

  • Crank Up the Gain

    Completed "Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 6"

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Onward to Canny Valley!

  • Complete a Launch the Rocket mission in a 40+ zone
  • Many Planks

    Completed all the Main Quests in Plankerton

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Side Quests

Epic Troll Stash

  • Find the Troll Stash in a 15+ zone

Head into a 15+ zone and collect all the BluGlo you see. When you try to collect a BluGlo, a troll may grab it. If it does, take out your pickaxe and play Whack a Troll. You will need to whack it 6 times, but you can actually hit it twice before it heads back down. Once you defeat the troll, it may drop a key. Pick up the key and look for the troll chest. The troll chest will have a cardboard cutout of a troll and purple mist around it. Open it and unlock:

  • Epic Troll Stash

    Completed "Epic Troll Stash"

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5. Canny Valley3. Stonewood

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Guide for Fortnite - Plankerton (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 6320

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.