Guide for Fortnite - Stonewood (2024)

Table of Contents
Main Quests Hero Quests

Main Quests

Homebase Storm Shield Defense 1

  • Establish Your Storm Shield
  • Defend Your Storm Shield

Tab over to the map and select "Homebase Storm Shield". After a cinematic plays, activate the Storm Shield in the middle. Ray will send some materials in a supply drop for you to pick up. Follow the tutorial to build some defenses around your storm shield. The grenade skill will be given to you after you finish building. Simply hit the cardboard husk with a grenade. These grenades are timed based. They don't explode when you hit something, instead they go off after a short period of time. Access the Storm Shield Menu from the Storm Shield and expand your shield.

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The game introduces a new Husk: The Pitcher. Pitchers throw moderately fast projectile bones at you while trying to stay away from you.

Successfully defend your base to unlock:

  • Shelter from the Storm

    Completed "Homebase Storm Shield Defense 1"

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  • Constructor Leadership

    Unlocked access to the Constructor Hero

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Storm Shield Defense (SSD) structures do persist after the game is left. This is the only mission type that structures persist.

You'll also receive your founder's pack rewards if you had any.

Important Reward - Squads: Scouting Party

Squads are an important part of your game progression as they make up a majority of your F.O.R.T stats. To access survivors, go to the Survivors menu under the Command tab. More info below.


You now have access to the Command, Armory, Item Shop, and Store tab. Lets go through them.


Ray will come in and help explain a few of the features here, but lets discuss the sub-menus further.

  • Heroes
    • Manage - This shows you all of the Heroes you currently have. If you select a hero, you can Inspect, Favorite, or Compare it.
      • Inspect allows you to view the hero and their abilities in more detail.
      • Favorite will make the hero appear at the begin of the list when viewing heroes
      • Compare allows you to see two heroes' stats side by side
    • Hero Loadout - This allows you to change your Heroes currently active. Right now, you can only change you primary hero.
  • Survivors
    • Manage - This shows you all of the survivors you currently have. If you select a survivor, you can Inspect, Favorite, or Compare it. These options work similar to Heroes.
    • Squads - This allows you to rearrange your squads. You will have autofill on, so you don't have to worry about this too much unless you want to min-max your stats.
  • Profile - You can use account boosts and see party members here.


  • Schematics - This shows you all of the weapon and trap schematics you currently have. If you select a schematic, you can Inspect, Favorite, or Compare it.
  • Backpack - This shows all the items currently in your inventory. These items can be accessed in any mission you enter. You can also craft schematics here.
  • Resources - This shows a lot of the resources you accumulate during the game. This includes things such as XP, XP boosts, and more.

Item Shop

  • Pinatas - Allows you to buy llamas (loot boxes) that contain various items. Any free llamas that you earn can be opened here.
    • Upgrade Llama - A basic llama that can give anything. You get one of these for free at the beginning of the game.
    • A Specialized Llama - Gives you items from a specific pool. These have various names and you can see the what types of items they will give if you hover over it.
    • Event Llama - Gives you items from the current event. Unlike the other llamas that cost V-Bucks, these cost event tickets that can be earned through game play or opening llamas other than event and mini llamas.
  • Event - Allows you to buy items with gold or daily coins. Gold is acquired through missions and mini llamas. Daily coins are acquired through the completion of daily quests.
    • Event Items - These will last until the event changes. This usually lasts for a few weeks. Items can be added during the event.
    • Weekly Items - These will last until the shop resets every week. Armory Slots, Epic Schematics, Flux, Epic Survivors, Storm Shard, Eye of the Storm, Lighting in a Bottle, Pure Drop of Rain, PERK-UP, RE-PERK, and a few random items will be restocked every week. A legendary weapon and trap schematic will also restock every week, although these are the only items here you can buy with daily coins.


  • Allows you to buy V-Bucks and Founder Packs.

Before and After Science

  • Complete a Fight the Storm mission

Tab over to the Map tab and select a "Fight the Storm" mission. For this specific mission, you're going to have to find a lab. After finding a hidden lab and a computer, crafting some bullets, and collect 3 BluGlo, head over to the ATLAS. Place the ATLAS and build some defenses around it.

The most popular build for ATLASes are pyramids. To build these, you must build 8 pyramids around the ATLAS. Then, edit the pyramids that are touching the ATLAS so that the two squares touching the ATLAS are raised. For the corners, only raise the corner square closest to the ATLAS. Finally, place a floor and a pyramid on top of the ATLAS. From here you can add additional walls around the pyramid if you want.

When you're done building, open mission control from the ATLAS and start the vote to start objective. This will cost 1 BluGlo. 3/4 people have to agree to start and if the vote fails, you will have to wait a few seconds to trr again. BluGlo is not consumed on failed mission starts. After a certain amount of time has passed, a vote will not be required to start the mission.

Defend the ATLAS.

  • Before and After Science

    Completed "Before and After Science"

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Important Reward - Pickaxe Upgrade: Weakpoint Vision

When swinging your pickaxe at destructible objects, you will now see a circle appear on the object after your first swing. This is its weakpoint. If you hit the weakpoint, you will destroy the object twice as fast.

Ride the Lightning

  • Complete a Ride the Lightning mission

Go the Map and start the "Ride the Lightning" mission. In this mission type, you'll need 4 BluGlo. First locate the objective, Lars' van, and build defenses around it. When you're ready to start, open mission control from the front of the van and start the vote.

When you're dropped in, start harvesting a bit of materials. You can carry up to 2000 of each, but you won't need that much right now.

Husky Husks will also start appearing in this mission. They are basically better Husks as they can deal and take more damage with a bigger health pool.

When the mission is completed you will unlock:

  • Ride the Lightning

    Completed "Ride the Lightning"

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You also unlock a Tutorial Quest which is in its own section down below.

Important Reward - Heavy Melee Attack

All melee weapons, including your pickaxe, now have a secondary attack. This varies from weapon to weapon. You can check the weapon's secondary by looking at the weapon's description.

Homebase Storm Shield Defense 2

  • Complete Homebase Storm Shield Defense 2

Follow the tutorial and build some structures to the east and west. You can build additional structures if you need. When you're ready head to the console and make sure to select the "Send request for help for the next defense" checkbox. This will allow other players to join so that can help you defend.

Three new types of husks are introduced: Beehive Husks, Lobber Husks, and Shielders.

Beehive Husks will leave bees as they walk and send bees to players if they are agitated. These bees will deal damage to anyone in the area and disappear after a while. If the Husks are shot in the head, the beehive will break and they can no longer deploy bees.

Lobber Husks will stay a good distance away from players and lob purple skulls that explode, causing damage to both players and structures, or orange skulls that leave a gas that damages players over time and disappear after a short while, similar to the bees from the Beehive Husk.

Shielders will attach to other Husks and give them a shield. Shot the shielder to destroy the shield or shoot down the shield.

Important Reward - Scouting Party Lead

Leaders are similar to survivors, but have more potential. Leads have a crown Each squad has a leader. The leader gains points, and in turn increases your F.O.R.T stats, if they match the squad type. If the personality of the leader matches the personality of the survivors, the survivors gain a bonus.

Gimme Three

  • Save 3 Survivors in successful missions
  • Complete a mission in a 3+ zone

Go to the map and select a "Fight the Storm" mission that is Power Level 3. While looking for the objective, also be on the lookout for Survivors. They will appear as a blue person on the map. To rescue a survivor simply defend them from a wave of Husk and talk to them (or just talk to them if they don't get attacked).

Important Reward - Level Up: Heroes

The Major will now appear in the Heroes menu under the Command Tab. He allows you to level-up your heroes. If you go to the Manage menu under Heroes and select a Hero, you will see the Inspect option has been replaced with Upgrade/Inspect. To upgrade a hero, select the Upgrade/Inspect option on any hero, press Guide for Fortnite - Stonewood (22), and then press Guide for Fortnite - Stonewood (23). You can only upgrade your hero to level 10 right now.

Retrieve the Data

  • Complete a Retrieve the Data mission

Go to the map and select a "Retrieve the Data" mission.

In this mission type, no BluGlo is required to start the objective. Instead the objective will slowly decent from the sky in 16 minutes. The balloon carrying the objective can be shot down at 8 minutes. If this is done, the defense will start immediately.

  • Retrieve the Data

    Completed "Retrieve the Data"

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Important Rewards - Level Up: Weapon Schematics and Level Up: Trap Schematics

Clip will now appear the Armory tab. Similar to Heroes, weapon and trap schematics can now be upgraded to level 10.

Homebase Storm Shield Defense 3

  • Complete Homebase Storm Shield Defense 3

Go to your Homebase Storm Shield.

Ray will send in a supply drop. Collect it and follow the tutorial on building and using a defender post.

Start the defense when your ready.

2 new Husks will appear: Sploders and Gunslingers.

Sploders carry a propane tank with them. Thy can throw it, which will cause it to explode dealing high damage to anything around it, including enemies, or the player can shoot it to make it explode faster. If the Sploder is killed without setting off the tank, the tank will fall to the ground and can be triggered if shot at.

Gunslingers will charge a beam and fire it at a player. The charging animation can be interrupted.

Once the defense is completed, you will unlock tutorial quests, event quests, side quests, daily quests, and challenges. I'm not going to include any in this walkthrough as they are self explanatory. The only exception are quests that grant achievements which will have a dedicated section down below.

Important Rewards - Kevin, the Technologist and Upgrade Points

Kevin will appear in the Upgrades menu under the Command tab. There are two menus here: Gadgets and Tools. Upgrading Gadgets and Tools require Upgrade Points.

Gadgets - You can hold 2 gadgets at any times. You cannot change gadgets in the middle of a mission. There are 8 types of gadgets with each level. Gadgets will not lose previous perks on level up:

  • Adrenaline Rush
    1. Heals you and an ally in a 1 tile radius
    2. Increases the range from 1 tile to 3 tiles.
    3. Increases the healing and purges negative effects
    4. Adds an additional heal over time for 5 seconds
    5. Reduces cooldown from 180 seconds to 150 seconds
    6. Revives down allies
  • Air Strike
    1. Drops 5 bombs
    2. Increases bombs from 5 to 7
    3. Increases bombs from 7 to 9
    4. Reduces cooldown from 215 seconds to 155 seconds
    5. Increases damage by 45%
    6. Increases bombs from 9 to 13
  • Banner
    1. Drops a banner, healing all structures and increasing their health to 150% in a 1 tile radius for 30 seconds
    2. Creates a shockwave that deals damage in a 1 tile radius
    3. Increases duration from 30 seconds to 45 seconds
    4. Banner acts a respawn point
    5. Increases building to 250% from 150%
    6. Shockwave range increased from 1 tile to 1.5 tiles
  • Hover Turret
    1. Deploys turret that fires energy rounds at enemies within a 4 tile range
    2. Increases range from 4 tiles to 8 tiles
    3. Increases duration from 20 seconds to 30 seconds
    4. You can hold 2 turrets
    5. Deals damage on death
    6. Increases rounds fired per second from 4 to 6
  • Proximity Mine
    1. Deploys up to 2 mines that deal damage within 1 tile
    2. Increases range from 1 tile to 1.25 tiles
    3. Increases held mines from 2 to 3
    4. Increases damage
    5. Increases range from 1.25 tiles to 1.5 tiles
    6. Increases held mines from 3 to 4
  • Slow Field
    1. Reduces enemy movement speed to 60% within .75 tile for 25 seconds
    2. Increases duration from 25 seconds to 35 seconds
    3. Increases radius from .75 tiles to .875 tiles
    4. Decreases enemy movement speed to 40% from 60%
    5. Increases duration from 35 seconds to 45 seconds
    6. Increases radius from .875 tiles to 1 tile
  • Supply Drop
    1. Call supply drop that includes 60 wood, stone, and metal
    2. Increases the materials dropped from 60 each to 65 each and drops a crafting item
    3. Increases the wood dropped from 65 to 80 and drops at least 1 plank or twine
    4. Increases the stone dropped from 65 to 80 and drops at least 1 rough ore or powder
    5. Increases the metal dropped from 65 to 80 and drops at least 1 mechanical part or nuts and bolt
    6. Increases the materials dropped from 80 each to 85 each and drops at least 1 trap and ammo
  • Teleporter
    1. Deploys two teleportation pads which can be moved up to 20 tiles away from each other. Arms 5.5 seconds after deployment.
    2. Can teleport friendly projectiles
    3. Reduces time to pickup teleporter to .5 seconds
    4. Decreases arm time from 5.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds
    5. Increases range from 20 tiles to 30 tiles
    6. Can teleport enemy projectiles

Tools - There are 5 tools

  • Backpack size - Increases your backpack size by 20 per level up to 160 additional slots. You can access your backpack at any time during a mission.
  • Build and Repair Speed - Increases rate of build and repair up to 700%
  • Building Health - Increases health of structures up to 600%. The highest Building Health multiplier in the mission determines the health of all structures built by the player, even if their multiplier isn't as high.
  • Pickaxe Upgrade - Increases your pickaxe damage
  • Storm Shield Storage Vault - Unlocks and increases the Storage Vault size by 20 per level up to 160. You can only access you Storage Vault in the menus or in any Storm Shield, even if it's not your Storm Shield.

To upgrade any of gadgets or tools, you will need to use Upgrade Points which can be found as quest rewards.

When you get the first level of Storm Shield Storage Vault, you will get a new manu under the Armory tab


  • Collect Research Equipment in a 5+ City, Suburban, or Industrial zone

This is what I call a "Search and Collect" quest. In these, you will be looking around the map for objects that you will be collecting. In this quest, you will be collecting 5 research equipment.

Important Rewards - Lars, the Scientist and Research Points

Lars will appear in the Research menu under the Command Tab. Here you can upgrade your F.O.R.T stats with Research Points (RP). RP are accumulated automatically, even when you're offline, but it does have a limit.

Build Off!

  • Complete the Constructor Build Off mission

This takes place in a "Constructor Build Off" mission which is only available to those with this quest.

When you enter the mission, you'll hear Ray mention you're visiting the site of the first successful survivor rescue. She is actually referring to this cinematic (the link will take you to YouTube).

To complete the mission, head to the ATLAS. Once you arrive, you will see plans laid out, similar to when you had to build your Storm Shield Defense. Note that the slanted structures are edited roofs and not stairs. After completing the build, you will asked to place 8 traps. Once placed, start the mission, and defend the ATLAS.

Completing this quest will also unlock some hero quests. For those with achievements, see the bottom of the page.

Important Rewards - Increase Building Upgrade Level

When placing down a structure, wait for it to finish building. Now look at it and you'll see that you now have the option to upgrade it. Doing this costs twice as much materials as it did to initially build it, but it increases the health of the structure.

Rescue the Survivors

  • Complete a Rescue the Survivors mission in a 5+ zone

Go to the map and select a "Rescue the Survivors" mission.

In this mission type, you will be rescuing people. Initially you will have to save 6 with the remaining survivors counting towards better rewards. These missions end after you've rescued 15 survivors or after 20 minutes.

You will be rescuing survivors by simply talking to them, protecting them from a wave of husks*, or finding a lost medkit. If a survivor asks you to find their medkit, open the map and look for a blue magnifying glass. This will give you the general area of the medkit. Once you're in the area, run around and once you get close to the medkit, you will get a visual cue at the feet of your character, directing you to the medkit.

*If the survivor is on the ground, there will be only 1 wave. If the survivor is on a vehicle, there will be multiple waves.

  • Rescue the Survivors

    Completed "Rescue the Survivors"

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  • Man on a Mission

    Unlocked and Slotted your first Mission Defender

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  • Hired Gun

    Unlocked and Slotted your first Storm Shield Defender

    Guide for Fortnite - Stonewood (40)

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Important Rewards - Mission Defender 1/3, Storm Shield Defender 1/5, and Level Up: Defenders

You can now access Defender from the Heroes menu. Defenders have the same options of Upgrade/Inspect, Favorite, and Compare like other things in the armory. They can also be leveled up to 10, but do note that use Hero XP.

If you have less than 4 people in a regular mission, you can summon a defender for each person under 4 (i.e. if you have 2 people, you can summon 2 defenders). In 4-Player missions, you can summon up to 3 defenders, regardless of how many players are in the mission. In Storm Shield Defenses, you can summon up to 5 defenders, regardless of how many player are in the mission. Note that you can currently only summon one. More slots will unlock as you progress.

Homebase Storm Shield Defense 4

  • Complete Homebase Storm Shield Defense 4

Go to the Homebase Storm Shield. You will be asked to place down an amplifier in any of the permitted locations. Place it down and build defenses. Waves can spawn north, east, south, or west of the amplifier, unless there is an amplifier or storm shield in that direction.

Ray will then give you a tutorial on how to summon defenders.

Once you start, Smashers will be introduced (again). These husks have a huge health pool and a charge attack. This charge attack can go through multiple structures and will knock you back a significant amount. Smashers cannot damage the objective.

Mandatory Minimalism

  • Search Garbage Cans fro lost items in a 9+ City, Suburban, or Industrial zone

This is a "Search and Collect" quest. In this quest, you will be searching 5 trashcans.

Important Rewards - Recycling and Collection

When viewing any of your schematics, heroes, defenders, or survivors, you now have the ability to recycle schematics or retire heroes, defenders, or survivors. Doing so will erase the item from your armory, but it will return some materials. If you leveled something up, part of the materials you used will also be awarded back.

You now have access to the Collection Book under the Armory tab. As explained earlier, this allows you to slot schematics, heroes, survivors, and defenders (or SHSD for short). As you add more SHSD, you level up your book and gain rewards. Higher level SHSD give you more XP towards your book. Like recycling, this will erase the SHSD from your armory, but you can unslot it for 20 V-Bucks. You are also able to recruit heroes, although they are pretty costly.

Leave Only Footprints

  • Clear 4 husk Encampments in s successful missions in a 9+ zone
  • Complete 2 missions in a 9+ zone

Head into any 9+ mission. You will be looking for an encampment. They look like a purple gazebo with purple mist and three Husk surrounding them. When you activate the encampment, it will spawn a wave that you have to clear. You may need two missions to find all 4 encampments.

Important Reward - Hero Support Operative

You unlock the Support Bonus Slot. You can place a hero here by going to the Command tab and pressing Guide for Fortnite - Stonewood (46). Select the slot and then look at the heroes. Some heroes have a Support Squad Bonus or Tactical Squad Bonus. These give the primary hero a special ability or buff current abilities. All heroes give a stat boost, even if they do not give a Squad or Tactical Squad Bonus. The higher their level, the bigger the boost.

Build Off 2: Reinforcement

  • Build Level 2 Structures in successful missions in a 9+ zone

Head into a mission and start building. Once the tier 1 structures have finished building, you can upgrade them to tier 2. Do this 50 times.

Important Reward - Increase Building Upgrade Level

Same as the first time, but you can now upgrade structures to Tier 3. This will cost 3 times as much as the initial build.

Kicking and Screaming

  • Collect Distress Transmissions in a 9+ City, Suburban, or Industrial zone

This is a "Search and Collect" quest. In this quest, you will be listening to 5 distress calls.

Homebase Storm Shield Defense 5

  • Complete Homebase Storm Shield Defense 5

Go to your Homebase Storm Shield, install a new amplifier and defend your storm shield.

Once you start, Takers will be introduced. Takers are the only flying husk. They have a charge attack, but, unlike the Smasher, it will not destroy structures. Takers can phase through structures, but can't damage the objective.

Recruit Training

  • Eliminate Husks with Melee Weapons in successful missions in a 15+ zone
  • Eliminate Husks with Ranged Weapons in successful missions in a 15+ zone
  • Eliminate Husks with Traps in successful missions in a 15+ zone

Kill 20 Husks with guns (ranged weapon), 20 with melee weapons, and 20 with traps

Supply Run

  • Recover 4 Supply Crates in Successful missions in a 15+ zone
  • Complete 2 missions in a 15+ zone

This is a "Search and Collect" quest. In this quest, you will be collecting 4 supplies.

You also need to complete 2 missions in 15+ zones

Horrors from the Mist

  • Collect Mist Monster data in a 15+ zone

When you kill Mist Monsters, they have a chance to drop Mist Monster data. Collect 5 pieces of data.

Up in Arms

  • Collect Machine Parts in a 15+ Industrial zone

This is a "Search and Destroy" quest. In this quest, you will be destroying. You will be destroying machines to collect 7 armory upgrades.

Triangulation a Circle

  • Deploy Scanners in a 15+ zone

This is a "Search and Deploy" quest. In this quest, you will be deploying 5 scanners.

Homebase Storm Shield Defense 6

  • Complete Homebase Storm Shield Defense 6

Go to your Storm Shield, place an amplifier, build around it, and start your defense.

Once you complete the defense, you will unlock:

  • Can You Feel that Shield Power?

    Completed "Homebase Storm Shield Defense 6"

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A New Direction

  • Search Boxes in a 15+ City, Suburban, or Industrial zone

This is a "Search and Collect" quest. In this quest, you will be collecting 5 management materials.

Important Reward - Level Up: Survivors

You can now level up survivors. Remember, they will make up a large portion of your Power in the future.

Van or Astro-Van?

  • Complete a Launch the Rocket mission in a 15+ zone

Go into the "Launch the Rocket" mission at the bottom of your map. In this mission type, you need to search for a rocket, build defenses around it, and defend it for three stages.

Once you complete the mission, you will unlock access to Plankerton and unlock:

  • Launch the Rocket

    Completed all the Main Quests in Stonewood

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Important Reward - Dirt Bike Slot 1

This is an additional vehicle that can be sent out on expeditions

Hero Quests

To Boldy Go...

  • Fully explore a 3+ zone in a successful mission

Open your map with Guide for Fortnite - Stonewood (57). Any grayed out section is a section that hasn't been explored. Simply walk to it to explore it. The map doesn't have to be 100% explored for the game to consider it so. You'll receive notification at the top of your map when you've fully explored the map. You will have to explore 1500 zones to unlock an achievement.

When you complete this quest, it will reward you a Pathfinder Jess which is an Outlander. This will unlock:

  • Outlandish!

    Unlocked access to the Outlander Hero

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Enter the Ninja

  • Eliminate 20 Husks in successful missions with a Melee Weapon

Simply load into any mission and kill 20 Husks will a melee weapon.

When you complete this quest, it will reward you a Assassin Sarah which is an Ninja. This will unlock:

  • Dragon Slash!

    Unlocked access to the Ninja Hero

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4. Plankerton2. Tutorial

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Guide for Fortnite - Stonewood (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6316

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.