Sweet & Spicy (Sweet Water #1) (2024)


128 reviews1 follower

June 1, 2023

The dad is still a twat even if he tries to convince everyone at the end of the book his heart had always been in the right place. WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU!
Also, Cannon - swoon.


49 reviews

September 12, 2023

Samantha Whiskey is one of my favorite romance writers and I love her various series because they are all interconnected.

We met Andromeda “Anne” in Persephone and Cannon’s book, which is part of the Carolina Reapers series. Honestly, she sucked in that book. However, given that she now has her own book, Samantha Whiskey definitely gave her some redeeming characteristics.

This second chance romance between Anne and Jim was a great read. Jim really came through for Anne despite how he was treated by her parents. Anne has a lot of baggage due to what happened to her and Jim was exactly who she needed.

I’m excited for the next books in this series. There are some great side characters here who hopefully get their stories told in the future.


65 reviews

October 17, 2023

My heart 💛

I’ll admit, I hesitated a bit to read this new series. I was so desperately in love with the Reapers series that I didn’t think anything could ever come close… but I was wrong.

Anne and Jim were utter perfection. The struggle. The push and pull. The fear. I literally shed tears reading this multiple times as Andromeda revealed more and more of what she’d been through.

This book was heartfelt and warm, deep and personal, sexy and sassy… everything Samantha Whiskey always is. I cannot wait for the next.


27 reviews

April 3, 2024

Quick little romance novel to get me back into reading.


668 reviews

September 12, 2023

Contemporary romance
3 🌶️🌶️🌶️


165 reviews1 follower

November 18, 2023

sweet & spicy for sure

This was a sweet read. It handled some heavy topics and as always Samantha handled them w great tact. Loved it. And I can’t wait to dive into book 2

carley johnson

10 reviews

August 13, 2023

Absolutely Amazing!!

Andromedas story was absolutely amazing and captivating!! I was hooked after reading the first chapter!! It was so real and after learning about her past it made me love her even more. And Jim’s character in this book was the cherry on top! The way he supported her and let her move at her own pace was just so wonderful! Ugh I could read this again!!

Jenny Jackson

811 reviews4 followers

June 15, 2023

Anne and Jim

I love a good redemption story and that is exactly what this book is. This was the story of Andromeda VanDoren I didn’t know I needed. It takes place shortly after the end of Cannon in the Carolina Reapers series and focuses on Anne coming to terms with the repercussions of her behavior for the past ten years. It’s not easy to make a character who was a villain into a character readers love, but it took exactly one chapter of Anne’s point of view to change my feelings about her.

Anne’s character arch began at the end of Cannon and really took hold in this book. She became the person she was always meant to be and I loved getting to see her take charge of her life. When her dad cut her off she was forced to get a job and work for the things she wanted and that was the best thing that ever happened to her. She started therapy and really dug in to her past and the reasons she drank and felt the way she did about her family. After ten years she’s forced to face the pivotal moment that changed everything for her.

I loved Jim’s character. He’d held a torch for the one that got away and as much as he loved Anne, he had his own insecurities to get over. I loved how supportive of Anne he was and the way he recognized Anne needed to heal herself before they would ever get their second chance.

I loved all the new characters and the cameos of Persephone and Cannon. I hope everybody has a friend like Ridge. This was such a satisfying resolution for Anne and I hope we get more from Sweet Water in the future.

Trish- Late Knight Luna Reads

1,703 reviews9 followers

May 27, 2023

When this dropped on my kindle, I was so excited! I love the worlds Samantha Whiskey has created and I’m so happy to back to Carolina. “Sweet & Spicy” is a fun, sweet, steamy and heartfelt story and I loved Anne and Jim so much.

Anne is Persephone’s sister and had reached rock bottom at her wedding. Struggling with depression and alcoholism, she’s finally ready to get the help she needs. Going to therapy and having a full time job helps her with her health and when coming home one night, she has a run in with her teenage love, Jim. Jim works for the police department and the two have a long and complicated history. The two however start to reconnect based on old feelings but things are different now for the both of them.

I loved their second chance romance and I was rooting for them the whole time. Despite how Anne acted with her sister, I really felt for her and all the pressures from her family. Sometimes rock bottom is the only way to fix something but she crawled her way back to being a functioning adult and loving herself again. Jim is such a good guy and the person Anne needed in her corner. They had a long history with some shenanigans, as teenagers have when growing up, but it was a solid history that showed how much they were meant to be together. We got some chapters with Perspehone and Cannon which made me so happy because they are my favorite couple. I hope we get more from this series soon.


830 reviews23 followers

May 31, 2023

I did not know that I needed to read a story about Andromeda (Anne) Van Doren, but oh how I am glad I did! Persephone's big sister received a much needed redemption story. This woman has been through it, and her family hasn't exactly been supportive. Well other than Sephie. Sephie will do just about anything for her sister.

I really enjoyed this second chance romance between Jim and Anne. I loved how Anne tackled everything that her dad threw at her, and demonstrated her maturity. Life hadn't been easy for her since high school, but she is making amends while looking toward the future. If that future happens to have Jim in it, that's even better.

Loved getting to see Cannon and Persephone throughout this Anne's story. Cannon was just who Jim needed when it came to Mr Van Doren.

I am hoping that Samantha continues with this series, as I've spotted some characters I'd love to read about.

**Please know that there is mention to past assault, alcohol addiction, and family issues woven throughout this book.

    5 police-fire second-chance-romance

Emily Thompson

749 reviews6 followers

May 31, 2023

Andromeda & Jim

Okay in all fairness.. I hated Andromeda when I read Persephone and Cannon’s book but she grew on me so the this one. I’m pleasantly surprise by how much I liked her story and he character development. This woman has been through so much in her life and the past 10 years have not been kind to her one bit but her fire and resilience is something to be admired. She is now facing her addiction and her trauma head on.

Jim was a sweet and fun MMC but I have to admit, I didn’t love him as much as I enjoyed Anne’s character. He was so lukewarm and felt more passive aggressive than anything so it was frustrating to read his hang ups about diving into a relationship with Anne. It felt like a cop out TBH which just made me sad for Anne.

I really loved seeing Seph and Cannon again! I also enjoyed meeting some new faces in this would too. I hope Ridge and Lyla get together cause that chemistry was on a whole other level and they’d be a great enemies to lover story. Brad and Lana too had a nice set up there in the epilogue so I hope they get a chance to explore their possible fake relationship :)

Courtney Fields

86 reviews2 followers

June 11, 2023

Sweet and Spicy is about Andromeda, and her recovery after years of partying have caught up with her. Now she has to put in the work to help herself, but also make amends with her family. Along the way, she rekindles with her first high school romance, Jim. I truly wanted to reach through the pages and give “Anne” a hug. This is a great redemption story for Andromeda, especially if you have read the author’s hockey series Cannon. It’s not required, but I highly recommend reading Cannon before Sweet and Spicy. It is one of my favorite stories, and the two main characters make appearances in Sweet and Spicy.
There is a content warning at the beginning of the book, that some readers will want to take note of before diving into this book. This is the first story I’ve read by the author with this kind of warning, but still thoroughly enjoyed the book.
I received an ARC of Sweet and Spicy. I voluntarily read and reviewed it. All opinions are my own.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Diane McConnell

1,441 reviews4 followers

May 27, 2023

A new series by Samantha Whiskey!

Andromeda VanDoren had hit rock bottom medically and she needed to make amends for her actions and get her life straight in her home town of Sweet Water but it wouldn’t be easy especially when she runs into her first real love James Harlowe.

I have always wondered about the VanDoren family after reading Cannon (A Carolina Reapers Novel #5) because I had so many questions why Andromeda tried in interfere with Persephone and Cannon. Sweet and Spicy will answer everything about Andromeda and the guy she had to give up because you know that in a Samantha Whiskey novel that life is a full circle.

I love how Samantha Whiskey’s books have connections between all of the series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


Virginia VanSaders

1,440 reviews6 followers

June 3, 2023

Definitely a must read!

Jim is a police officer in Sweet Water, South Carolina. Anne (Andromeda) is Persephone’s sister. Jim, from high school ten years ago, was the only person she had ever trusted. She waits tables at a popular restaurant, Lyla’s Place. Their meeting after so long did not go well. The attraction from high school is still there in full force. Their breakup in high school left them both shattered from an ultimatum from her father. She left, but now she’s back. She’s trying to come back from her life being a total mess, from being an alcoholic which affected her liver, to trying to put herself mentally together. Her self-esteem is nearly zero. This story has all the emotions and feels, with all the love you could ever want. Such a well written book by Samantha. She’s always on top of her game with her writing.


391 reviews

May 31, 2023

Absolutely loved this! When I saw that this book was about Anne I had to snap it up.

We first met Anne in Cannon's book, she is the sister of Sephie who is the female main character of that book.

Anne hasn't had at it ease in life and her father has high expectations for her!

I am so happy that she reconnected with Jim! He really was the one that got away.

This story dealt with some really tough subjects but were handled really well by this author.

I loved the side characters that were mentioned just as much as Anne and Jim so really hoping they get their own stories.

Fantasy Book Review Kim

467 reviews2 followers

June 13, 2023

healing through self love

This book follows Anne, Persephone’s sister. You don’t have to read Cannon before this but I would recommend it.

Anne is working to better herself. She is doing the right things and using her coping skills. I love how the author didn’t gloss over the trauma she had faced or how Anne felt about her upbringing. Jim was such a solid person in her life. It felt as if the universe was bringing them together with how often they were brought back together. Jim never tried to make Anne into something she wasn’t or made her feel like she wasn’t worth his time

The author gave us a story or healing and love that had me devouring the book in hours.


185 reviews2 followers

July 24, 2023

Cute, but lacking

Anne and Jim are adorable. I loved getting to learn more about Anne and connect with her after hating her in Cannon's book. Mr. VanDoren was just as insufferable as always, but did eventually show some growth.

Where this book lacked for me was Jim. His backstory, his motivations, and his growth. He felt like a stock character who never really did anything. I get this is a short novel, but I would have loved an extra 4-5 chapters if we got to see Jim actually prove why HE'S worthy.

My biggest advice would be to read "Cannon" and just enjoy this for all the lovely moments we get with our favorite bad boy of Hockey!


187 reviews1 follower

May 27, 2023

the story I didn’t know I needed, but I did.

When we first meet Andromeda VanDoren, she’s spiraling. She’s the “villain” in someone else’s story. But I knew there was more to her, I just didn’t know what. I DEVOURED THIS BOOK. I love redemption stories so much and this one did not disappoint. I loved Anne and James ‘ love and their story. How it spanned a decade. How they found one another when they needed to. I hope there’s more in this group of friends to catch glimpses of their happily ever after.


268 reviews8 followers

June 26, 2023

I love a second chance
I didn’t know I wanted Andromeda’s story until this book came out because previously I hated her. But then this book released and I really loved her character’s redemption! She was working so hard on redeeming herself to her family, especially Persephone, when she was reunited with Jim. As soon as he came back into her life he fell right back into the roll of being her rock. They had such a great connection, despite their years apart. Their road back to one another was sweet with just the right amount of spicy. Loved it!


2,925 reviews

June 20, 2023

An unexpected surprise!

This was a surprise and I didn’t know I needed it until the end. Being back in Sweet Water and getting Anne’s story was so worth the wait. I enjoyed reading her story and what caused her to be what she is now and the icing on the cake is her second chance romance with her high school love Jim. The first time they broke up was because of her family, will she choose love or family this time around? One click to find out in this unexpected romance must read!


622 reviews3 followers

June 2, 2023

Cannon's book is one of my favorites and I was excited to see that we would be getting another boon that is tied to this one.

Anne has not had an easy life but her story with Jim is great! I'm happy she was able to find some happiness.

It was great to be able to see Persephone and Cannon again.

I hope there are more books to come in this series because this is a world I want to explore more of.


278 reviews2 followers

June 3, 2023

I love a great redemption story and a second chance romance!!!

I hated Andromeda, Persephone’s sister, but right from the start of the story, it was obvious that Anne had changed and was working to redeem herself.

Jim was the boy Anne loved in high school, but her dad pushed them apart and lead Anne down a path she was not proud of. When she returns to Sweet Water, Jim is there and they both realize that time apart did not diminish the connection they shared or their love.


93 reviews

June 10, 2023

I was so excited for a new book by Samantha Whiskey. As a Cannon and Sephie are one my favorite book couples. I wasn’t sure about this story, but let me tell you I read it in day and it literally fell in love.

Anne and Jim are such a great story with all the feels. You find yourself laughing, mad, tears and fighting for them. This story

This a sweet and spicy book and worth the read. I hope this builds into a new series. Take a moment and read this today!!!!

613 reviews

November 17, 2023

I just absolutely love Samantha Whiskey! I just adore all her books!!! This one did not miss! We are back in favorite town of Sweet Water with Andromeda VanDoren, otherwise known as Persephone VanDoren’s older sister. Andromeda is on her redemption journey. She runs into only person who understands herJames Harlowe. Will James and Andromeda be able to over their past? A must read!

Ami Baumgartner

22 reviews

May 29, 2023

Samantha Whiskey does it again!

I was not sure I was going to like Anne’s story because of her character in Cannon (my favorite Reapers book) but I am so glad that I did!

Anne’s story was so emotional and heartwarming to see her take responsibility for her actions and find out that she is able to do things on her own!!!

Samantha Whiskey does not disappoint!

Kristen S

161 reviews

May 30, 2023

Anne got the ring

After reading Cannon it was a really hard to want to like Anne because of all the crazy she pulled to her sister. But since it was written by the one and only Samantha Whiskey I knew I had to read it. Anne is so loveable and she needed. Jim in her life to make it complete. I'm so happy she got her happily ever after!!!

Laurel Nilsen

455 reviews10 followers

June 13, 2023

Sweet and spicy is a second chance romance. So glad we got to read Andromeda story because she was the sister that everyone hated in Persephone and Cannon’s book. This book gives you an insight of Anne hit rock bottom and building herself back up again also finding out your first love is still single is an added bonus.

Winona Fowler

349 reviews2 followers

July 17, 2023

A Hard Find

Anne and Jim fell in love in high school but her rich father stood in their way with terrible results. After a wild life and numerous failed marriages, Anne finds herself with a life threatening illness and fighting to rebuild her life. Jim is just the right man to help her rebuild, even after ten years apart.

Patricia Rohrs (Spellbound Stories blog)

2,282 reviews105 followers

July 21, 2023

I absolutely love that Anne got her story! I was so appalled by how she acted with Persephone in her book not you knew she had more to tell and I’m so happy that the author decided to give her not only redemption but an HEA!

I also hope to come back to this town because there are more stories to be told!

Joseph M. DuRant

28 reviews

May 29, 2023

Another hot, yet spicy romance!

I enjoy Samantha Whiskey novels not only because I am a South Carolina native,
but because of how believable her romance stories are. Sweet & Spicy is a very good read!

Sweet & Spicy (Sweet Water #1) (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.