The Unique - Chapter 5 - MySecondNameChloe123270797 (2024)

Chapter Text

Kara was accustomed to her high sensitivity by now. It had been almost twenty years since she landed on Earth. Twenty years during which she learned her skin and her senses in general were so much more on alert than anyone else. Even Kal didn’t feel that much. Or at least he said he wasn’t, and he was almost born a human, so it was saying. Kara couldn’t be sure though. The last time they had talked about this, it was during one of his visits, just after the Danvers had welcomed her. It was a long time ago but Kara remembered that time vividly. She had been overwhelmed by her powers. Too much of everything all at once. And she had wanted Kal to give her solutions, to help her, but he had none. As he had landed on Earth as a baby, his powers developed with time and he had time to adjust before it became too much. Unfortunately, Kara hadn’t that luxury and she had to adapt quickly.

An element as simple as water was so wonderful to her at first. The electricity that shot in every cell under her seven layers of skin always made her think of how much humans took for granted. Water wasn’t so common everywhere and Kara had seen it all. The poverty in Africa. The dry lands in Kenya. The hunger in Ethiopia. Just the act of taking a shower reminded Kara that she was lucky. Even more so since she could feel so much.

Kara had learned to appreciate all her gifts. Taste was, obviously, her favorite. The tastes were more furnished to her than to anybody else. She could taste all spices used in an Indian plate – too many to count but Winn had tried once. She could sense when the water wasn’t that pure – it could have helped with the poisoned coffee Lena had drunk but she had been too late. She could tell you precisely how the rain in Russia tasted like and how uniquely different it was from the rain in the States and the rain in Europe.

Smell was interesting too in a way that it was so precise that, with practice, Kara could now distinguish if somebody was lying or not based on their sweat. It wasn’t always accurate. She could only use it on people she knew for some time, like colleagues or relatives, but it was still awesome, if not a little weird. Alex had tested it, on the early days, and the tests revealed her sense of smell was even more developed than the one of the elephants, with her three thousand one hundred captors against two thousand for the animal – Kara had co*ckily replied she shouldn’t be compared to Earth standards and Alex had flipped her off.

Hearing was embarrassing and hurtful sometimes. Kara had so many stories to tell about the time she was trying to control it and heard things she shouldn’t have. Like the time she heard two of her teachers making out in the science class – she never looked at them the same way. Or the time she heard the first car crash of her life but wasn’t authorized to help and had nightmares for days because her brain kept replaying the last breaths of the man who had died that night. Or all the times she heard Eliza crying in her room at night, thinking the girls couldn’t hear her, because she was missing her husband and having a hard time dealing with two teenagers alone. Mostly, her highly sensitive hearing was a curse. But it was useful sometimes too. To annoy Alex, for example. Her sister who was trying to look like a badass in her teenage years but listened to heartbreak songs when she wasn’t feeling well. Kara wasn’t proud of it but she would admit she had used this as an argument to force Alex to drive her somewhere quite often. It was useful too, knowing she could hear what was going with her close ones and understand them better, because their heartbeats were very linked to their emotions. Without missing the fact that she could hear if they were in danger from miles away, it was always interesting to link the beating of their heart to the words they were saying and the faces they were doing. It helped her a lot to adapt, at first, socially speaking. She learned a lot of social codes by mixing her hearing with her capacity to read people and memorize the patterns. Hearing was a curse in a lot of ways, but not all the time.

It wasn’t a surprise to Kara that, when she walked under the water to clean the mess in her hair, she could precisely find all the little remnants of concrete in between the locks at the same time she could smell the breakfast the single mom of three down the road was cooking. She could smell the ramen being prepared in her favorite restaurant next to CatCo, several blocks away. She also could hear Liz’s even breath in her room, Lena shuffling under her sheets and the cat pacing behind Liz’s bedroom door, right across the city. Since Lena came back, during the day, Kara happened to realize she had tuned in their heart frequencies from afar. She still had a hard time believing she didn’t need to search anymore. The heartbeat she knew so well, so characteristically of Lena’s peace of mind, was a sound she could find through hundred ones. She didn’t have to search thoroughly, to force her ears to go as far as they could. Lena was just across the city. It was comforting, as if Kara had finally found back her reason to smile. Her anchor, the thing that was so well known, taken for granted for so long, was mesmerizing to her now. Lena was alive and safe and here.

It wasn’t a surprise, either, that she could still feel Lena’s lips hovering mere inches away from hers. Lena had almost kissed her the day before. Twice. And her highly sensitive nerve endings were taking a pleasure to remind Kara how it felt. The softness, the warmth, the tension, the eagerness. It was too much. So much that Kara had woken up in a sweat, her damp t-shirt clinging at her back, because of the dreams she had about Lena’s almost kiss.

Oh, how much she had wanted to lean forward. How much she had wanted to close the gap and take Lena’s mouth in hers and never stop. Just to taste those perfect lips. To feel the taste of Lena’s chap stick on her tongue, the remnants of coffee or mint chewing gum in her breath. But she wasn’t sure Lena wanted it. Or more so, Lena’s heart seemed to want it, but Kara wasn’t sure Lena’s mind agreed. Lena always seemed so torn when it came to her feelings. She always seemed to feel too much too, not knowing how to organize her emotions. Be a ruthless CEO, make partnership for profit, even if it meant selling weapons, or be a wise one and favor humanity before profit? Be as cold as it was expected from a Luthor or be as gentle as Lena was, even if it meant losing the respect of her peers? All Lena’s decisions seemed to be a dilemma and Kara wasn’t different. She knew she had to make her intentions clear towards Lena but the brunette had to do the first step if she wanted it. Kara couldn’t take the decision for her. Too many people had already done that.

Kara had to admit it was painful to resist though. She hadn’t dreamed about Lena like that for a long time. Her mind kept replaying the images vividly. The luscious red lips. The sultry tone. The obscenely delicate curves of pale perfect skin. The emerald green almost hidden by pupils so big from desire. And the tastes, Rao, the tastes.

Alright, these primal thoughts were starting to heat up the room and it was hot enough. Kara didn’t want to take longer in the shower. Saving water was important. Plus, she didn’t want another reason to think about the sensations Lena provoked in her under the water.

Stepping out of the shower, Kara rubbed at her arms, the water already drying on her skin. The temperatures were already high and it was just around 8 a.m.. It was suffocating for all the people in National City, except Kara who thrived as long as the sun was shining. She chose a casual outfit anyway. She had to meet Lena in her apartment so she could transport them to Ireland for the morning. Once there, they would search for the book Florence had talked about. The one in which they should find their answers.

Kara was excited to discover where Lena and Liz had been living this whole time. Maybe it would help her understand more. Understand who Liz was. Understand who Lena had become. There were so many things she wanted to ask. How was Liz as a baby? Did she sleep easily at night? What was her first word? What were the values Lena wanted her to have? Did she teach her how to play chess or was it out of the question because too traumatic? Two days ago, her life had made a full one-eighty and Kara wasn’t sure she had the time to process it all. She had a daughter. A wonderful one, so smart and creative. So scared too, who could pulverize a whole building but was too empathetic to do so. A daughter who looked just like Lena and acted just like herself. It was the perfect mix and Kara was totally objective about it.

Scrolling on her phone to read the news while eating breakfast, Kara realized half of the articles was about Lena and Liz. A bundle of fear and anxiety crept up her chest every time she would come across their pictures. She didn’t like that. At all. She had a feeling that this wouldn’t end well and she didn’t like feeling that she couldn’t do anything about it. Lena was wrong to think it should bring out her attackers from their hiding. There were still people interested in taking their revenge on her for what Lex and Lillian had done to them in their labs. Kara feared that if one of them put their plan in action, Lena could be hurt. Worse, she couldn’t help feeling terrified for Liz who could be caught in the crossfire. For now, she didn’t have much choice though. Lena had made her decision and Kara would be there to deal with the aftermath with her.

Looking at her phone for alerts, Kara shot a text to Alex, telling her the battle she had this morning didn’t leave her with any injuries and adding her plan for the day. Meeting Lena, finding the book, analyzing the book with Lena and maybe, if Lena was okay with it, teaching Liz how to control her hearing. Alex answered with a thumb up, stating the alien they fought this morning had been left in the police care. She said then she would be in the satellite so she could give Liz her suit and train with Kelly and Esme.

It was a new feeling, speaking to Alex that easily. They had lost touch after Lena’s disappearance. Alex had never given up but Kara had preferred to step away, focusing on finding Lena back and leaving Alex live her life without having to take care of Kara for once. It seemed that Lena coming back meant they would all take back where they were too. Lena’s disappearance had left a hole in the group. Now that she was back, Kara was thinking of the past six years as a life with her head under water. Everybody had been holding their breath but now they could finally breathe freely. Lena was the air and they had been living a life devoid of it. Or was it just Kara?

Content with her plan, Kara put a jacket on and decided to walk to Lena’s apartment. She knew Lena and Liz were still sleeping. She wanted to leave them time to wake up. She also wanted to think about how she would face Lena after what almost happened the day before. Should she say something? Should she say nothing? Should she leave Lena be and engage the conversation only if she seemed ready? It was always one or the other with Lena. She would either decide to take matters to her hands and be straightforward about the situation, or she would avoid it and you would not receive any news for a month. But this time, Lena couldn’t really avoid it, even if she could also just choose not to talk about it. Which was the best option, Kara thought. And who was she to dismantle Lena’s plans?

The jet lag made them arrive close to the end of afternoon. Thankfully, the summertime was giving them a few more hours to spend in daylight before the sun would go down. The forest surrounding Lena’s family house was widely spread. There were fir trees, oaks, pines, and poplars all around the house, so high it was no wonder that Kara or nobody ever had found them. The natural smell of moss mixed in the afternoon heat was overcoming. Kara took a breath and closed her eyes. The sun was bright above their heads. Warm and comforting like it could be on summer days. The wind was brushing in their hair, giving freedom to the locks of brown and blond that got away. Birds were chirping in trees, making their nests, feeding the baby birds. Kara could feel everything all at once. From the battling of a butterfly’s wings, to the huge hoist lifting containers to put them on a boat on the coast. From Lena’s natural perfume and Liz’s touch in her hand, to the whisky settling in barrels in a distillery in Cork. It was exhilarating.

On Krypton, every natural element had been replaced by an artificial one. Vegetables wouldn’t grow anymore or they would grow loaded of Kryptonite so they weren’t eatable and mostly dangerous to the people. The Science Guild had worked to make them grow in labs, taking into consideration the nutrients people needed to survive, but it never had been the same. The colors weren’t as vivid, the taste not as savory. With time, a huge dome had been put over Argo city, putting its residents under a glass protection against the radiations. Putting them away from every other city and their inhabitants too. After that, the floors had been gradually covered with plaques made of steel to prevent the radiations to come through and poison the air under the dome. Kara remembered seeing the workers from her window. Some of them died from the radiations and they had to stop the coverage. It led to the building of a wall separating the city in two. The Science Guild had calculated the time they had left before the radiations would be at their highest. They didn’t have the time or the workforce to cover the floor of the whole city. It was too dangerous and, sadly, useless. The population had been asked to stay secluded in their house after that. Waiting for the end to come. Without being able to do anything. Kara remembered the long days watching the planet die through the window. The sorrow in her parents’ eyes. Kal’s birth in the middle of it. That was when her parents and her uncle decided to find a solution to at least save their children.

The planet had been so taken advantage of, that animals were rare when Kara was little. Flowers were only kept by the Science Guild in observatory gardens for experiment and preservation. Kara knew her mother was trying to reverse the habits of her people by educating them about nature and showing them how they could preserve the remnants of it on Argo. They had lost a lot of species in the destruction of the planet, though, so Kara knew they would never be able to reform the whole fauna and flora of Krypton on Argo.

The little hand in hers brought Kara out of memories. She opened her eyes and looked down to see Liz smile and squeeze her palm, Lena’s hand in hers on the other side. Yeah, life wasn’t what it used to be but it was even better in some way.

Lena took a step forward, leading them all on a cobblestone path and Kara finally looked up to observe the house. It wasn’t a huge one, per say. It looked typically like you would think a traditional two stories Irish house would look like. It was high, with brown spiky roofs. The walls were made of beige irregular stones and visible thick wooden beams. Heavy ivy was climbing from one corner to the front, just beside the front door. The windows had a cross pattern and were painted in red. The door was in a darker shade of red too and looked like it was a hundred years old, with its diamond pattern and its wrought iron knocker. The entire cottage looked traditional and comfortable. Kara could feel some peace coming from it and couldn’t imagine the amount of people those walls had witnessed the stories of.

Lena opened the door with an old-fashioned iron key. Kara found it comical, knowing how Lena had been adamant to use only key cards for the penthouse, stating it was the most secure way to lock a door. Once they entered, Liz ran in, probably in the direction of her bedroom.

“We’ll be in the attic, love.” Lena shouted in Liz’s direction, only receiving an “okay” as a reply.

Kara took the time to look around while Lena was going through her mail. The place looked cozy and charming. It was neat and clean, as if Lena had been here to clean up before the dust had the time to gather. From the front door, Kara could see the kitchen on the right and the living room on the left, both rooms separated by walls and a black carpeted flight of stairs. In the living room, full bookshelves were taking a whole pan of a wall. The couch looked comfy and Kara almost made a remark about how it was different too from the one that used to be in the penthouse. On the other side of the stairs, there was what looked like a glass door leading to a garden where she could take a glimpse of a swing set.

“Cat got your tongue?” Lena asked absentmindedly, still reading a letter. Kara observed her and could see now why it was her house. Lena seemed at ease here, as if all their troubles had disappeared once she walked through the door. They hadn’t really talked since Kara arrived in Lena’s apartment. Liz’s presence prevented them from addressing the elephant in the room. It was a good excuse, really, and Kara was glad to be able to use it. Now that she was alone with Lena, though, the tension seemed to reappear. A slight blush crept up her cheeks.

“No, I… It’s…” Kara looked around again.

It was hard to explain. It wasn’t pristine white and luxurious like Lena’s penthouse used to be but it felt like home, with the mix of Lena’s natural scent and the washing detergent she always used and the smell of old and new books. It was heartwarming and welcoming. Kara felt good in this house.

“I like it. It suits you.” Kara finally replied with a small smile. Truly, she meant to say it suited Lena better than the penthouse but she didn’t have to. Lena smiled back and guided her through the kitchen with a hand. Her flowery perfume fanned around in Kara’s face. The blond was shocked for a second before she rushed forward to follow Lena. In the kitchen, Kara leaned on the back of chair and watched Lena moved around the room with ease.

“Thanks, I guess. Coffee, tea, water?”

“Water, please.” Kara answered politely. She looked around the kitchen, which was just like the rest of the place, modern but traditional with wooden cabinets and drawers, white tiles backsplash and dark grey counters. A rectangular kitchen table at the center with four chairs. Nothing extraordinary but very practical. Just like everything Lena had.

“So, your mom lived here?”

Lena stopped just a second while pouring water in a glass. Kara thought she had put her foot in her mouth again but then, Lena turned and nodded, her face neutral.

“Yes, the house has been in the Walsh’s family for four hundred years.” She said while putting Kara’s glass of water on the kitchen table. Kara’s hand stopped in midair. Four hundred years?

“You’re kidding?”

“No. I didn’t believe it either when I first got it so I made research and… It’s true.” Lena simply stated, looking at the ceiling as if she could see the workers building it during the 17th century.

“Wow! It’s…” Kara didn’t know what to say. Legacy was a big thing on Krypton but it was never about property or material things, more about knowledge.

“A lot. Yeah. Generations after generations, they all lived here at one point. The eldest always kept the house and the youngest moved out to live in the city nearby. I started a family tree but it’s a lot of work and most of the births and deaths weren’t well listed at the time.” Lena explained. She took a sip of her own glass then.

“This is incredible.” Kara looked around in wonder. “All these people living here, struggling, and working and raising children.” She said excitedly. “Just living.” She breathed out. “This is awesome.”

Lena hummed and turned around to put her glass in the sink. “It’s overwhelming sometimes. You may not feel it but I can sense all of them. The walls, the furniture. Everything is overflowing with energy.”

Kara’s brows disappeared under her hairline. She hadn’t thought about it. Were Lena’s ancestors all witches and wizards? Was Lena the descendant of a long-time wizard bloodline, just like in movies and novels? If it was true, Liz was one too.

“I can’t say I feel them but I do feel good here. I feel light and at peace.” Kara admitted, looking around the room again. Maybe a ghost would appear out of nowhere.

Lena chuckled a bit and took Kara’s empty cup to put it in the sink too. “It’s not magic. It’s just the house. It’s calm and peaceful here.”

“Yeah, I understand why you didn’t want to come back.”

Lena gave her a tight-lipped smile. It wasn’t meant to be judgemental or anything. Kara really understood and she was even a bit envious because she never had a place like this where she could be truly herself and relax. Her apartment had been great but there always was the fear of being seen using her powers or heard. Moving in the Tower had been practical and out of necessity. Kara couldn’t live in her old apartment anymore since everybody knew who she was.

“The book is normally in the attic. I’ve all my mother’s stuff there.” Lena said, quitting the kitchen. Kara took it as an invitation to follow. They took the stairs. Along the staircase, pictures had been put in frames and Kara stopped to look at it. They showed Liz at different stages of age. Lena and Liz painting. Liz’s first time writing her full name right with letters going bigger and bigger on the chalk board. Liz’s first day of school. Liz showing her socks with a huge toothless grin on her face, the House of El symbol right in the middle of the fabric. Kara took everything in. So many first times she had missed. So many memories they could have formed.

Two steps above her, Lena cleared her throat. Kara didn’t have to look at her to know she was sporting a remorseful face. “I have more. I could give you some if you want to.”

Kara nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat and turned away from the pictures. Ruminating on the same things over and over would not help them. She motioned for Lena to walk up the stairs. On the first floor, there were four wooden doors, one of which was slightly open and they could hear Liz talk quietly.

“The ladder is there.” Lena said while pulling on a hook with a stick. A narrow staircase eased down from the ceiling and Kara could see all the little particles of dust invading the place. Lena coughed.

“Sorry, I never open it.”

“It’s fine. You can’t fight dust.”

“That’s not the worst thing up there.” Lena whispered as she climbed the stairs like a ladder.

Kara retained a chill and followed her. Quickly, they were surrounded by old furniture, dusty grimoires, and weird filled vials and jars. Lena crossed the room on the creaking parqueted floor, cautiously avoiding the furniture and the numerous boxes, and opened a round window on the other side. The air chased the dust and rotting smell away instantly. It was dark but not enough for them not to see where they were walking. Both looked around, almost dejectedly. The task wouldn’t be easy.

“So what are we looking for?” Kara asked. She got her phone out and lighted the torch on.

“A spell book. Old, brown, with a leather cover. There’s a symbol on it. A pentacle if I remember correctly.” Lena described.

“How do you know it’s this one Florence was talking about?”

“I don’t but we have to start somewhere. My mom used to travel with this one. One of my oldest memories is about her reading this book on the evening while I was watching TV or reading.”

“Okay, so a brown leather book with a pentacle on it.” Kara smiled to herself. This couldn’t be more predictable. She pulled a box to her and brushed the dust away from the cover with her hand. “May I?” She asked to Lena.

“Yes, go ahead. Just be careful. Some of them might be protected by charms. I wouldn’t like for you to be bewitched or cursed.” Lena scrunched up her face, probably thinking of what it would look like.

Kara guffawed, her lips spatting globules of spit in the process. “I won’t be cursed, that’s not…”

“Possible? Like you not being sick until we magically traveled yesterday?” Lena interrupted with a co*cked eyebrow.

“Hey!” Kara frowned then tilted her head. “Alright, good point. But how do I know if there’s a charm?”

Lena straightened up and looked at her with alarmed eyes. She didn’t seem like she had any idea how Kara could know either.

“Hum, I guess avoid the books and artifacts that look weird. And do not touch any vials. Of any kind.” Lena lastly warned with a finger. Kara scoffed and raised her arms frustratingly. “Have you look around? Everything looks weird. No offense.”

Lena chuckled and leaned back to rummage through her box. “You’re right. Well, can’t you look through the boxes? At least you wouldn’t touch them.”

Kara opened a wide mouth, flabbergasted that she hadn’t even thought about this herself. She shook her head and closed her mouth, putting herself at work. The first boxes were analyzed meticulously. Kara scanned books after books, icon statue after icon statue, suspicious vials after suspicious vials. Some of the boxes looked like they were filled with kitchenware and dishes. Kara wished she could find a box full of baby pictures of Lena but it was so hard to tell what was in between the books.

It took them close to two hours to rummage through the boxes. Lena stopped from time to time to look closely at a picture frame she would find or to show Kara a strange object, asking if she knew its use. They had found an old wooden chest. It was so heavy, Kara had to go next to Lena and pull it out of its corner herself. Inside were elaborated dresses and costumes. Lena had said it was probably from around the 18th century. They laughed, putting the dresses in front of them and talking with exaggeratedly posh British accents. After that, the air became a bit less tense. The pressure of finding the book was always weighing on their shoulders but Kara could see how relaxed Lena was here.

“Look, I think it’s this one.” Lena declared from the other side of the room. Kara stopped everything and walked to her. Lena had a thick worn leather book in her hand, the pentacle clearly visible on its cover. A thin string of leather was surrounding it and forming a knot on the side.

“You’ve found it.” Kara smiled softly. She approached her hand to touch it but Lena pulled it away before her fingertips could brush the cover.

“Ah ah, no way. I can feel the protective charm around it. Why do you think I didn’t open it myself?”

“I thought you were waiting for me.” Kara almost accused, as if it was Lena’s fault she couldn’t feed her curiosity and touch the book. “Alright, now you can just… erase the charm.” She stammered, putting her hands in her back pockets to prove she could stay away from the book.

“Erase the…?” Lena scoffed. “You don’t erase a charm, you cancel it. And I can’t just do it like that. I have to find which charm was used first.”

Kara co*cked an eyebrow. Magic was complicated. It was simpler in movies. What couldn’t it be like in the movies for once? Superheroes always beat the villain ; people never really died ; witches always won at the end. And quickly.

“How long do you need?” Kara asked, sighing. Lena tilted the book from side to side, as if measuring the risks.

“I don’t know. I may have an idea though. Can you take a step back?”

Kara rose her brows but obliged, ready and not ready to see what Lena would do. The brunette put the book on a box and took a step back too. She closed her eyes and inhaled. When she opened her eyes back, they were glowing yellow. She focused them on the book and directed her hands towards it. She started reciting Latin words. An incantation, Kara thought. The air was screeching with energy around them. A chill ran down Kara’s arms. Her mouth hung low. She had seen Lena practice magic a little when she was still in the Tower but it never felt that way. It felt like all the energy contained in the furniture and the walls and even Kara, was going through Lena and went out by her hands. Lena was a sort of receptacle who could distribute the energy and shape it to do whatever she wanted to. It was extraordinary.

Lena’s voice was growing stronger as she recited the same words over and over again. Suddenly, the book seemed to jump from its place and smoke erupted from the cover. The knot undid itself. Kara looked at the scene, not believing her eyes. She could fly, she could shoot laser daggers, she could freeze the air with her breath but magic was just… magical.

“Wow! That’s it?” She asked, stepping eagerly towards the book. Lena turned the cover and they could see delicate scribbles on the first page. Property of: Mary Walsh. Josephine Walsh. Agatha Walsh. Leonora Walsh. The names went on until the very last name. Lena’s mother’s name.

“You’re the next one.” Kara gave a goofy smile to Lena. She couldn’t believe it. Lena was a witch. She came from a long bloodline of wizards. It was incredible.

“I am. And Liz is next.” Lena agreed with a smile. Belonging. It was belonging and pride all over her face. Kara was proud too. Of her.

“Good, now we just have to look through it and find the prophecy.” Kara said, putting away the few boxes that were on their way to go out.

“If it’s in there.” Lena corrected gently. “I can take a look at it in the labs. We don’t have to stay here. That way you can do whatever you do usually.”

“Oh.” But Kara liked it here. She wasn’t in a hurry. She liked discovering every little thing that had composed Liz and Lena’s life for the past years.

Lena leaned over and squeezed her forearm affectionately. “Don’t worry. You’re welcome here whenever you like.” She winked and brushed past her. “Come here. I’ll show you Liz’s bedroom.”

Kara’s lips abandoned their surprised shape to form an immediate smile at the mention of their daughter. She followed Lena to the door slightly ajar. Lena pushed it softly and there was Liz calmly playing with her dolls in a big dollhouse, Snowflake sleeping in a ball right next to her. Kara stopped in the door frame.

“How did the cat get here?” She rushed out. Lena chuckled, sitting down on the floor next to Liz and caressing the cat’s fur who was already purring.

“The cat is not a normal cat.” Lena admitted sheepishly. Kara tilted her head, asking silently for explanations. How a cat could be anything else than a cat? Liz had mentioned it the other day but Kara had put it on the child’s imagination.

“He’s Liz’s familiar.”

Kara frowned and leaned forward, as if it could help her focus on what Lena was saying. “I’m sorry, a familiar?”

“Yes, you know, a magical being cursed to live in an animal shape, condemned to help others as a punishment for all the bad things they’ve done.”

“Snowflake is a good boy, Mom.” Liz admonished as if what Lena had said was insulting. Lena chuckled and scratched behind the cat’s ear. Snowflake leaned on Lena’s hand even more.

“Of course, he is. He’s here to protect you.” Lena agreed. She turned back to Kara. “He follows Liz everywhere. I had some problems with the school at first. They thought Liz was putting him in her bag purposefully.”

The slight grin on Lena’s face was disarming. So the cat was magical too and it was normal. Natural. A new normal, actually. Lena was so cool about magic now, it was hard to believe she had a hard time dealing with it at first.

“He’s like Salem in Sabrina’s new adventures?” Kara asked, because her only references in terms of magic were TV shows. Give her some slack.

“Yes, if you want to put it that way. Sam found him on the porch the day Liz was born. Florence said he’s linked to her for as long as she’ll need him.”

“Isn’t he supposed to talk?”

Lena snorted. “You watch too much TV, do you know that?” Kara pouted in reply and crossed her arms. Lena rolled her eyes but kept smiling. “He doesn’t talk. In our belief, he’ll become a good asset when Liz will need him to. For now, he’s just a grumpy companion.” She said, scratching his chin. The cat was just a purring mess.

Kara approached cautiously, now scared of what the cat could do to her. “How old do you think he is?”

“He’s six.” Lena replied instantly. “Liz and he are made of the same wood. They were both born June 20th, during the summer solstice. A familiar is like a twin soul. They always rise on the same day as the person they have to protect.”

“Isn’t he supposed to be a hundred years old or something?” Kara scrunched up her face in disbelief. She found it hard to give up on her belief. Lena rolled her eyes again.

“This is not Salem, Kara!” Lena groaned. “His soul is probably really old but his body is six.”

“Who’s Salem?” Liz asked, turning around to interrupt her mothers’ bickering. The crinkle in the middle of her frown was so typically Kara. Lena sighed heavily and looked dejectedly to Kara. The blond was already grinning from ear to ear. They were watching reruns of Sabrina tonight.

Lena transported them immediately in the entrance of the satellite. She swayed a little on her legs, caught in a dizziness. Kara had to secure her in her arms to prevent her from falling. Lena looked exhausted.

“Are you okay?” The blond asked, a frown of worry on her face. Lena looked up sideways, her back against Kara’s front. A slight blush crept on her cheeks.

“Yeah, sorry. Transportation is taxing. Nothing a whole night rest can’t cure.” Her tone was meant to be reassuring but Kara helped her to walk the few steps to a chair anyway to rest a bit before crossing the satellite, Liz following closely behind them.

The satellite was full. Well, not that full because it was massive and people tended to stay within their own groups, but it seemed like every member of the Justice League had research to do or a training session to follow or a dangerous weapon to stabilize. They watched as Flash came in and out of the room. He was in a hurry – when was the man not in a hurry? – and he couldn’t talk a lot but apparently, Captain Cold had resurfaced and was threatening to freeze Central City so Flash needed Batman’s particle heater to imprison Cold once and for all.

On their way, they came across Damian Wayne who made a rare appearance as he was leaving Grayson’s hospital room. He just nodded towards them and took the new boots Lucius Fox had made him before disappearing by the depressurized airlock. Kara knew the guy wasn’t very expressive. He was doing a good job filling in for Nightwing in Bludhaven and that was enough for her.

Black Canary made an appearance too, accompanied by another woman from the Birds of Prey Kara couldn’t remember the name of. She was charging a trunk with materials in a ship when they arrived through the boarding area. Something about Harley Quinn needing saving. Kara chuckled and wished them luck. Quinn had always a knack for putting herself in terrible situations.

When they walked in the labs, Brainy and Alex were waiting for them, while Kelly helped Nia stitching up a part of her mask, Esme typing on her phone next to them. Brainy rushed to show them the different options on Liz’s suit.

“It’s literally like a second skin. It works with your body to adjust the strength and the protection you need.” He explained gently to Liz, pushing buttons on his gauntlet to activate the suit. “If you need to control the energy coming out of your little hands, it will do just that.” A course of energy ran through the sleeves of the suit and it morphed into glove-like endings.

“Why do I keep working on the gloves then?” Lena asked, a little skeptical. “Are we sure it will contain all her energy?”

“The gloves are a good exchange, in case Liz wants to have a full access to her powers. For now, the suit will suffice, with absorbing some of her energy to function and to protect her. Your gloves could completely help her without the suit or it could even help her develop other skills. It could be a wonderful gadget.”

“Hum. Why do I feel like you’re trying to cheer me up?” Lena co*cked an eyebrow, a smirk fully in place.

“Because he is.” Nia exclaimed from afar. Brainy shook his head, amused. He pushed another button, the suit morphed again.

“And you have a pocket here, to hide all the candies you want.” He winked to Liz who smiled widely.

“Don’t give her bad ideas.” Lena joked. She took the suit in her hands and felt the fabric. “What is it? It doesn’t feel like Kevlar.”

“It’s not.” Brainy confirmed. “It’s actually the exact same fabric used for Wonder Woman and the Amazons’ armors.”

Kara gasped and took the suit out of Lena’s hands. “You’re kidding? How did you convince her? I’ve been trying for four years!”

“She decided to share some of Themyscira’s technologies in exchange for some non-lethal weapons to protect the island.” Alex, who had stayed silent until now, explained while grabbing the suit from Kara’s hands. “And you would know it if you had kept in touch with your own team.” She said pointedly, looking with narrowed eyes at Kara. The blond felt the others’ eyes on her. It wasn’t the best time for that discussion.

“Alright, sorry.” Kara said, her eyes on her shoes. “I’ll thank her later. Their suits are so much lighter than ours. This is the best way to learn.” She added towards Lena and Liz as she gave the suit back to Lena.

“Mom, can I try it?” Liz asked, pulling on Lena’s shirt. Lena smiled and folded the suit on her arm.

“Yes, we just…”

“Here you all are!” J’onn exclaimed as he walked in.

“J’onn!” Alex ran to him and hugged him tightly. Kara watched with her arms crossed as Kelly and Esme rushed to him too. They talked a bit before J’onn approached her. She looked at him sheepishly.

J’onn was staying on Mars for most of the time, raising his son and helping to give the Martian society a new glory. He was the first Kara had walked away from when Lena disappeared. He had assured her he could feel Lena’s spiritual energy but couldn’t track her. Kara had been furious, accusing him of not caring about Lena’s fate and not doing enough to save her. Always the wise one, J’onn had shut the discussion down at the instant Kara had started to be hostile. They had barely spoken since then. Kara avoided him every time he was visiting, finding absurd excuses after absurd excuses. She was ashamed of the way she had treated him. Guilt and remorse weren’t enough to express what she was feeling.

Nonetheless, J’onn walked to her and, after two seconds of observing her face, he grabbed at Kara’s shoulders and embraced her tightly. A whine escaped Kara’s lips. She was trying to contain her emotion. She was forgiven, she knew it, she could feel it. J’onn had never been mad at her. He had never been the type to hold a grudge.

Pushing away, J’onn kept her at arms’ length and looked at her closely. “You look great.” He said finally and she chuckled wetly. “You do too.” She replied.

They looked at each other for a minute or two before J’onn’s eyes diverted to someone behind her. He brushed past Kara and she followed him as he came in front of Lena. Like he did with her, J’onn stopped for a beat, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes, before he leaned forward and embraced Lena tightly, lifting her up in the air. Lena’s face showed a pallet of expressions, going from surprise, to sadness, to hope, to love.

Kara could hear it all. Lena’s sharp intake of breath. Her beating heart. J’onn’s whispers in her ears. “I know what you’re thinking. Stop punishing yourself. I’m happy you’re back. I’m sorry for what happened to you.” He said, compassionate but humble as always, because he knew that, whether it be Lena or him, the display of affection would be more embarrassing than helping for them both. He knew everything already. Alex must have filled in the blanks for him.

Kara saw him crouch down and introduce himself to Liz. The girl looked impressed and a little scared. J’onn was in his Martian form. But then, J’onn turned on his toes to gaze at Kara with a grin on his face.

“I could recognize those eyes and that crinkle anywhere.” He simply stated, winking towards her and Kara melted. She approached and took place on the other side of Liz, putting her hand on her shoulder with a proud smile on her face while Lena was caressing the girl’s hair to reassure her.

“I could say that I’ve something to do with it but all the credit goes to Lena for raising her as the wonderful kid she is.” Kara said watching Liz the whole time. The girl looked up to her with a smile. When Kara bopped her nose with a finger, her smile grew three sizes. Kara didn’t miss Lena’s blush on her cheeks either.

“That’s right. You did a good job, Lena.” J’onn agreed, standing up. “I came back to help in the research.” He explained.

Alex stepped in at this moment. “I thought J’onn could add a new perspective to the situation. Maybe we didn’t think about all the possibilities.”

J’onn had experience and a different way to see things. “It’s a good idea.” Kara agreed.

“Alex told me the most of it but I believe you’ve both found something new?” J’onn asked, turning to Lena who lighted up.

“That’s right.” She admitted, stepping away from Liz to grab the spells book. “We made some progress concerning the Gaelic prophecy Liz said the other day.”

“A prophecy?” Nia tilted her head. Lena nodded and explained everything, from her tentative to contact her dead mother through a Ouija board the day before – Kara swore she had seen Alex shiver – to her conversation with Florence about her mother’s book and their rummage through Lena’s attic to find said book.

“You did all that in two days?” Kelly wondered aloud. Lena shrugged. “Wow, you guys are quick.” She mumbled, looking to the floor.

“We didn’t want to waste time and you were already busy with the situation in Bludhaven.” Lena replied, half-shrugging. And she was right. They may have acted on impulse, without averting the team but everybody had been busy the last few days and Kara and Lena couldn’t ask for them to give up on their missions. It was their daughter, their priority. And the stakes were high. Kara didn’t know what was pushing Liz to say all those things or how the prophecy was linked to Lena’s disappearance but she felt like something was up and that they didn’t have much time for them.

“Now that J’onn is here, maybe he could try to find memories of that day in your mind?” Nia proposed, motioning towards Lena. All eyes turned to the brunette, waiting for her agreement.

“Sure.” She shrugged. “We can try.” Kara recognized the hopeless tone, as if Lena already knew it was unnecessary but she agreed to do it to please the team.

“Great. I go with Liz in a training room to practice. You go with J’onn in a meeting room not to be bothered.”

Lena looked down to Liz whose gaze was traveling from Kara to Lena expectantly. “What do you say, love? Do you want to try your suit and see what you can do with it?”

Liz looked frightened immediately at the idea of using her powers again. She had been excited about the suit, probably because it really looked like a mini version of Kara’s, but now that she had to use it to test her powers, everything seemed more real. Lena crouched down in front of her and took both of her hands.

“You’ll be okay. Kara will be there the whole time with you. You can’t hurt anyone here.” She reassured. Liz took a step to hide in Lena’s neck. She didn’t like the attention on her.

“You won’t be there?” She mumbled against her mother’s skin. Kara was probably the only one able to hear.

Lena shook her head and hugged her tighter. “If you don’t want me to, I won’t.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” Liz confessed with a whine in her voice. Kara felt the quaver in her tone all through her skin.

“You won’t. You’ll be alone with Kara if that’s what you want. But I want you to try. We came here so you won’t be afraid to hurt anyone ever, you remember?”

Liz pulled away but stayed in her mom’s embrace and nodded shyly. She turned on her hips to glimpse at Kara. The blond knew it was the moment to show Liz some trust too. She smiled and extended her hand. Liz pulled away from Lena completely and took her hand. They smiled at each other. It was a good start.

“Alright, it’s settled then. You guys go do your things and we go in another training room because this girl needs to move her ass.” Alex pointed to Esme with her thumb.

“Hey!” The teen protested half-heartedly. “Whatever. You know I’ll beat you anyway.”

“We’ll see about that, baby.” Kelly stuck her tongue out, putting her arm around Esme’s head and taking her out of the room.

An alarm sounded in the lab and red flashing lights flashed on the walls. Everybody looked up. Liz closed the distance and buried her head in Kara’s legs. Nia sighed.

“And I go fight the villains again.” She started towards the door, dragging her feet. It was the fourth intervention of the day for Dreamer and Nia was exhausted. She was lacking some precious hours of sleep because Ambrose was sick. To top it all off, she had already broken her new mask. What a day.

“I’ll come with you.” Brainy said, rushing after her. J’onn followed, saluting them with two fingers on the way. “I’ll be quick.” He addressed to Lena who nodded.

“Go get them, guys! You’re the best!” Kara shouted after them, trying to put some confidence in them. Their job wasn’t always easy. She turned around and it was only her, with Lena and Liz. And a new tiny super suit.

“So, where’s the locker room?” Lena asked with a small smile.

They chose an empty training room for Liz. There was a total of five gym halls on the satellite. One of them was dedicated to firing weapons. The others all had the same dispositions and materials. Boxing bags, elliptical bikes, mats, and weighs. The whole thing. Kara had once joked with Kate Kane about how it showed it was Batman’s satellite. The man used to be prepared for every possibility. Kate had shrugged and punched a boxing bag so hard it had crumbled on the ground. “You mean the possibility of kicking your ass?” She had said and Kara had just laughed and laughed.

When she walked out of the locker room, Kara found Lena and Liz waiting for her. The girl was caressing the fabric of her pants with wonder while Lena was lacing her shoes, not realizing Kara had entered. She was so cute in the suit. It was all blue with red seams and a small golden House of El symbol was encrypted on the left side, right on Liz’s heart. Her red ankle boots were like the first ones Kara had worn, with thick notched soles and laces tightened as needed. It didn’t have a cape, but Kara didn’t think Liz was ready to fly anyway so it was for the better.

The suit was supposed to help her control the energy dedicated to her powers. The nanobots in the fabric would serve as little red sun particles that could dampen Liz’s powers but not entirely. It was normally linked to her nerve system and cardiac system, so the nanobots would know when it became too much for Liz and that it was their time to step up. In theory, it could work and Kara trusted Brainy and Alex with all her heart. She just hoped Liz would be ready to try at all.

“Ready?” She asked, clapping her hands. Lena looked up from her position and her mouth hung open. Kara looked down on herself, unsure of what was the problem. She was wearing full black yoga pants, a tank top, sneakers, and her hair was pushed up in a ponytail.

“Wow! No suit?” Lena asked, tilting her head, observing her up and down. It made Kara self-conscious and she scanned her outfit again.

“I thought it would be funnier and less impressive.” She shrugged. “Also, it’s cool to be in normal clothes sometimes. I miss it.”

Kara didn’t miss Lena’s eyes roaming on her body or her heartbeat quickening. She wondered if she had a stain somewhere. Or maybe a hole? Lena was probably stressed by Liz’s first try at using her powers.

“I’ll leave you two alone. I’m meeting J’onn once he comes back.” Lena said, turning to Liz. “Will you be okay, sweetheart?”

Liz nodded hesitantly. Her gaze met Kara’s. The blond winked at her and it had the expected effect of putting Liz more at ease. The girl smiled and hugged her mother one last time before Lena kissed her forehead and pushed away.

“Have fun!” She exclaimed while exiting the room. Kara followed her with her eyes then turned back to Liz. The shy demeanor was back again but Kara had a plan. They would start slowly, with the easiest power to control and the most overwhelming one. Hearing.

She walked to a corner where mats had been piled up and took two of them in each hand. Liz was observing her closely and her eyes grew two sizes when she saw Kara carrying the mats like they weighted nothing. Kara put the mats in the middle of the room, parallel to each other and sat on one of them.

“Come here.” She motioned for Liz to approach. The girl came closer on cautious feet. Kara took her hand and guided her on the other mat, facing her.

“You can sit down or just stand but we’ll probably be here for a while.” Kara smiled as she crossed her legs. Liz nodded timidly and sat down, imitating Kara. She kept her eyes on her lap, as if she wasn’t worthy of meeting Kara’s eyes. She kept playing with her fingers, pulling on her sleeves. It reminded Kara of how Lena could fidget with her hands when she felt vulnerable or unsure.

“Before we start, I want you to know there’s nothing you can do that can hurt me.” Kara started with as much confidence in her voice as she hoped to share with Liz. The girl looked up, her face showing she wasn’t really believing Kara but didn’t say anything.

“Another thing is that I want you to see this room as a place where you can be free. The walls are made of strong materials, believe me, I tested them.” She winked, which made Liz’s face to split with a half-smile. “Nobody can hear you here. It’s just the two of us.”

Liz nodded, staying quiet. It was so endearing to see how the girl could be calm and quiet just like Lena when she was focusing on something. Kara had remarked that the joyful side of Liz’s personality would come out more when she was with Lena but, when she was alone with Kara, the girl was introverted and hesitant. Kara couldn’t help thinking it was because of a mix between not knowing each other enough and Liz being impressed by her Supergirl persona and learning to know her as her other mother too.

“Alright, I thought I could teach you how to control your hearing. This was the most annoying one for me, when I got here, but if you focus enough, it’s really not that hard to control it. What do you say?”

Liz nodded again and looked at her with a blank face, waiting for Kara’s next instruction. Kara expected more enthusiasm but she remembered Liz didn’t like to have abilities so her lack of excitement was normal. Instead of saying so, Kara straightened her back and inhaled deeply.

“Okay, so close your eyes.” Kara instructed, her voice taking a softer tone to help Liz relax. “You breathe in through your nose.” She said, doing it with her eyes open to watch Liz. The girl executed her instruction without question. “Then you breathe out slowly with your mouth. You can do it five times.”

Kara listened on Liz’s heart. As the girl was doing the exercise that was just supposed to help her calm down, Kara could hear her heartbeat slow down. Her shoulders seemed less tense. After repeating the exercise five times, Liz opened her eyes again and they shared a smile.

“Perfect.” Kara praised. “Now, we’ll start with something close to you. I want you to focus on my heart.” She pointed at her chest and Liz followed the motion. “Your ears can hear things that are really far, but for now, just try to hear my heart beating.”

Liz frowned and fixed her gaze on Kara’s chest. Kara worried for a second that a laser would shoot from her eyes, but Liz seemed to be focused enough for that not to happen. Or maybe it was thanks to the suit. Liz started to fidget on her thighs from right to left and Kara could hear her heart quicken. Liz’s frustration was coming through so Kara decided to guide her with another strategy.

“It’s okay. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, just like earlier.” She did it with Liz patiently. “Now, focus on the sounds you can hear.”

There was a lot of different noises. Kara could hear all the things happening in the satellite. The computers and engines were loudly whirring several floors above. Lena and J’onn were discussing in a room in the floor below them. Barry’s team was planning their next move on Captain Cold in a lab. Victor was in the Red Room tapping on a tab. Grayson was snoring lightly to the rhythm of the beeping machines next to him in the medical bay. Alex and Kelly were running on treadmills. Esme was humming a song, probably getting ready to practice with her mothers.

“Can you hear somebody singing?” Kara asked calmly. Liz’s lips spread into a smile as she nodded eagerly.

“Can you tell who it is?” Kara asked curiously, co*cking an eyebrow. The crinkle in the middle of Liz’s frown had just made its comeback.

“I think it’s…” The girl trailed off, her voice raspy from not speaking for so long. “It’s Esme.” She smiled.

“Yes, she’s two rooms down the hall. Do you hear other things?” Kara asked.

The good thing about doing this in the satellite was that they couldn’t be bothered by big scary noises happening in a city. Kara remembered the first few times she had tried to help Esme understand it. The girl had been too afraid to continue because the noises were too loud and frightening. Fortunately, space around them prevented Liz to be scared away by a car crash or a jackhammer piercing concrete.

“I hear mom’s voice.” Liz said with wonder in her tone. Kara could tell from Lena’s heartbeat that her discussion with J’onn was taking a toll on her. She didn’t want Liz to focus on what they were talking about.

“Do you hear her heart?”

Liz frowned and tilted her head, her eyes still close. Seconds pass then Liz’s face lighted up and she opened her eyes, bright with excitement. “I do! It’s so fast!” She exclaimed.

“It is. Can you focus enough that you only hear her heartbeat?” Kara asked with a bit of challenge in her voice. Liz closed her eyes again and frowned.

“This is hard.” She whined and Kara had to remember she was only six. She was just a child with powers so big it was overwhelming for her.

“Yes but I think you can do it.” Kara reassured. She watched her focus in silence, observing the mimics on her face. Liz was hard-working and stubborn, Kara could tell. She wanted to do good and succeed.

“I can’t… There’s too much noise.” Liz complained, her lips frowning. Kara leaned over and placed her hand calmly on Liz’s cold one. The girl flinched and opened her eyes in a gasp.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to scare you.” Kara apologized sheepishly. “You already did a good job today.”

“I want to try again.” Liz said in a whine, a determined frown on her face. She let her hand under Kara’s though and the blonde squeezed it.

“Okay. What about my heartbeat? Focus on all the noise you can hear, then find my heartbeat and focus on it to isolate it from the other noises.” Kara instructed. It was their last try, she could tell. Liz seemed tired already. It was hard at first and taxing. Liz was just a young girl, she shouldn’t have to support that much.

Kara couldn’t stop the pride from spreading in her body, though. Liz wanted to learn more and she was doing it successfully. She was only six and was taking the challenge seriously because she didn’t want to hurt anybody again. It was a hard thing to realize at such a young age. Liz was already conscious about the consequences that having powers could have. She wanted to protect her loved ones. Kara felt a pinch in her heart thinking the responsibilities the girl already had on her small shoulders. She promised to herself to always be there for her from now on. Liz shouldn’t be carrying this alone.

Kara was conscious she was part of the lucky ones. She had a family, one she chose and one who chose her. She knew she had formed quite meaningful relationships during her time on Earth. But as understanding as Alex was, as welcoming as Eliza and Jeremiah had been, none of them could understand how it was to be in her shoes. J’onn and Nia and Brainy had helped with that. There were all singular individuals, with their own pasts and their own cultures. And Lena had helped too, being closed off and stubborn with her emotions just like Kara was. They all knew grief and despair and the feeling of the stares on them while walking in the street. The one of not being entirely complete and accepted. But none of them knew what it was to be the last daughter of Krypton. Not even Kal who shared the same powers but never the same responsibilities.

There was a form of bliss knowing Kara had Liz now. Liz would be able to understand. They were sharing the same powers and some of the same genes. Kara could share her culture without being judge old-fashioned or ill-adapted. She could tell Liz she understood her because it was the simple truth. They were part of the same family. They belong together. Not just family. Liz was home. She was a bit of Krypton on Earth, just like her. And Lena had encouraged that by passing knowledge without Kara being around. Kara could only be grateful for that. She would never be alone now. Never again. And she wouldn’t leave Liz deal with her powers alone either. They were a team now.

“I think I…” Liz trailed off again, her face so focused she would have a headache after this. “I can hear it. There’s a lot of people here.”

Kara chuckled. There was indeed a lot of hearts beating around them. She squeezed Liz’s hand again. “Try to focus on what’s happening in this room only. Leave the other noises in their places.”

Liz hummed and tilted her head again. Several minutes passed. Kara scratched at the fabric on her pants absentmindedly. Liz’s heart was beating evenly. She seemed calm and at ease. Until she opened her eyes in a gasp.

“I hear it!” She stated a bit loudly. The wonder and understanding on her face were everything. “I can tell it’s yours, I can see it beating.” She said, pointing at Kara’s chest.

Kara’s beaming smile was so big it could have brightened a whole city. Liz’s senses had mixed up so that she could see what she could hear. It was a huge progress.

“This is your vision adapting so you can see what you hear. It’s awesome! You did it!” She praised, taking Liz in her arms, and tickling her. The girl laughed easily, trying to escape Kara’s ticklish fingers.

“Stop! Please!” She pleaded and Kara finally stopped, both chuckling a little.

“I’m so proud of you. You did a good job. We can stop for today and do it again tomorrow if you want to.” Kara explained while standing.

Liz nodded eagerly and rushed to Kara, hugging her tightly around the waist. “Thank you.” She simply said in a small voice that made Kara’s heart melt. The blond lifted a hand and brushed her fingers through Liz’s dark locks.

“You’re welcome, little one.” Kara uttered out, her voice trembling. They weren’t alone anymore. It was as if Liz knew it too by the way she was squeezing Kara’s waist. Something had clicked between them, Kara could feel it.

“We can go back to the lab and find your mother now.” Kara looked down to see Liz agree. The girl took her hand and they walked out of the room, leaving the mats in the middle. Liz was babbling about how amazing it was to hear all these things and how Kara was lucky to do that. Kara was lucky indeed, and so was Liz. Their powers were gifts, not a curse, and she was happy Liz could see it that way now.

The labs were considered as rally places. Kara recognized that they all had their favorite computer and set-up to work, especially Alex who preferred to work on the last one in the hall, further away from the door, and further away from Barry’s lab, the first one, where there was always music blasting out. Alex loved music but Barry and her didn’t have the same taste. Kara didn’t have to hear on everybody’s moves to know Alex and Lena, and probably Brainy, would be in the lab attributed to her team.

When the electronic door slid open to reveal the lab, Liz ran to Lena to explain what they did and how she could hear her heart now if she focused enough.

“That’s great! You improve quickly! You will be able to fly in no time.” Alex said with a cheeky grin.

“You think so?” Liz asked hopefully. Lena chuckled beside her, shooting Alex a false berating glare. “I think you can do whatever you want to do, sweetheart.” She replied instead of Alex. Liz smiled and squeezed her mother in her arms excitedly before joining Esme on a couch in a corner. The teen was playing a game on her phone.

Kara approached the lab bench on which Alex and Lena were working on Liz’s gloves and the spell book. Lena looked at her, asking silently how Liz’s practice had gone. “She’s a quick learner, for sure. Flying takes some practice though. Let’s not skip the steps.”

“You’re right. Her eavesdropping will be embarrassing enough now, I don’t want her to fly around the house constantly.” Lena joked. “It’s nice to see her confident about her abilities for once. That’s a good change.” She remarked, looking at Liz from across the room. Kara followed her gaze. Liz was all smiles and excited behavior. She looked so happy of her success and was discussing it with Esme who congratulated her profusely. Kara couldn’t help the pride and the affection to swell in her chest.

“Yes, she was hesitant at first but she listened to all the things I’ve said. She’s hard-working and very stubborn.” Kara explained.

“Makes me think of someone.” Alex grumbled with a smirk, turning back to work on the gloves.

“I know, it’s definitely Lena, right?” Kara exclaimed. Lena started to protest but Alex interrupted her with a snort.

“I was actually talking about you. But in terms of stubbornness, it’s true you’re both equal.” She said, pointed to them.

A knock reverberated on the door frame before Kara or Lena could contest. All three women looked to see who it was.

“Hey!” The tall woman said. “I heard there was a Kryptonian in the place and wanted to say hi.”

“Diana!” Kara exclaimed. She stood up from her stool and rushed to hug the woman in a flash, Lena on her toe. They stood at arms’ length and observed each other. Diana was wearing casual clothes, not her usual Wonder Woman armor, but she was still impressive in her elegant trousers and shirt. She had a charisma that could charm anybody. Kara wasn’t immune to it either.

“It’s good to see you. You’re not around here anymore. It’s been what? Three years?” Diana said, frowning a little. Kara rubbed at her neck, embarrassed and guilty. Since her visit on the Amazons’ Island, she hadn’t seen Diana and hadn’t answered to her mails either, shamefully.

“I know. I was busy searching for this one.” She apologized, pointing to Lena with her thumb. Lena took a step to come next to Kara. She seemed to understand it was her cue to introduce herself.

“Lena Luthor, it’s nice to meet you.” Lena extended her hand and Diana shook it gently before putting her hands back in her pockets.

“Diana Prince and likewise. I’ve heard a lot about you.” The glint in the brunette’s deep brown eyes made Kara reminisce all the nights they had spent talking about their lost loves around bottles of mead and homemade wine. Seeing how Lena’s nose scrunched up at that, it wasn’t what her friend had in mind though.

“Usually that’s not a good sign for someone in my family.” Lena said, crossing her arms defensively.

“Oh, it is!” Diana was quick to reassure. “This one over here…” She motioned to Kara with her chin. “Couldn’t shut up about you while we were training.”

Kara blushed and, sensing Lena’s eyes on her, thought it was a good idea to elaborate. “I spent some time on Themyscira. Dianna taught me how to fight with a sword.”

“A sword?” Lena repeated, her tone questioning. She was wondering why Kara would ever need a sword.

“Yeah, you never know when you’ll need it.” Kara shrugged. It was one the reasons but Lena didn’t have to know all the details.

“She needed to improve her fighting skills.” Diana winked towards Lena, because she knew it would infuriate Kara.

“I wasn’t that bad!”

“Your sister didn’t think so.” Diana replied cheekily. They all looked above their shoulders to watch Alex wave towards Diana. She chuckled. Lena looked at Kara asking for explanation with her co*cked eyebrow.

“I’ll tell you later.” Kara dismissed.

“Anyway…” Diana sighed. “It was nice to see you. I came here for business though. There’s this mythological demon causing terror and I need to find a way to beat them.” She explained.

“Oh, if you need help, you know where to find me.” Kara said, shoving her lightly.

“Thanks.” Wonder Woman nodded. “I appreciate it. I think I’ll be fine. And you have a lot on your plate already.” She said, looking directly at Liz and Esme.

“Yeah, thanks for the fabric, by the way. It’s helpful, you have no idea.” Kara showed Liz with her hand. “I’m almost jealous of her suit.”

“No problem. I’m glad I could help.” Diana then turned towards Lena. “It’s good to know you’re safe and sound. Your little one looks destined to a fantastic fate.”

Kara looked at her, astonished. Diana always had that layer around herself, knowing things on people they didn’t even know themselves. As if being a half-goddess had allowed her an access to knowledge common mortals couldn’t have. Lena looked as surprised as Kara. She accepted Diana’s hand on her shoulder and thanked her for her kind words before the woman had stepped away, throwing a last wink to Lena and pushing the button to close the door on her way out.

“That was…” Kara trailed off. Both of them were planted on floor, disbelieving what just happened.

“Wonder Woman. I know. She’s very recognizable.” Lena finished for her. Kara turned her head slightly.


“Yeah, her hair and eyes sold her out.” Lena shrugged.

Kara put a finger on her chin thoughtfully. “Hum, she should wear glasses.” She said seriously. Lena snorted and shook her head but said nothing. She shoved her playfully on their way to the lab bench. Alex was gone. Kara could hear her in the locker room preparing for a mission as rapidly as possible.

“How come you know her?” Lena asked a bit later. Kara knew she was trying to feign indifference but curiosity - and other emotions Kara couldn’t grasp at - was written on her face. She thought about how she could answer that. There was a lot happening when Kara had met Diana.

“We fought Darkseid together. You know, the weird big blue alien.” She settled on. Lena must have seen the ships and the boom tunnels used by Darkseid to conquer the planet. Again.

“Yes, I mean he was all over the news. It was terrifying.”

Kara nodded. “It was my hardest battle so far. Diana had already fought him with Kal, years before. She’s the last member of the old Justice League. Being immortal has its perks. She found us when Darkseid appeared in the sky and helped us find ways to beat him.”

“Kal wasn’t there?” Lena wondered, surprise on her face.

“No, he was on Argo and Darkseid had made all communications unavailable. I couldn’t reach him.” Kara explained.

“Wow, how smart from him. The best way to form chaos.” Lena reacted instantly.

Kara remembered the hopelessness she had felt. Kal was the only one capable of beating Darkseid but he had almost died while doing so. And he hadn’t been alone at the time, they were a whole team. Kara had been afraid she wouldn’t be enough for this battle. Thankfully, she had help. From Diana, and Barry, and Kate, and the whole Bat family. From solo heroes who had been able to join the battle in time. They had lost some of them in the battle, cried them after, but they had beaten him.

“Yeah, it was hard. Diana got close to me. I reminded her of a young sister she had. She was also the only woman beside Kate in the group.” Kara explained.

“Kate Kane?” Lena asked for confirmation. She was very cautiously welding wires between them in the gloves.

“Yes, she’s Batwoman.” Kara confirmed. Lena already knew about the owners of the satellite, it wasn’t necessary to hide more.

The brunette chuckled and raised her head covered with plastic glasses to look amused at Kara. “We’ll come back later to this ability of yours to reveal others’ secret identities but not yours.”

A full-throat laugh came out of Kara’s mouth. She shrugged good naturally then. “I trust you.” She stated simply.

“Doesn’t mean the others do.” Lena contested, shaking her head lightly. Kara didn’t want to address that. They were beyond the fear of the Luthor name. Lex had disappeared years ago. He was probably dead. Lena was the only Luthor remaining and it was safe to say everybody on the satellite knew her more as a stubborn but oh-so-talented scientist and CEO than as Lex’s little sister. Lena had gained respect on her own.

“Anyway, after we’ve beaten him, Diana had to go back to lead her people so she asked me if I wanted to visit Themyscira. She knew I wasn’t in a right place and Alex insisted I went so I did.” Kara finished to explain.

Lena straightened up and looked at Kara with a frown on her face. “You weren’t in a right place.” She repeated. “Why? What happened?”

Kara sighed heavily. It was long to explain. Lena’s disappearance had taken a toll on her, obviously. Alex would say she had been obsessing on finding Lena. Kara would say she was the only one preoccupied by Lena’s fate at the time. Nobody seemed to care, nobody seemed to want Lena back as much as her. Now, she would admit she had been mad. Sleep deprived and functioning only on high caloric meals just to be able to fly across the planet thrice a day, Kara had searched for Lena everywhere. Her heartbeat had been nowhere to be found but it never had stopped her from doing it. Days after days. Months after months. She had stopped her search only to fight Darkseid. Then went to Themyscira only because she had nowhere to go and nothing to do, other than searching for Lena. CatCo wasn’t her priority, and thank Rao, Nia had taken the lead, managing the paper like she had seen Kara do for so many years. Kara hadn’t worried about CatCo at the time.

After her identity reveal to the world, riots had erupted, not only in National City but all around the world, demanding a trial for Supergirl for all the damages she had caused. People had felt betrayed because she was supposed to be an impartial journalist and a beacon of hope for the world but they had been quick to realize she had worked on both personas to spread her power and her opinion. It hadn’t been fair. It had been biased.

The betrayal that Kara had once seen directed at her on Lena’s face had now been on hundreds, thousands of faces. The whispers overwhelming in her head. She could hear them all, feel them all. Their eyes on her when she would rescue school kids or help extinguishing a fire. The question in all of their side glances: could she be trusted? Who that girl thought she was? So she had spiraled.

First, she had stopped answering alerts for minor incidents. Cats in trees, children bullying others, old woman wanting help to cross the street. Incidents she thought the city services should be able to manage by themselves. Firefighters, teachers, social workers. People had a job to do and she realized that doing it for them wasn’t entirely helping them. It made them dependent on her.

A phrase Lex had said to Superman had made its way in her mind at the time. Gods can’t walk on Earth or we won’t believe in them anymore. She had felt nauseous. Selfishly, Kara had thought he was right. If nobody had known Kara Danvers was Supergirl, her hero persona wouldn’t have this approachable aura. Supergirl would still be untouchable, a guiding light flying in the air. Irreproachable. Uncriticized. Now that a human aura had been added to her persona, Supergirl had become a human pariah, as imperfect and full of flaws as it meant. And Kara Danvers’ image had suffered too. She wasn’t this hard-working woman who had climbed the ladder on her own and made a name for herself anymore. She wasn’t an advocate for alien rights. She wasn’t the best friend of the former CEO of L-Corp or the sister of the skilled FBI agent. She was a weird creature. A traitor. An alien who had used her position of power to obtain what she wanted from Cat Grant. She was Lena Luthor’s bodyguard and her ally. She was an alien linked to government services to survey them all. She was corrupted. She had failed them all.

Then, Supergirl had stopped answering major accidents. Fires, robberies, mafia trafficking, hostages taking, kidnappings. She wasn’t a detective. People were paid to do that. And if they didn’t arrive in time, Alex and the others would do the job, even if the people’s trust in them had been tainted too.

That had been her life for the past years. After Kara had come back from Themyscira, people had stopped wondering where she had gone. She went on Argo for some time too, taking time to reconnect with her parents. It helped. When she came back, Kara took her place back as CatCo editor in chief, under Cat’s order – she had written a note to all the staff, stating that those not respecting Kara as their boss could take their leave – and signed a clause stating CatCo wouldn’t publish photos or any article on Supergirl or any superhero related to her. That had been the end of her struggles. She had won back her colleagues’ hearts with hard work and Monday morning donuts, and the respect of other medias by respecting the clause and writing instead about what the city services were doing for the community. Policemen arresting drug dealers and shutting down ten-year long trafficking on the front page. Firefighters rescuing a hundred of people from a crumbling building in weekly interviews for six months straight. Kara preferred her job like that. It was a bit less stressful, not walking on a thin line like she used to do.

Clearing her throat, Kara realized she still owned Lena an answer. The brunette was throwing weird glances at her from above her glasses. She wasn’t used of seeing Kara speechless.

“What happened is that first of all, you disappeared. It’s not necessary to tell you I became obsessed. I wanted to find you.” Kara started, her voice taking a grave tone. “Work wasn’t going well either.” She rubbed at her neck. “People knowing my identity meant I had to choose between Kara Danvers and Supergirl. They didn’t want me to write about Supergirl and I understand, I mean, it wasn’t fair. They were very angry. Coming at my apartment to threaten me. The anti-alien party rose again after that.”

“That’s why you’re living in the Tower now?” Lena asked, as always putting the dots together. Kara nodded distractedly, her eyes focused on emptiness.

“It was a tough time. I felt like nothing I was doing was right.” She looked at the floor. She hated when her voice would shake like that. It was too far from the Kryptonian model her parents wanted her to become. “Then, Darkseid happened and you know the rest. I stayed on Themyscira for six months. It was great. I learned so many things. Their culture is amazing, even if I don’t entirely condone a life without men.”

It had made her laugh at first. She thought Diana wasn’t serious but she was. The island was prohibited to men. Kara found it strange, but then, questions started to pile up in her head. How were Amazons made? Was it normal pregnancy or mythical one? Like a Lazarus pit? And what if a male was born from these pregnancies? She had kept her questions to herself for several weeks before bursting them out to Diana one night. They had had dinner and were watching the sky, sharing a bottle of strong mead after a long day of practice. Kara had to admit the Amazons knew how to make liquors and Diana could hold her ground, alcohol consumption speaking. The sky had been so clear and unbothered, Kara had loved to lay under it and just watch. But the alcohol had made her mouth unfiltered and her questions had poured out of her before she could prevent them from. Diana had laughed. Hard and for long minutes. It had been strange to see her so relaxed at first but Kara had laughed too. Inebriated as she had been, the task to make her laugh had been easy. Diana had explained, with lots of details, but Kara only remembered some of them. Something about Gods choosing them to have heirs. Babies weren’t common on Themyscira, Kara remembered that much. Later on, Diana had discovered that she actually had a twin brother named Jason. Her mother had hidden him with the Argonauts, a group of Greek heroes, to prevent Hera of finding out, because Diana and Jason were Zeus' children and the goddess was madly jealous. Diana found him back and invited him to live with her. They were now often seen battling evil gods or mythical creatures together. Kara had once joked that she knew it wasn't possible for the Amazons not to have male children. Diana had laughed bitterly, saying she wished it had been different for Jason, the man suffering from loneliness his entire laugh. From now on, men was partly accepted on the island, only if they had a good reason to be there.

“Where did you go?” Lena looked at her, amused. Kara met her eyes and grinned bashfully.

“Memories.” She said as the only explanation. “I had a good time there.”

Lena hummed and started cleaning up the materials and put away tools she had used in the different drawers. She looked pensive. “I’m glad you had them.” She said, avoiding Kara’s gaze. “Diana and the Amazons. To help you through it.”

Kara nodded absentmindedly. She saw Lena’s remorse in her eyes, even if the brunette didn’t want her to see it. She couldn’t say she wasn’t mad at Lena anymore because it wasn’t true. She was still mad but, to some extent, Kara understood the reasons behind Lena’s lies and omissions. It was out of fear and necessity. Lena had lived traumatic events that Kara wasn’t sure she would be able to support herself. It was admirable and humbling to see Lena standing tall and proud today, after all she had been through.

“They’re fantastic women.” Kara agreed easily. “I hope you’ll meet some of them in the future.”

“I hope so too. Meeting their chief was already impressive.” Lena winked. She closed the drawer she had put the gloves in and turned to grab her jacket. Her face became serious and a bit flushed then. Kara watched as her mouth opened and closed. She was avoiding her gaze. Kara waited patiently.

“Speaking of future, what happened to Winn’s call?” Lena asked finally, the blush on her cheeks taking a shade darker.

“Oh, hum.” Kara searched for an excuse. She put a strand of hair back behind her ear. She couldn’t tell Lena their call to Winn had concluded in Alex and him ganging up on her to convince her to talk about her crush on Lena to Lena. Winn didn’t know anything, anyway. He’d said the future had changed a bit. He’d stayed vague purposefully. They couldn’t count on him. He didn’t want to risk the space time continuum. Alex had laughed and retold Brainy’s try to tell the same thing to Kara without much success. Conclusion, Alex and Winn had laughed a lot at her expanse and now she had nothing to say to Lena.

“He huh…” She cleared her throat again. Lena’s eyes weren’t helping, scanning her face as if she could tell when Kara was lying. She totally could anyway. “He didn’t want to tell much. Like Brainy, he said things had changed. He didn’t want to risk the space time continuum.”

Lena observed her, her eyes forming thin suspicious lines. She seemed to accept Kara’s explanation and nodded after seconds of Kara holding her breath.

“Okay. It’s relieving in a way. If he doesn’t know anything or if he does but thinks it’s not relevant to tell us, it means our problems aren’t that serious.” Lena reasoned.

Kara wasn’t sure that it was accurate. Winn had told them it could change in an hour time because space time continuum was ruled by the choices people would make. A choice, even the littlest it seemed, could have massive repercussions on the future. But he couldn’t tell either way because it was compromising the future and the past and the balance that temporality needed to sustain. Kara couldn’t tell that to Lena. The woman seemed to want reassurance, not cold-hearted truth.

“I guess so. I think we just have to wait for my parents to arrive. This is our last chance to have answers, beside your spell book.”

Lena agreed, her eyes focusing on the book on the lad bench. She pulled it to her and browsed the pages.

“I hope you’re right.” She said, meeting Kara’s eyes for once. Kara smiled, always hopeful, always trying to spread that hope to others.

“It’s gonna be fine.” She said, leaning oven the lad bench to squeeze Lena’s hand. “We’re together. Nothing bad can happen.”

Lena smiled back. Kara could still see doubts in her pupils but it vanished easily. She was glad Lena was still trusting her after all this time because she didn’t know how she would support to see Lena’s worries reflecting in her eyes all the time. It was too heartbreaking.

The medical bay was quiet, as it was expected from people visiting to keep calm and let injured ones to rest. Not a lot of patients was in at the moment so Lena knew instantly where to go. Only one of the cubicles was totally close, with the curtains drew and light filtering through it. It was the middle of the afternoon but time and daylight were almost nonexistent in the satellite. With only space and stars visible from the rare windows, time seemed to stop, days seemed longer.

Lena knew she couldn’t postpone her visit any longer. Dick had been in intensive care for a whole day already and, since he was supposedly her friend, she should visit him. It was what was expected from her. Be a good friend. But she was terrified to see him. She didn’t want to enter a room where the only person couldn’t even speak. She didn’t want to realize he was as human as she was. Because that was the illusion, right? Being a hero meant you were flawless, indestructible. He couldn’t be injured. He had to fight. Tirelessly. But she was scared to discover that he couldn’t. What if he had to give up? What if Dick couldn’t be Nightwing anymore? What if his injuries were too much this time?

Coming in front of the room, reassured to know Kara had listened to her and didn’t follow her, Lena took a deep breath. On the other side of the electronic door was her childhood friend. The broken boy she had seen become a man and then a vigilante. Now a broken vigilante. Things never changed. Gathering courage, Lena pushed the button next to the door and the steel part slid open, revealing Dick sleeping on a bed, a redheaded woman next to him. Lena knew the woman well. It was Barbara Gordon. Daughter of Gotham’s former commissioner. Dick’s other childhood friend. Her colleague too. And first love.

Lena cleared her throat, scared to interrupt. Barbara rose her head from where it was leaned on Dick’s forearm and smiled tiredly. She acknowledged Lena with a nod and turned back towards Dick. Lena took it as a permission to enter and walked in, flowers in hands, to put them on the table at the end of Dick’s bed.

She observed him with his loose brown hair, his cheeks covered in scratches, his lips swollen. His leg was in a cast. His head was kept straight on his cushion thanks to a neck brace. Machines were analyzing his pulse, the amount of oxygen in his lungs. Infusions of probably painkillers and a mix of water and saccharine were flowing though drip needles in his arm. He was in a bad shape but he was alive.

She cleared her throat again. “Could you tell him I came by when he wakes up, please?” She asked. Barbara met her eyes and Lena could see all the understanding in them. The common knowledge of what they were both representing for Dick. Lena was a past unrequited love. Barbara was his first love. The one he never got the chance to love entirely. Lena hoped he would take the chance now. Before it was too late.

“I will. Thank you for the flowers. He doesn’t have a lot of visitors.” The redhead said, leaning back in her wheelchair. Lena didn’t know what to do about that last sentence. How was she supposed to take it?

“I guess we’re always alone in struggle.” She replied bitterly. She was surprised to know Dick didn’t have visitors, with the entire Bat family and the Titans knowing what happened. Was he just a leader to them? An untouchable figure they just had to listen to? Lena felt a weird sensation in her heart. A mix of anger and need for justice. Dick was giving so much to the people around him, to his teams. It was unfair for his family and colleagues not to give that back to him.

“I’ll try to come back with Liz once before he goes home.” Lena informed. She knew Dick loved Liz, he liked to play with her and she thought it could cheer him up a bit. She could at least do that for him.

“Thanks. It’ll make him happy.” Barbara smiled lazily. She turned back to look at Dick and Lena took this as an excuse to leave.

As she walked in the hall, her steps echoing on the steel panels, Lena’s heart quickened a bit. She hoped, truly, with all her heart, to never be in Barbara’s position ever. The love the redhead was feeling for Dick was clearly visible in her eyes. Lena didn’t wish, even to her worst enemy, to be in that position. Seeing your loved one bedridden, injured, and powerless. It was terrifying and infuriating. Lena couldn’t help thinking what she would do if it was Kara. She would lose her mind. Be a total crying mess until Kara would wake up. And then be so mad because Kara didn’t have the right to frighten her like that. And close herself up because that was the only thing she was capable of doing. And denying her feelings. Especially denying her feelings.

Stuck in her thoughts, Lena walked directly into a wall of muscles and spandex. She looked up in a gasp, startled.

“Hey, careful. What’s wrong?” Kara frowned, her hands firmly keeping Lena in place by her shoulders. “Your heart was beating super fast, I thought something was happening.”

“No, it’s fine. I was just… Thinking.”

Kara’s blue eyes bore into Lena’s green ones, questioning whether she could believe what Lena had said or not. Her natural amber perfume surrounded Lena, making her head spin a bit. Kara’s features were tender and caring. She was worried. Lifting a hesitating hand, Lena passed a thin finger on the crinkle in between Kara’s eyebrows.

“It’s fine. I promise.” She whispered with a soft smile. Kara’s eyes widened, from the gesture or the words, Lena couldn’t know. She nodded then and took a step back, releasing Lena.

“Okay. Liz is waiting for us in the lab. We’re supposed to go to Nia and Brainy’s tonight. It’s poker night.”

Lena groaned. She hated poker night. Alex was a tough loser, Brainy counted the cards and Nia didn’t care at all. “Do I have to play?”

“Of course not. If you play, nobody has a chance.” Kara grinned, putting her hand on the small of Lena’s back. The brunette stuttered on her words, Kara’s hand hot on the skin beneath the fabric of her shirt.

“An-and to say I hoped you had all improve since last time.”

Kara snorted. “We didn’t. We’re even worse.”

“Great. I’m not playing.” Lena decided. She wouldn’t admit it, but she walked faster to avoid Kara putting her hand back on her. It was too distracting. Too agreeable. And she couldn’t do agreeable. The blond just laughed back, putting her hands behind her back and jumping up and down joyfully. Lena smiled to herself. Her bad mood was just a front. She was looking forward to their night with their friends. And Kara’s happiness was communicative.

Nia and Brainy’s house was colorful. Kara had already been there but she knew once she took a look on Lena’s face that the brunette hadn’t been ready for the assault of colors. Just like her parents’ house, Nia had decorated the rooms with various species of plants and flowers. The blended perfumes always made Kara’s nose tinkle but it was fine. She loved it. She loved every little story linked to the small statues on the shelves and the various picture frames, testimonies of times where they had a lot of fun during their game nights, and karaoke nights, and weddings and birthday parties. Kara liked the pink walls, and the yellow walls, and the bright green walls. It was all colors nobody dared using in their house but Nia knew how to do it wisely and it was a success. Their house was breathing comfort and freedom.

Lena hadn’t been ready for Ambrose’s assault either. The little boy had run in her arms the moment they had step in the living room. Lena had picked him up, covering his chubby cheeks with kisses, at the delight of the boy who giggled loudly. Kara couldn’t stop her mind from drifting to a possible future where Liz would be a big sister. Where Lena would be hugging and playing with a little blond boy, his eyes emerald green, his smile full of Luthor-like mischief. Where they would be waiting for another child or even several others. Where they would be married and in love and happy. Together.

Alex’s elbow leaning on her shoulder interrupted her thoughts. “Can I talk to you for a second?” Her sister asked in her ear. Kara looked at her with narrowed eyes but followed her in the kitchen, out of prying ears, anyway. Alex looked embarrassed, or guilty. As if she had done something she knew Kara wouldn’t like. Alex kept closing and opening her mouth, fidgeting on her feet. It wasn’t like her. Kara didn’t like this gap between them. The fact they couldn’t talk to each other like they used to.

Sensing her sister’s difficulty, Kara decided to pry a bit. “So, what is it?” She asked with an expectant look.

“Hum, since we didn’t have Liz’s body scan, we had to ask Mom to share some of her biotech work.” Alex started, only looking in Kara’s eyes once before lowering her stare.

Kara’s eyes widened in disbelief. “You told Eliza.” She stated. It wasn’t a question.

“Not really.” Alex rushed out. “But I stay too vague and now she has questions so…” She cleared her throat. “It’s possibly she’s coming here.” She squeaked out. “Tomorrow.”

“What?!” Kara shrieked out. She had talked so loudly that the room next to them had fallen silent.

“I know, I’m sorry! I thought I could lie better than that but she just asked more questions and then I hung up and it was worse. She questioned Kelly and I had to intervene before she asked Esme. I told her it was better if you were the one explaining the whole thing.” Alex quickly explained in panic. “She agreed but said she would come anyway.”

Kara groaned. “Tomorrow, Alex! I don’t even know if Lena is okay with that. What if Liz is too scared?”

“Hey, what’s going on?” Lena asked, coming in the kitchen with her arms cross, Ambrose still in her arms. Kara huffed and threw a heated glance to Alex.

“Eliza is arriving here tomorrow. She has suspicions.”

Lena shrugged, adjusting Ambrose on her hips. The little boy was playing with her necklace. “It’s fine. She has to meet Liz at one point or another, right?”

“Yes, but isn’t it too soon? Liz is already overwhelmed by her powers. It’s only been three days. It may be a lot of people in a short amount of time.” Kara said worrying on her lips.

Lena shrugged again. She looked at Ambrose, deep in thought. The image of a baby in Lena’s arms was striking. The only thing preventing Kara’s mind to drift away again was Lena’s narrowed eyes turning back on her. She stepped forward, her eyes never quitting Kara. “Is it too soon for Liz or is it too soon for you?”

Kara’s face scrunched up. She saw Alex escape the room in the corner of her eye. Lena stopped just in front of her, her eyebrows demanding an answer. Kara cleared her throat, rubbing at the back of her neck.

“Hum, it may be me.”

“I thought so.” Lena smiled, her cold demeanor vanished. Kara looked at her in disbelief. She had been played. She was a little upset to admit Lena still had that power on her.

“Don’t worry. Liz will be fine. She doesn’t understand the situation like we do.” Lena said casually, turning around, putting a hand on Ambrose’s back. “I’m sure Eliza will be happy to meet her. She always loved children.” She threw a last smile above her shoulder before walking out of the kitchen in a swaying gait.

Kara took some time to collect herself. Lena was probably right. It wasn’t that important for Liz and Eliza would be surprised, for sure, but not mad. How could she? Taking a deep breath, Kara gathered her thoughts and pushed up from the counter she was leaning on.

Rubbing at her face with both hands, she tried to calm her erratic heart. Lena’s games were still as good as ever. Evil and dangerous. Kara didn’t know what to do about those mixed signals. Lena was flirting, clearly. But she was also staying away. How could Kara resist to this? She was only human. Well, no, she wasn’t, but it was worse. She felt deeper than humans. Should she play the same games?

Big laughs echoed from the living room where everyone had gathered. Shaking her head, Kara walked out of the kitchen to enter the living room. Esme was fanning her face with her hand, her tongue out of her mouth. Everybody was looking at her with amused faces.

“Here, eat this.” Kelly told her, giving her a slice of bread. Esme took it of her hand and put half of the slice in her mouth instantly. Her shoulders sagged in relief.

“Better?” Alex asked in a chuckle. Esme nodded eagerly. Kara stepped in and took her place next to Lena at the table. She threw a questioning glance to Nia across the table.

“Esme took the wasabi sauce for guacamole.” Nia explained, pointed at the little cup filled with a green mixture on the table. Kara laughed loudly, a hand on her stomach.

“Oh god! You won’t be fooled twice.”

Esme threw her a falsely mad glance that made Kara double in laughter. After that, they all fell into a comfortable chatter, enjoying the snacks Nia and Brainy had disposed on the table. It was relaxing and pleasant to spend time with all of them outside of the satellite for once.

They had finished eating for some time already when Kara looked around the table. Lena and Kelly were discussing together as they used to, debating about science improvements and new technologies, Ambrose happily playing with Lena’s hair. Brainy and Alex were betting on the amount of rounds the other would do before losing at poker tonight. Esme was helping Liz finish a Disney princess jigsaw puzzle, stopping from time to time to discuss with Kelly. Nia was searching for a song on her phone that J’onn was talking about.

When they had arrived, Liz had run to Kelly, her aunt picking her up. Kara was watching them talk from afar. The girl had stayed on her aunt’s lap all night and seemed so at ease. It wasn’t a surprise, really. Kelly was a wonderful and caring mother, aunt and friend. She was happily chatting with Liz, answering all her questions, just like she had done with Esme. It was heartwarming. Kara couldn’t believe that it was her life now. She had a family. A daughter. Friends she cherished. Eliza was coming tomorrow and her parents in two days. Actually, it wasn’t that bad. Eliza was the last person not knowing about Liz and Kara knew it wasn’t fair. For all of the compromises Eliza had done for her, she deserved better. Tomorrow, Kara would apologize and explain everything. After all, Liz had been called after Eliza too. Kara’s adoptive mother was part of the girl’s roots too. They were all a family. A big dysfunctional one, but one nonetheless.

“You’re thinking too loud.” Lena whispered in her ear, shoving her with her elbow. Kara looked aside as Lena leaned away. Ambrose had been fast asleep in her arms for a good hour now and Nia came next to her to take him from Lena’s arms. Brainy was cleaning up the table while Alex was preparing the game. Kelly was putting a movie for the girls who were cuddling up on the couch in their pj’s. J’onn had left already, going back to the satellite to take a shift – somebody had to do it. All Kara could feel, though, was Lena. She felt her eyes boring in hers. The warmth of her skin radiating from her. Her intoxicating perfume surrounding them. She took a pause to watch the flicker of amusem*nt disappear from Lena’s face and be replaced by astonishment. Kara smiled softly. Lena was beautiful and sometimes, rarely, Lena would notice people realizing how beautiful she was. And she would look just like that. Caught off guard and astonished.

“I’m just happy. I have everything I’ve ever wanted.” Kara said softly. Lena closed her mouth, gathering herself quickly. Years of being under Lillian Luthor’s prying eyes wouldn’t disappear like that.

“E-everything, really?” Lena stuttered out. It was the second time that day. Lena never stuttered. Kara looked at her, scanned her features, memorized the shape of her jaw, the freckle on her neck.

“Well, almost everything.” She chuckled lightly, leaning on her elbow. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from Lena who was analyzing her hands as if they were the weirdest thing in the world.

“Oh, so what’s missing?” Lena whispered back, almost shyly, almost scared to know the answer. Kara wanted to laugh. She wanted to scream. You. You, entirely. You’re the only one missing. Instead, she leaned closer, her arm encircling Lena’s shoulders on the back of the chair. If Lena wanted to play games, they could be two playing. She approached her mouth from the brunette’s ear slowly.

“I think, Miss Luthor, that you already have the answer to your question.” She softly whispered. And because she felt like she could conquer the world, Kara let her lips drag on Lena’s cheek purposefully. The brunette’s reaction was instantaneous. Lena glanced at Kara with an open mouth and red tainted cheeks. She then avoided her eyes and stood up, claiming she had to help Brainy. Kara chuckled to herself. She didn’t miss Alex’s amused glance from across the table. Yeah, her games weren’t so bad either.

Touching down carefully on Lena’s balcony, Kara released Lena from her grip and adjusted Liz in both of her arms. Lena stepped away and opened the bay window silently. They crossed the apartment, avoiding the furniture, and worked together to put Liz in bed. Kara leaned down to kiss the sleeping girl on her forehead. Snowflake jumped on the bed to lay just next to Liz, as Kara was turning around to walk out of the room. Lena was watching from the door frame. Her lips were trembling as if she was trying to maintain her strong appearance but the emotion was stronger.

“She’s so tiny and young. How can she be linked to a prophecy?” Lena whispered with a shaky voice.

Kara frowned, wondering why Lena’s thoughts were suddenly torturing her with serious matters. They had had a great night. They had laughed a lot. Lena had finally played poker and won, as expected, even if Brainy had been sure his counting method should make him win. The girls had fallen asleep on the couch watching Mulan. Everything had been fine. So Kara didn’t understand Lena’s change of mood.

“You know, she’s our child, she must be exceptional.” She smiled softly, approaching Lena and putting a hand on her arm.

“Yeah, she’s the perfect mix of you and I, isn’t she?” Lena said in wonder, her eyes still on Liz’s sleeping form. Kara turned around, just behind Lena in the door frame, and watched Liz too. The girl’s black hair was spread out on her pillow. Her little mouth was open, blowing breath in and out. Her hands were on both sides of her head. She couldn’t look more relaxed and at peace. Kara’s mind drifted to the joy in her daughter’s eyes this afternoon when she realized she could control her hearing. She felt so much pride for her. Pride and love. So much that words weren’t enough to express it. It was building up inside her every time she would look at Liz.

“You did a great job.” Kara agreed easily, leaning on the other side of the door frame. Lena looked down, her arms crossed, and finally decided to walk out. She passed behind Kara. “I did what I had to.”

Kara followed her pensively. Lena sometimes had this air of seriousness, of heaviness around her. As if she was aware of things other people couldn’t grasp at. It made Kara think about her magical skills and how Lena had shown no hesitation in front of the spell book.

“You were very impressive with magic today. How did you come around? I remember you didn’t like it at all at first.”

Lena scoffed tiredly. She opened the fridge and put two water bottles out, giving one to Kara. “It took me some time but eventually I came around. It’s the last link I have to my mother so I wanted to discover it anyway.” She shrugged. She took a sip of water then put the cap back on the bottle thoughtfully. “Florence helped me a lot. I just had to find a way to make magic and science co-habit.” She tapped on the side of her head with a little knowing smile. “At the beginning, I thought it was two opposites. Science is about logic and method. But then Florence made me think about how magic could be too.” She straightened back against the counter. “You can grow flowers out of nowhere because there’s water in everything. You can travel through spaces in an instant because your self isn’t just a body, your mind and soul are parts of it too.” She explained with a flourish of her hand. Kara listened with rapt attention. Lena never used to share that many details about magic. Kara was hanging on Lena’s every words.

“And magic is also very methodical. Forget a word and you cast a demon instead of a bird. Add too many dragon tears in your potion and you start to grow scales. I just had to be more aware of who I was and what my role was in the world. We all serve nature, we’re all part of a circle. It took me some time, but I’ve finally found my place.” Lena finally shrugged, a soft easy smile on her face. Kara was relieved to learn that Lena had found what she was looking for. Closure and peace. She deserved it.

“So no more tiny boxes?” Kara teased, taking a sip of her own bottle. Lena chuckled. “Not anymore.” She grinned. Kara looked thoughtful.

“I think you just gave me an idea to help Liz develop her powers.” Kara said, a finger on her chin. Lena tilted her head on the side. “How so?”

“She has to understand it’s not something she has to control.” Kara explained excitedly. “It’s part of her, she has to accept it, not fight it.”

Lena nodded. “You’re right! It could work. I don’t know why I didn’t think about it before.”

Kara shrugged dismissively. “You were too focused on her well-being to have a clear mind. We can both agree you had enough on your plate already.”

Lena frowned, looking down seriously. “You’re probably right. I don’t know how you’ll make her understand that though.”

“I’ll find something.” Kara smiled softly. She observed Lena’s form. The brunette was still looking at her fingers, scratching at the skin around her thumb. She looked worried and anxious. Kara could hear her heart beating faster in her rib cage. Leaning forward, she took her hand and rubbed her thumb soothingly on her skin. Lena looked up.

“It’s okay. Liz is going to be okay.”

Lena’s frown only seemed to deepen though. She took her hand back and crossed her arms. “You can’t know that. The more we’re discovering and the more we have questions. I have a bad feeling.”

Her voice had been small. Tense. Terrified. Like a mother scared for the life of her child. Kara was only discovering how it felt to care so much about another being. Sometimes it felt like a piece of her heart had been ripped out of her chest and was walking on two legs and running around, drawing cats and shooting purple lasers with its eyes. Kara could understand. She rounded the counter and put a hand on Lena’s shoulder.

“I’m scared too. This thing sounds crazy. But we’ll find a solution. I promise you I’ll never give up searching.” Kara whispered, full of confidence and determination. Lena threw her a side glance, her eyes filled with worry and doubts. Her shoulders sagged, giving up on the fight of keeping up appearances. Her face scrunched up, torn and then, her resolve cracked up. In a step, she was in Kara’s arms, her nose in Kara’s neck, squeezing hard. It took five seconds for Kara to realize what was happening before she lifted her arms and embraced Lena properly. She dove her nose in the black hair just inside her neck.

“I can’t do this alone anymore.” Lena mumbled against the tanned skin and Kara felt it all over her body down to her toes. She pressed Lena closer to her if possible. She kissed her on the side of her head and plunged back in her neck.

“You’re not alone anymore.” She promised wholeheartedly. “Never again.”

Lena’s head shook against hers. She pushed slightly away, her hands staying on both sides of Kara’s rib cage, her eyes searching hers, as if analyzing if she could trust Kara’s words. Kara remarked her eyes drifting to her lips then coming back up again. Lena’s porcelain skin, even in summer, was perfect. Silky like. Flawless. The green in her eyes was vibrant. The warmth radiating from her hands on Kara’s sides was burning. Her lips were calling.

With her eyes traveling all over Lena’s face, Kara didn’t notice she was leaning forward. Slowly, tentatively, unconsciously. She wanted to taste that skin. To touch those lips. Capture them and never let go. Carefully, she lifted a hand and brushed away a thin lock of hair out of Lena’s face. Their eyes met and, deep in those pupils, Kara could see want. Desire.

Gently cupping her cheek, Kara leaned slowly to close the gap between them. Lena still had time to push away, to say no. To do anything. But she didn’t. Instead, she rocked on her toes and met Kara’s lips voluntarily, her hands grasping Kara’s shirt in tight fists. Kara’s mind went blank at first, not registering that it was actually happening. Then, everything came crashing down all at once.

The flowery perfume on Lena’s skin. The softness of her cheeks under her fingers. The cherry buttery taste of her lipstick. The smell of tea in her breath. The whimper escaping from her mouth when Kara’s tongue brushed against her lips. As Lena gave her access, Kara’s mind finally took stock of the situation and then, she was just craving. She wanted Lena to do those sounds again. She wanted to touch. She wanted to taste. She wanted to feel.

Sliding a cautious hand under Lena’s shirt, Kara stroked the skin there with her thumb, turning them in a swift motion so Lena’s back was meeting the island counter. A gasp escaped from Lena’s lips when Kara’s nails scraped gently at the skin on her lower back. Kara felt drunk. Taking advantage of Lena’s open mouth, she kissed her prominent cheekbone, her furnish cheek, the delicate pit between her cheek and her ear, the sharp line of her jaw, to finally devour her neck. Lena was panting heavily, her hands tangled in Kara’s hair, her hips kept firmly in place by Kara’s hands.

“Kara…” She sighed, a groan pouring out of her throat as Kara’s teeth sunk teasingly in her skin. “Kara, we have to…”

“What?” Kara asked, panting too but never ceasing her kisses. Lena was intoxicating. Her senses were in high alert. A bomb could explode on the floor under them and Kara would still not feel as much as she was feeling now.

“We need to stop.” Lena stammered without pushing Kara away nonetheless. Kara registered what she was saying but she couldn’t stop. She didn’t have that force. It was too much to ask now that she had the taste of Lena’s skin on her tongue.

“Why?” She asked absentmindedly, kissing her way up to Lena’s mouth. She kissed her thoroughly, languorously. Lena’s tongue was meeting hers at every stroke, their breaths mingling to only form one.

“Lena…” Kara whined against her lips. “I can’t-” Lena bit her bottom lip hard and she groaned. “I can’t stop.” She panted. “Do it.”

Lena whined too, the vibrations reverberating in their mouths. Kara didn’t want this to stop. Never. It was meant to be. She could feel it in her bones. It was too much to mean nothing. Lena’s nails dig in her scalp. Kara pressed her harder against the counter. Their hips met and both moaned loudly.

“Please.” Lena whimpered through parted lips. Kara didn’t know if she wanted more or if she was asking her to stop.

“I want you.” Kara admitted through kisses. She could feel Lena wanted her too. She was swallowing moans after moans escaping from the brunette’s mouth.

“We can’t.” Lena kept repeating in a small voice. “We can’t.”

Kara cupped her cheeks again and stroke the skin there. It was damp. Sighing through her nose, Kara slowed the pace and gave a final soft kiss to Lena’s lips, rubbing tenderly at the tears on the other woman’s cheeks. Keeping her eyes close, she stayed near, their foreheads touching, sharing the same breath. They were both panting heavily. Kara never was out of breath but Lena had succeeded in making her breathless.

“Lena.” She whispered painfully. Because it was painful, really, to stop there. To brush something she had wanted for so long with the tips of her fingers but not being able to touch it. To savor it.

“I know.” Lena whispered back with a broken voice. “I’m sorry. You should go.” Her hands were still tightly gripping at Kara’s shirt. They were shaking. Keeping her eyes close because she was unable to look at Lena right now, Kara lifted her head and kissed her forehead.

“Are you going to be okay?” She asked cautiously against the skin. Lena hummed, her head leaning into the touch. “I’ll go then.”

Lena nodded slowly. Kara swallowed the lump in her throat and found the courage to push away. First her lips, then her hips, and finally her arms. Lena lowered her gaze immediately and circled her arms around herself. Kara looked at her for some explanation or anything. All she could see were doubts and torn features. She sighed heavily.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Lena nodded again, her eyes stuck on the floor. Kara took a step back then another. And then she walked to the balcony without looking behind, disappointed and a bit worried for Lena. She didn’t like leaving her alone after this but she couldn’t think of any other thing to do. Lena didn’t want her there. She wanted to be alone. Kara couldn’t go against her will. So she flew away, hearing too loudly Lena’s sobs as she broke down on the kitchen floor.

The Unique - Chapter 5 - MySecondNameChloe123270797 (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.